SpamSieve 3.0.5

July 1st, 2024 (SpamSieve)
SpamSieve Icon

Version 3.0.5 of SpamSieve is now available.

Save time by adding powerful spam filtering to the e-mail client on your Mac. SpamSieve gives you back your inbox, using Bayesian spam filtering to provide amazing accuracy that’s constantly improving. SpamSieve learns and adapts to your mail, so it’s able to block nearly all the junk—without putting good messages in the Junk mailbox. It’s quick and easy to control SpamSieve from within Apple Mail, Outlook, Airmail, MailMate, GyazMail, Mailsmith, and more.

SpamSieve running on your Mac can keep the spam off your iPhone/iPad, and you can even train SpamSieve from your iOS device. SpamSieve protects your privacy. It does not need access to your mail account login and does not transmit your mail data anywhere. All the processing is done on your Mac.

SpamSieve 3.0.5 is a free update for those who have already purchased the SpamSieve 3.0 upgrade. If you’re using SpamSieve 2 and haven’t upgraded yet, the easiest way is to first let SpamSieve install the new version. At launch, it will show the Purchase window, and you can click the Check Upgrade Options button to get the upgrade discount without having to enter your old serial number.

The changes in this version are:

Apple Mail
  • Settings: Apple MailPreliminary testing shows that SpamSieve is compatible with macOS 15 Sequoia Developer Beta 2. Further updates may be required when Apple updates Mail in a subsequent Sequoia beta.
  • Worked around some problems where Mail could temporarily hang during spam filtering if the network connection was very slow or when encountering a macOS bug where Mail redownloads messages that have already been downloaded. If SpamSieve detects that Mail is slow reading a message, it will postpone filtering for a while to give it time to finish downloading everything. It can also help to go to Mail ‣ Settings ‣ Accounts ‣ Account Information and set Download Attachments to All for each account. This will encourage Mail to fully download messages right away.
  • Settings: Apple Mail FilteringThe Filter Now button in Settings ‣ Apple Mail ‣ Filtering can now be used to manually filter the Mail inboxes, even when automatic filtering is disabled or postponed.
  • Worked around an issue where sometimes filtering in Mail didn’t work because Mail was so bogged down that it couldn’t read the inboxes for SpamSieve in a timely manner.
  • Settings: Select Apple Mail Mailboxes to FilterThe mailbox outline for Filter spam messages in other mailboxes now recognizes the lowercase spam and junk names as being for mailboxes that should not be filtered.
  • Fixed a bug where SpamSieve would try to repair files related to Mail plug-ins when running on macOS 14, which doesn’t support plug-ins.
  • Fixed a bug where updating certain settings could cause a spurious error to be logged if you were not using the Mail plug-in.
  • Improved the error reporting to track down a Mail AppleScript issue when finding new messages to filter.
Microsoft Outlook
  • Settings: Outlook SetupThe Settings ‣ Outlook ‣ Setup window clarifies that, when using Enable spam filtering for Inbox, the non-spam messages left in the inbox are marked with the Good category after SpamSieve has processed them.
  • Settings: NotificationFixed a bug where the notification score slider was too narrow on macOS 10.13.
  • Modernized the editable text fields to use shaded bezels instead of solid lines.
  • Secondary label text throughout the user interface now uses the modern gray coloring.
  • Apple Mail: Training CommandsDue to a macOS bug, clicking the SpamSieve menu bar icon does not show the menu when the Mac has multiple displays, a window on the secondary display is full screen, and you are clicking the menu bar icon on that display. You can work around this by accessing the SpamSieve commands in another way (e.g. via the keyboard shortcuts or the menu bar icon on the main display) or by unchecking Show Dock icon in the settings.
  • Fixed a bug where the application icon in the Dock or Command-Tab switcher could appear pixellated when it was badged to show that SpamSieve was in the process of filtering or training a message.
  • SpamSieve now disables automatic filtering for Apple Mail and Outlook when the Mac is not connected to the Internet, to avoid hangs that could occur when trying to read messages that can’t be downloaded from the server.
  • Corpus: Spam MessagesThe Open in External Viewer command now works in the Corpus and Log windows when the table view has a selected message but doesn’t have keyboard focus.
  • Improved the error reporting when a database can’t be accessed because the disk is full.
  • Log WindowWorked around a problem where SpamSieve could crash if Core Data’s conflict resolution failed because the database file was damaged.
  • Made various updates for macOS 15, Xcode 16, and Swift 6.

SpamSieve 3.0.5 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 15 and requires an e-mail client. Older SpamSieve versions are available for older versions of macOS. In-depth information about SpamSieve is available in the manual.

If you enjoy using SpamSieve, please take a moment to review it on MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.

SpamSieve 3.0.4

May 17th, 2024 (SpamSieve)
SpamSieve Icon

Version 3.0.4 of SpamSieve is now available.

Save time by adding powerful spam filtering to the e-mail client on your Mac. SpamSieve gives you back your inbox, using Bayesian spam filtering to provide amazing accuracy that’s constantly improving. SpamSieve learns and adapts to your mail, so it’s able to block nearly all the junk—without putting good messages in the Junk mailbox. It’s quick and easy to control SpamSieve from within Apple Mail, Outlook, Airmail, MailMate, GyazMail, Mailsmith, and more.

SpamSieve running on your Mac can keep the spam off your iPhone/iPad, and you can even train SpamSieve from your iOS device. SpamSieve protects your privacy. It does not need access to your mail account login and does not transmit your mail data anywhere. All the processing is done on your Mac.

SpamSieve 3.0.4 is a free update for those who have already purchased the SpamSieve 3.0 upgrade. If you’re using SpamSieve 2 and haven’t upgraded yet, the easiest way is to first let SpamSieve install the new version. At launch, it will show the Purchase window, and you can click the Check Upgrade Options button to get the upgrade discount without having to enter your old serial number.

The changes in this version are:

  • Apple Mail: Training CommandsYou can now use the Message submenu commands within the SpamSieve menu bar icon to train SpamSieve from Apple Mail or Outlook, for users who didn’t see the top-level commands inside the menu bar icon.
  • Made some changes to improve performance on Macs with spinning hard drives.
  • Improved the way the Text to Match column in rules windows truncates text that doesn’t fit.
  • StatisticsYou can now press Command-C in the Statistics window as a shortcut for clicking the Copy Statistics button.
  • Toolbar buttons no longer shift position when the Flag label changes to Unflag.
  • Updated the German localization and Settings window layout.
  • SpamSieve now reports an error if the Edit Addresses button can’t access your card in Contacts.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when quitting SpamSieve while a window was in the process of reloading.
  • Fixed an issue where SpamSieve could be double-launched after restarting your Mac, possibly causing the Settings window to be opened when it should have been hidden. Also, to avoid this problem, we recommend that you not add SpamSieve to System Settings ‣ General ‣ Login Items ‣ Open at Login. It should only be under Allow in the Background.
  • Settings: StorageIf a database file is damaged, SpamSieve now marks it as such and moves it aside. At the next launch, SpamSieve will create a fresh database so that you don’t continually run into the same error that prevents you from launching the app.
  • Corpus: Spam MessagesIf a database can’t be saved, SpamSieve now logs the changes to a series of text files so that there’s a chance at recovering the data or figuring out what caused the problem.
Apple Mail
  • Settings: Apple Mail FilteringFixed a bug where filtering could be delayed for a long time after the Mac woke from sleep, if it had gone to sleep while SpamSieve was waiting for a response from Mail.
  • Fixed a problem where filtering or training a large batch of messages in Mail could be slow or cause SpamSieve to hang or crash.
  • SpamSieve is more responsive and better at reporting errors when Mail is not responding.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could cause a hang while waiting for Mail to respond to a command.
  • When using the Mail plug-in, SpamSieve no longer wastes time checking for messages in the inbox that need to be unflagged.
  • Settings: Apple Mail TrainingSpamSieve is better at handling AppleScript errors when training from Mail.
  • SpamSieve reports a better error message if Mail filtering is slow and the problem can be fixed by switching from the Mail extension to the Mail plug-in.
  • Improved the error reporting when SpamSieve is unable to read the accounts from Mail.
  • Settings: Apple MailImproved the error reporting when setting up the Mail plug-in.
  • Worked around a Mail bug that could cause a spam message on an Exchange server to lose its body when moving it to the Junk mailbox.
  • Fixed a bug where some of SpamSieve’s script error codes could possibly conflict with Apple ones.
  • Settings: Select Apple Mail Mailboxes to FilterAdded AppleMailMarkGoodRead to the esoteric preferences, for those who want SpamSieve to mark incoming good messages as read.
  • The AppleMailMailboxListerExtraMailboxes option in the esoteric preferences can now be used with local mailboxes, to work around a Mail bug that hides certain mailboxes from SpamSieve.
Microsoft Outlook
  • Settings: Outlook TrainingWhen training an Outlook message as spam, SpamSieve now removes the Uncertain Junk category.
  • When refiltering an Outlook message that turns out to be spam, SpamSieve now removes the Good category.
  • BlocklistWhen using macOS 14.4 or later, SpamSieve uses Swift Regex instead of ICU for matching blocklist and allowlist rules.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could cause a crash when using a regular expression to process message text.
  • Editing Blocklist RuleWorked around a macOS bug that could cause a hang when detecting the language of some message text.
  • Improved the handling of non-breaking space characters within words.
  • Log WindowFixed a problem where SpamSieve could hang when reporting an error if the log database couldn’t be saved.
  • Log text that’s copied to the clipboard (or included in diagnostic reports) now uses consistent number formatting for message and word probabilities and has better descriptions for migrated rule predictions.
  • Diagnostic reports now include summary information about the objects in each database.
  • Diagnostic reports now include information to track down problems with the preferences not being saved.

SpamSieve 3.0.4 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 14 and requires an e-mail client. Older SpamSieve versions are available for older versions of macOS. In-depth information about SpamSieve is available in the manual.

If you enjoy using SpamSieve, please take a moment to review it on MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.

EagleFiler 1.9.14

May 2nd, 2024 (EagleFiler)
EagleFiler Icon

Version 1.9.14 of EagleFiler is now available.

EagleFiler makes organizing and managing your information easy. It lets you archive and search mail, Web pages, PDF files, word processing documents, images, and more. Use it to collect information from a variety of sources. Browse different types of files using a familiar three-pane interface. Organize them into folders and annotate them with tags and notes, or leave everything in one folder and pin-point the information you need using the live search. Since EagleFiler stores its library in Finder format, you can use it in concert with the other tools in your Mac ecosystem.

EagleFiler is a digital filing cabinet, a research assistant, snippet collector, and document organizer. You can use it to write a journal, track all the files for a project or job, manage your bookmarks, save your favorite Web articles, store financial statements and receipts, run a paperless office, plan a trip, collect your course notes, archive your e-mail correspondence, search mailing list archives, research a purchase, remember recipes to cook or books to read, store scientific papers, sort photos, gather legal case notes, or assemble a scrapbook. It’s the most flexible tool on your Mac.

This is a free update that includes the following enhancements:

  • Press F1 to import or Option-F1 import and add metadata all in one go.Worked around a bug in Safari 17.4 that prevented the capture key from working.
  • Worked around an issue where importing from Evernote could fail if the ENEX file contained a note with an invalid SVG file.
  • Fixed an issue where the New Record ‣ From Clipboard command didn’t let you import by “pasting” a file after using Edit ‣ Copy in Finder.
  • EagleFiler Main WindowUpdated the following sections of the manual:
  • Fixed a bug where a phase search could incorrectly find a record where the search terms matched but not in the proper order.
  • Search to find the right document, and EagleFiler also highlights the search term within it.Fixed a bug where some files imported from Evernote could have truncated names or tags.
  • Fixed a bug where importing from Evernote could fail if a note had multiple attachments with very long filenames that were similar.
  • Fixed internal errors that could occur in the process of closing a library.

EagleFiler 1.9.14 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 14. Older EagleFiler versions are available for older versions of macOS. In-depth information about EagleFiler is available in the manual.

If you enjoy using EagleFiler, please take a moment to review it on the Mac App Store, Product Hunt, or MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.

Update (2024-05-02): EagleFiler 1.9.14 has been submitted to the Mac App Store and is awaiting approval from Apple.

Update (2024-05-02): EagleFiler 1.9.14 is now available from the Mac App Store.

DropDMG 3.6.7

March 8th, 2024 (DropDMG)
DropDMG Icon

Version 3.6.7 of DropDMG is now available.

DropDMG makes it easy to create a professional disk image for your app. Disk images pack entire folders or disks into a single compressed file, either for transport across the Internet or simply for backup or archival. They are Apple’s preferred format for distributing Mac software and the only archive format whose contents you can directly access in the Mac Finder—no extraction or third-party software required.

Deliver your Mac app on a .dmg file with a software license agreement, a custom volume icon, and a precise icon layout atop a Retina-optimized background picture. Customers can install simply by dragging and dropping the app onto the convenient Applications folder link. Code-sign your .dmg so that macOS knows it can be trusted after download.

This is a free update for owners of DropDMG 3.0 that includes the following enhancements:

DropDMG 3.6.7 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 14. Older DropDMG versions are available for older versions of macOS. In-depth information about DropDMG is available in the manual.

If you enjoy using DropDMG, please take a moment to review it on the Mac App Store, Product Hunt, or MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.

Update (2024-03-08): DropDMG 3.6.7 has been submitted to the Mac App Store and is awaiting approval from Apple.

Update (2024-03-08): DropDMG 3.6.7 is now available from the Mac App Store.

EagleFiler 1.9.13

March 7th, 2024 (EagleFiler)
EagleFiler Icon

Version 1.9.13 of EagleFiler is now available.

EagleFiler makes organizing and managing your information easy. It lets you archive and search mail, Web pages, PDF files, word processing documents, images, and more. Use it to collect information from a variety of sources. Browse different types of files using a familiar three-pane interface. Organize them into folders and annotate them with tags and notes, or leave everything in one folder and pin-point the information you need using the live search. Since EagleFiler stores its library in Finder format, you can use it in concert with the other tools in your Mac ecosystem.

EagleFiler is a digital filing cabinet, a research assistant, snippet collector, and document organizer. You can use it to write a journal, track all the files for a project or job, manage your bookmarks, save your favorite Web articles, store financial statements and receipts, run a paperless office, plan a trip, collect your course notes, archive your e-mail correspondence, search mailing list archives, research a purchase, remember recipes to cook or books to read, store scientific papers, sort photos, gather legal case notes, or assemble a scrapbook. It’s the most flexible tool on your Mac.

This is a free update that includes the following enhancements:

  • EagleFiler Main WindowImproved importing from Evernote. EagleFiler is better at detecting when a note contains only a single attached file, so that it can be imported directly rather than embedded in a rich text file, and in such cases EagleFiler now preserves any custom author information that you’d set in Evernote.
  • Since version 1.9.2, EagleFiler has used Nitter to import Web pages from Twitter, as it did a good job of including media and related tweets. Twitter has since blocked access for users who are not logged in. For a while, Nitter was able to work around that, but now it is dead. Thus, this version of EagleFiler removes support for Nitter. There remain several ways to import from Twitter to EagleFiler:
    • Press F1 to import or Option-F1 import and add metadata all in one go.This version adds a new feature so that, if you use the capture key in Safari, EagleFiler will create a text file with the contents of the tweet. The source URL is preserved.
    • You can use the EagleFiler system services to import the selected text.
    • You can use the Save PDF to EagleFiler command to import the whole page.
  • The Info inspector lets you add metadata such as tags, notes, and colored labels.When using auto-completion to assign a tag to a record, EagleFiler will now pre-select a matching tag with differing case if there’s no exact match. This saves you the step of using the arrow keys to select the tag that you wanted if EagleFiler guessed correctly.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could prevent the content of .eml message files from being searchable. Previously imported .eml files will be automatically reindexed as needed.
  • The ef_unscanned tag now works to suppress importing a subfolder when rebuilding a library.
  • Create as many tags as you want and assign colors and symbols so that they stand out.If you press the capture key in the Unread RSS reader, EagleFiler will now explain how to import from it.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could cause a hang when importing from Unread using the system service.
  • Improved capturing from NetNewsWire when multiple articles are selected.
  • Improved the fallback source URL generation for e-mail messages when EagleFiler encounters a macOS URL bug.
  • Improved handling of empty Web archive data from drags and system services.
  • Updated the following sections of the manual:
  • Use the instant, live search from within EagleFiler’s main window.Each help page now has a link to a Google translation so you can view it in a different language.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could hang if you created a new file during a scan for new files.
  • Fixed setting the From name when importing a downloaded URL.
  • Fixed a file permissions issue when accessing a shared library.
  • First-class support for archiving, searching, and viewing e-mails.Fixed a timeout error when capturing from a very large mailbox in Apple Mail.
  • Made various fixes and updates to prevent Cocoa from logging warnings.
  • Fixed a bug where a bad source URL could prevent a record from being displayed.
  • Search to find the right document, and EagleFiler also highlights the search term within it.Fixed bug where an error could occur when generating a mailbox file to export the selected messages.
  • Updated to version 1.6 of the SkimNotes framework.
  • Removed defunct bundle resources to reduce the size of the app.

EagleFiler 1.9.13 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 14. Older EagleFiler versions are available for older versions of macOS. In-depth information about EagleFiler is available in the manual.

If you enjoy using EagleFiler, please take a moment to review it on the Mac App Store, Product Hunt, or MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.

Update (2024-03-07): EagleFiler 1.9.13 has been submitted to the Mac App Store and is awaiting approval from Apple.

Update (2024-03-09): EagleFiler 1.9.13 is now available from the Mac App Store.

ToothFairy 2.8.4

March 6th, 2024 (ToothFairy)
ToothFairy Icon
Download on the Mac App Store
Available on Setapp

Version 2.8.4 of ToothFairy is now available.

ToothFairy is a Mac menu bar utility that lets you connect AirPods to your Mac with a single click or keypress. It also works with other Bluetooth headphones and with input devices such as mice, keyboards, and game pad controllers. You can see at a glance which devices are connected, as well as their battery levels. ToothFairy can make music and videos sound better by using a higher quality codec for audio output. It can also run scripts when Bluetooth devices connect or disconnect.

This is a free update that includes the following changes:

  • See multiple Bluetooth devices at once, including their battery levels.The battery info updates more quickly after connecting a device.
  • Advanced SettingsThe Run shell script after connecting/disconnecting help page now explains how to trigger a shortcut.
  • ToothFairy is better at remembering the current sound input device so that the Improve sound quality by disabling audio input from device feature will restore the proper one after connecting a new device.
  • You can now pull down a device’s menu while the connection progress indicator is spinning.
  • ToothFairy no longer shows arrow icons while it’s in the process of fixing the sound output, as this was confusing. Instead, it will continue showing the device as half-connected until it’s done. You can still see what’s happening with the fixing via the tooltip and the menu item text.
  • Device SettingsIf the feature to fix the sound output is disabled, clicking the half-connected device icon now disconnects the device instead of doing nothing.
  • Each help page now has a link to a Google translation so you can view it in a different language.
  • Updated the French localization.
  • Fixed a bug where the progress indicator wouldn’t stop if you clicked the menu bar icon when using the Don’t disconnect when clicking icon or pressing hotkey option.
  • Made various fixes and updates to prevent Cocoa from logging warnings.
  • Made various threading improvements.
  • The build number is now displayed in a tooltip in the About tab.
  • Mac App Store receipt validation works better on Macs with damaged Ethernet ports.
  • The Setapp version of ToothFairy now requires macOS 12 or later, due to updating to version 4.1.0 of their framework.

ToothFairy 2.8.4 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 14 and requires a Bluetooth device. In-depth information about ToothFairy is available in the manual.

If you enjoy using ToothFairy, please take a moment to review it on the Mac App Store, Product Hunt, or MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.

SpamSieve 3.0.3

December 27th, 2023 (SpamSieve)
SpamSieve Icon

Version 3.0.3 of SpamSieve is now available.

Save time by adding powerful spam filtering to the e-mail client on your Mac. SpamSieve gives you back your inbox, using Bayesian spam filtering to provide amazing accuracy that’s constantly improving. SpamSieve learns and adapts to your mail, so it’s able to block nearly all the junk—without putting good messages in the Junk mailbox. It’s quick and easy to control SpamSieve from within Apple Mail, Outlook, Airmail, MailMate, GyazMail, Mailsmith, and more.

SpamSieve running on your Mac can keep the spam off your iPhone/iPad, and you can even train SpamSieve from your iOS device. SpamSieve protects your privacy. It does not need access to your mail account login and does not transmit your mail data anywhere. All the processing is done on your Mac.

SpamSieve 3.0.3 is a free update for those who have already purchased the SpamSieve 3.0 upgrade. If you’re using SpamSieve 2 and haven’t upgraded yet, the easiest way is to first let SpamSieve install the new version. At launch, it will show the Purchase window, and you can click the Check Upgrade Options button to get the upgrade discount without having to enter your old serial number.

The changes in this version are:

Apple Mail
  • Settings: Apple Mail FilteringFixed a problem where, with certain unusual account configurations, SpamSieve would not see the new messages that needed to be filtered, so they would stay in the inbox.
  • SpamSieve is better able to continue filtering messages when Mail is temporarily unable to look up account information.
  • Settings: Apple MailWorked around a macOS bug that could cause Mail to hang if it was preparing to send a message to the SpamSieve Mail extension while SpamSieve was filtering another mailbox.
  • Improved the Filter spam messages in other mailboxes feature:
    • Added a safety feature where SpamSieve will no longer filter messages that were received before SpamSieve was installed or before this feature was activated, to avoid reprocessing lots of old messages that happen to still be marked as unread.
    • Settings: Select Apple Mail Mailboxes to FilterThe checkboxes in the mailbox list for TrainGood and TrainSpam are now disabled, as these mailboxes should not be selected for filtering.
    • SpamSieve is now able to continue finding mailboxes to list even if Mail returns invalid information for some of them.
  • Fixed a bug where the Settings ‣ Apple Mail ‣ Training window could be out-of-sync with the stored settings that SpamSieve was using, leading to trained messages not moving where you expected.
  • Settings: Apple Mail TrainingRemoved the Including in the inbox setting. The Add green flag to unread good messages setting now controls the green flags for all mailboxes.
  • Improved the error handling when reading the selected messages.
  • Improved the error handling when reading the inboxes.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could cause a crash when updating the Dock icon.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could cause SpamSieve to hang at launch or when opening the Settings window.
  • Log WindowThe Print… command is now disabled for large table views, as it would overload the macOS printing system and cause a hang.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual (amongst others):
  • Corpus: Spam MessagesFixed a bug where a damaged corpus database could cause a crash.
  • Fixed a bug where the hotkeys didn’t work with certain keyboard layouts.
  • Fixed a bug reporting errors during Outlook filtering.
  • Worked around a Core Data bug that could cause a crash.
  • Updated the German localization.

SpamSieve 3.0.3 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 14 and requires an e-mail client. Older SpamSieve versions are available for older versions of macOS. In-depth information about SpamSieve is available in the manual.

If you enjoy using SpamSieve, please take a moment to review it on MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.

SpamSieve 3.0.2

November 17th, 2023 (SpamSieve)
SpamSieve Icon

Version 3.0.2 of SpamSieve is now available.

Save time by adding powerful spam filtering to the e-mail client on your Mac. SpamSieve gives you back your inbox, using Bayesian spam filtering to provide amazing accuracy that’s constantly improving. SpamSieve learns and adapts to your mail, so it’s able to block nearly all the junk—without putting good messages in the Junk mailbox. It’s quick and easy to control SpamSieve from within Apple Mail, Outlook, Airmail, MailMate, GyazMail, Mailsmith, and more.

SpamSieve running on your Mac can keep the spam off your iPhone/iPad, and you can even train SpamSieve from your iOS device. SpamSieve protects your privacy. It does not need access to your mail account login and does not transmit your mail data anywhere. All the processing is done on your Mac.

SpamSieve 3.0.2 is a free update for those who have already purchased the SpamSieve 3.0 upgrade. If you’re using SpamSieve 2 and haven’t upgraded yet, the easiest way is to first let SpamSieve install the new version. At launch, it will show the Purchase window, and you can click the Check Upgrade Options button to get the upgrade discount without having to enter your old serial number.

Apple Mail
  • Apple Mail: ExtensionsApple Mail filtering when using the Mail extension is much faster and is no longer limited by the number of messages in a mailbox.
    • Settings: Apple MailThis applies to the Check inboxes for new messages not sent to Mail extension, Filter spam messages in other mailboxes, and Add green flag to unread good messages features.
    • To enable fast filtering, make sure that you’ve granted SpamSieve Full Disk Access. SpamSieve will still work without it, but in some cases it will be slower or report an error if a mailbox contains too many messages. If you were previously using SpamSieve 2 with Apple Mail, it most likely still has Full Disk Access. Otherwise, or if it seems like filtering is slow, check System Settings ‣ Privacy & Security ‣ Full Disk Access to make sure SpamSieve is enabled there.
    • If you haven’t granted Full Disk Access, but SpamSieve thinks you would benefit from doing so, it will show a warning help link in the Settings ‣ Apple Mail ‣ Setup window.
    • Fast filtering currently requires macOS 13 Ventura or later. (On macOS 13 and earlier, it’s not really needed because the Mail plug-in is available.)
    • Settings: Apple Mail FilteringWhen fast filtering is available, SpamSieve now defaults to checking for new messages every 30 seconds instead of every minute. If you want, you can go to the Settings ‣ Apple Mail ‣ Filtering window and set it to check even more frequently, e.g. every 5 seconds, to minimize the time that spam messages spend in the inbox. In most cases, this doesn’t add much CPU overhead, however it might make Mail less responsive if you have a slow network connection or if Mail on your Mac takes a long time to fully download new messages for some other reason.
    • Settings: Select Apple Mail Mailboxes to FilterThe Select Mailboxes to Filter… sheet will no longer show large mailboxes in orange or red when fast filtering is available, because it’s now fine to select them.
  • The Mail extension no longer sets the background color at all on spam messages if coloring is off. This lets you set colors yourself for other purposes.
  • Improved the reporting of duplicate accounts when training from Apple Mail.
  • Clicking the Filter Now button will now filter the inboxes, too, not just the selected mailboxes.
  • SpamSieve will now log if Apple Mail is stuck reading a certain message.
  • Improved the error logging when listing Apple Mail mailboxes.
  • Added AppleMailMailboxListerExtraMailboxes to the esoteric preferences, which makes it possible to select mailboxes for filtering that Apple Mail failed to include in its mailbox listing.
Microsoft Outlook
  • Outlook: Training CommandsTraining an Outlook message as spam now removes the Good category.
  • Fixed a bug where SpamSieve would auto-launch when Outlook launched if Apple Mail filtering was enabled but Outlook filtering was disabled (and vice-versa).
  • Log WindowYou can now click on the Date column header to reverse the sort order in the Log window so that the most recent log entries are at the top. (For memory and performance reasons, Date is the only sortable column in the log.)
  • Settings: FiltersWhen opening the Log window, if no log entries are selected, it now auto-scrolls to show the most recent ones.
  • SpamSieve is better at reporting whether a server junk filter thought that a message was spam.
  • Improved the error log entry when SpamSieve lacks privacy access for the Use macOS Contacts feature.
  • BlocklistImproved the auto-creation of From (name) blocklist and allowlist rules so that SpamSieve learns more quickly when you train a message.
  • Settings: NotificationThe Uncertain spam messages notification is now disabled by default, as most people only want to be notified about good messages.
  • Fixed a bug where the training keyboard shortcuts didn’t work in Apple Mail or Outlook when using a Greek keyboard layout.
  • Work around a Core Data bug that could cause a crash when saving the corpus.
  • Updated the Danish, Dutch, French, Japanese, and Spanish localizations.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when processing an e-mail message with an improperly encoded ZIP file attachment.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when updating the Dock icon during a software update.

SpamSieve 3.0.2 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 14 and requires an e-mail client. Older SpamSieve versions are available for older versions of macOS. In-depth information about SpamSieve is available in the manual.

If you enjoy using SpamSieve, please take a moment to review it on Product Hunt or MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.

SpamSieve 3.0.1

October 19th, 2023 (SpamSieve)
SpamSieve Icon

Version 3.0.1 of SpamSieve is now available.

Save time by adding powerful spam filtering to the e-mail client on your Mac. SpamSieve gives you back your inbox, using Bayesian spam filtering to provide amazing accuracy that’s constantly improving. SpamSieve learns and adapts to your mail, so it’s able to block nearly all the junk—without putting good messages in the Junk mailbox. It’s quick and easy to control SpamSieve from within Apple Mail, Outlook, Airmail, MailMate, GyazMail, Mailsmith, and more.

SpamSieve running on your Mac can keep the spam off your iPhone/iPad, and you can even train SpamSieve from your iOS device. SpamSieve protects your privacy. It does not need access to your mail account login and does not transmit your mail data anywhere. All the processing is done on your Mac.

SpamSieve 3.0.1 is a free update for those who have already purchased the SpamSieve 3.0 upgrade. If you’re using SpamSieve 2 and haven’t upgraded yet, the easiest way is to first let SpamSieve install the new version. At launch, it will show the Purchase window, and you can click the Check Upgrade Options button to get the upgrade discount without having to enter your old serial number.


Apple Mail: ExtensionsSpamSieve 3.0 brought a new way of integrating with Apple Mail—using a Mail extension—that’s compatible with macOS 14 Sonoma. Most customers have had success with this simpler system, where there’s no plug-in to install or rule to set up. Unfortunately, some customers encountered a macOS bug where Apple Mail stops sending new messages to SpamSieve’s Mail extension. This would cause spam messages to be left in the inbox, not because SpamSieve thought they were good, but because it hadn’t actually seen them.

Settings: Select Apple Mail Mailboxes to FilterWe were aware of this problem affecting a small percentage of customers, and SpamSieve 3.0 included a built-in workaround: you could enable the Filter spam messages in other mailboxes feature and select your inboxes, and then SpamSieve would periodically check them for any new messages that Mail hadn’t sent to the extension. This worked, but there were a few downsides. You had to know—or see in the Log window or FAQ—that you needed to configure this. Also, there could be a slight delay before SpamSieve would detect the new messages; you could optionally enable a green flag to indicate to you when a message in the inbox had, in fact, been processed.

Settings: Apple MailThe main focus of SpamSieve 3.0.1 is improving this workaround so that everyone can get their mail filtered, even when Apple Mail is misbehaving. SpamSieve 3.0.1 adds a Check inboxes for new messages not sent to Mail extension feature that will automatically filter all of your inboxes, without your having to configure anything. Currently, this feature only kicks in if your inbox has fewer than 5,000 messages. We found that trying to read a larger inbox could cause Mail to freeze. If there are too many messages in the inbox, SpamSieve will skip it and tell you this in the Settings ‣ Apple Mail ‣ Setup window and in the Log window. Filtering will automatically resume if you move some messages to the Archive mailbox (or to another mailbox that you create, such as Inbox2) to get below the limit.

We understand that needing to move messages is not ideal, but most customers are below the limit and we wanted to get the fix to them as soon as possible. If you have a fast Mac, it may be able to handle a higher limit, and you can adjust this in the esoteric preferences. For SpamSieve 3.0.2, we’re working on another way of accessing the messages, which will work for larger inboxes and with a much shorter delay.

To be clear, all of this only applies for customers impacted by the macOS bug that prevents new messages from being sent to SpamSieve’s Mail extension. For most people, Mail does send messages to the extension for filtering. If your inbox has a large number of messages but is being filtered properly by the extension, you can ignore any error messages that SpamSieve reports about there being too many messages. The error just means that SpamSieve couldn’t double-check that all the new messages were processed.

Apple Mail
  • Settings: Apple MailAdded the Check inboxes for new messages not sent to Mail extension feature:
    • In the event that a macOS bug prevents Apple Mail from sending new messages to SpamSieve’s Mail extension for filtering, this will automatically find and filter new messages in the inbox.
    • This is enabled by default and will check the inboxes periodically using the same schedule that you’ve set for Filter spam messages in other mailboxes.
    • Settings: Select Apple Mail Mailboxes to FilterInboxes with more than 5,000 total messages (shown as orange in the Select Mailboxes to Filter… sheet) will be skipped, to avoid slowing down or freezing Apple Mail.
    • We recommend reducing the size of the inbox by archiving older messages or moving them to another mailbox. This will ensure that your inbox is eligible for automatic filtering and also make inbox checks faster.
    • If you really want SpamSieve to try filtering a large inbox (shown in orange), you can manually select it in the Select Mailboxes to Filter… sheet or adjust the esoteric preferences.
    • Otherwise, you can remove any inboxes that you had added to the Select Mailboxes to Filter… sheet (to avoid duplicate checks).
    • To avoid disturbing old, unread messages that you may be purposely leaving in the inbox, Check inboxes for new messages not sent to Mail extension only processes messages received after the first time you launch SpamSieve 3.0.1. If you need to filter older messages in the inbox, you can select them and use the Filter Messages menu command.
  • Improved the new filtering system:
    • Settings: Apple Mail FilteringThe Mail extension no longer overwrites the background color of good messages, so you can once again have Mail rules that set background colors for other reasons.
    • Worked around an Apple Mail bug that could prevent trained or filtered messages from moving to the trash.
    • Restored the prior behavior of leaving spam messages totally uncolored (rather than gray) when Color the background according to how spammy it is is unchecked.
    • If there’s an error moving a message to the Junk mailbox, SpamSieve now tries various fallback methods of moving it.
    • If the Mail extension encounters an error communicating with SpamSieve, it now flags the message orange instead of gray, since gray is now used for another purpose (see above).
    • If Apple Mail erroneously provides empty data for a message, SpamSieve will now always classify it as good, just to be safe, and it will also log some information about the location of the problematic message and then try again later.
    • Added an esoteric preference (click to enable/disable), which makes the Mail extension flag spam messages gray. Message background colors don’t sync between devices, but flags do, so this makes it possible to see on another device which messages in the Junk mailbox were put there by SpamSieve (rather than by a server filter). Also, the flag can be useful for separating spam messages from good ones in Apple Mail if Mail is for some reason unable to move the spam messages to the Junk mailbox.
    • Worked around an AppleScript error checking whether an account was enabled.
    • Fixed a bug where the details for some AppleScript error messages were lost.
  • Improved the Filter spam messages in other mailboxes feature:
    • Settings: Apple Mail FilteringThis is now enabled by default, to avoid the problem of selecting mailboxes to filter but forgetting to enable the feature.
    • Previous versions of SpamSieve would warn you not to select a mailbox that was orange in the Select Mailboxes to Filter… sheet (having 5,000 or more messages) or red (10,000 or more messages). If you disregarded its advice, SpamSieve would respect your choice, but sometimes this could lead to Mail freezing and confusion as to what caused this. Now, SpamSieve will strictly enforce the red limit and skip filtering such mailboxes to avoid slowing down Apple Mail or causing it to freeze. If you think your Mac is super speedy and can handle more messages, you can raise the limit using the esoteric preferences.
    • Settings: Select Apple Mail Mailboxes to FilterIf reading a particular mailbox causes a timeout error, SpamSieve now reports this in the log and recommends archiving some of the old messages to another mailbox that’s not selected for filtering.
    • SpamSieve will no longer try to filter mailboxes in accounts that are marked as disabled.
    • If a mailbox can’t be found because there are multiple mail accounts with the same name, SpamSieve will now try to figure out which account you meant and, failing that, show an error message saying that you should rename one of the accounts.
    • Fixed a bug where the wrong mailbox could be filtered if a top-level mailbox had the same name as a nested one.
    • Worked around an Apple Mail bug that could prevent moving POP messages to the Junk or Trash mailbox.
    • SpamSieve is better at handling errors from Mail when setting a message’s flag or read status.
    • Made some optimizations to speed up filtering.
  • Improved the Select Mailboxes to Filter… sheet:
    • Settings: Select Apple Mail Mailboxes to FilterSpamSieve is better at handling and reporting errors that Mail reports when reading the mailbox list.
    • The special mailboxes are now sorted to the top, like in Apple Mail.
    • Improved the recognition of special Junk and Archive mailboxes.
    • The special Archive mailbox is no longer selectable as filterable, since it doesn’t receive new messages.
    • Mailboxes that are not eligible for filtering are never shown in red or orange, even if they contain a large number of messages.
  • Improved the Add green flag to unread good messages feature:
    • Settings: Apple Mail FilteringIncluding in the inbox no longer tries to remove green flags from inboxes in accounts that are disabled.
    • In order to prevent Including in the inbox from causing slowness in Mail, SpamSieve will skip unflagging for large inboxes that show up as orange in the Select Mailboxes to Filter… sheet. It will also log an error if it looks like unflagging failed because there were too many messages in the mailbox.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause spurious errors to be logged when unflagging messages.
    • Improved the responsiveness of Mail during filtering and unflagging.
  • Improved the Mail plug-in:
    • Settings: Apple Mail TrainingUpdated some error messages to account for SpamSieve’s new Settings window.
    • Fixed an error moving a trained spam message to the Trash mailbox.
    • In rare cases, SpamSieve asking Mail to deactivate its rules on macOS 14 can cause a crash, so you can now click here to tell SpamSieve not to do that. In that case, you should be sure to deactivate or delete the rules yourself.
  • Fixed a bug where the training hotkeys sometimes didn’t work in Apple Mail or Outlook.
  • Settings: Outlook TrainingWhen you train a message as good in Apple Mail or Outlook, SpamSieve no longer marks it as unread if it’s not in a Junk mailbox. Also, clarified the labels in the Settings window to say that the message is only moved if it’s in the Junk mailbox. In other words, you can train messages in other mailboxes (e.g. as part of the initial training) without messing up how they are filed.
  • Worked around a Swift bug that could cause a crash when parsing an e-mail message’s address list.
  • StatisticsImproved the filtering accuracy through more precise message parsing.
  • Added Danish and Swedish localizations.
  • Updated the Dutch, French, German, and Spanish localizations.
  • You can now access the the release notes from the Help menu.
  • Improved SpamSieve’s launch time by preloading scripts in the background.
  • Many sections of the manual have been revised or updated.
  • SpamSieve will now log at launch if it thinks the menu bar icon is set to be visible but doesn’t actually fit on screen due to other menu bar icons or the Mac’s camera housing. There is now an esoteric preference (click to enable/disable) to see in the log how it determined this.
  • Added an esoteric preference to suppress badging of the Dock icon, as in rare cases that can trigger a Core Image bug that causes a crash (click to disable/enable badging).
  • Fixed a bug where SpamSieve wouldn’t let you enter your license information into the Purchase window.
Importing From SpamSieve 2
  • Import From SpamSieve 2Worked around a Core Data bug that could cause an error saving the corpus when importing from SpamSieve 2.
  • Fixed a bug where SpamSieve could hang when importing certain malformed messages from SpamSieve 2.
  • Corpus: Spam MessagesFixed a crash that could occur when importing from SpamSieve 2 if the corpus was damaged. SpamSieve will now just skip the damaged message.
  • Fixed a bug where certain settings migrated from SpamSieve 2 would make it show in the Settings window that trained messages would be moved to Junk, but actually they would not be moved.
  • Settings: Apple Mail FilteringIn the pop-up menu for the Move it to the Trash if the spam score is at least checkbox, the score of 50 is now labeled with all spam.
  • The menu item for opening the window is now called Settings, even on older versions of macOS, as having it called Preferences was confusing for people following the instructions in the manual.
  • SpamSieve will show a warning if Check inboxes for new messages not sent to Mail extension is disabled or if an inbox was skipped for filtering because it contained too many messages.
  • Settings: NotificationSpamSieve will now show a warning if you have Apple Mail mailboxes selected for filtering but Filter spam messages in other mailboxes is disabled.
  • SpamSieve will now show a warning if it skips filtering a mailbox because it’s too large.
  • Fixed the labels for the Uncertain spam messages slider, which were backwards.
  • Improved the display of Entourage and Postbox installation errors.
Blocklist and Allowlist
  • BlocklistFixed a bug where changing whether a rule was enabled or locked from a rule list window didn’t work if the search field had focus.
  • Fixed a bug where the text to match in the rule editor sheet was unreadable in Dark Mode.
  • AllowlistWorked around a Swift Regex bug that could cause a hang when matching a message against the blocklist or allowlist.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Import Addresses… command on macOS 10.15 or earlier.
  • Log WindowSpamSieve is better at reporting whether a server filter thought that a message was spam.
  • When you copy a log entry to the clipboard, it now includes the sender’s name.
  • If the same error occurs multiple times when communicating with Apple Mail or Outlook, SpamSieve now only logs it once per hour.
  • Fixed a bug where viewing a partially deleted log entry could cause a crash.
  • Fixed a bug where some emoji were not available on macOS 10.14.

SpamSieve 3.0.1 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 14 and requires an e-mail client. Older SpamSieve versions are available for older versions of macOS. In-depth information about SpamSieve is available in the manual.

If you enjoy using SpamSieve, please take a moment to review it on Product Hunt or MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.

SpamSieve 3.0

September 21st, 2023 (SpamSieve)
SpamSieve Icon

Version 3.0 of SpamSieve is now available.

Save time by adding powerful spam filtering to the e-mail client on your Mac. SpamSieve gives you back your inbox, using Bayesian spam filtering to provide amazing accuracy that’s constantly improving. SpamSieve learns and adapts to your mail, so it’s able to block nearly all the junk—without putting good messages in the Junk mailbox. It’s quick and easy to control SpamSieve from within Apple Mail, Outlook, Airmail, MailMate, GyazMail, Mailsmith, and more.

SpamSieve running on your Mac can keep the spam off your iPhone/iPad, and you can even train SpamSieve from your iOS device. SpamSieve protects your privacy. It does not need access to your mail account login and does not transmit your mail data anywhere. All the processing is done on your Mac.

Purchase: Check Upgrade OptionsSpamSieve 3.0 is a major upgrade. It costs $39.99 for new users (no subscriptions), $19.99 for previous SpamSieve owners, and is free for people who purchased SpamSieve 2.x on or after January 1, 2023. There’s a 30-day fully-featured trial for new users and upgraders. If you’re updating from SpamSieve 2, SpamSieve 3 will start out in trial mode, and you can just click the Check Upgrade Options button to have it take you to the store and automatically apply the upgrade discount. If you aren’t ready to upgrade yet, SpamSieve 2 is still available, and you can downgrade by quitting SpamSieve and replacing the new app file with the old one. All your data is preserved.

  • SpamSieve 3 is compatible with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) through macOS 14 (Sonoma) and is recommended for all customers using those versions of macOS. SpamSieve 3 is required for customers using Apple Mail with Sonoma. We recommend updating SpamSieve before updating to Sonoma. Here’s a guide explaining the transition.
  • Import From SpamSieve 2When you launch SpamSieve 3, it will offer to automatically migrate all your old training data and accuracy statistics (so that you don’t need to retrain it), or you can choose to start fresh. Your SpamSieve 2 data is left untouched, so it’s possible to revert to the old version if necessary. The new version of the Apple Mail plug-in also works with SpamSieve 2. Training done with version 2 after updating to version 3 will stay with version 2 (and vice-versa).
  • Apple Mail: ExtensionsThe Apple Mail integration has been completely rewritten for compatibility with macOS 14 Sonoma. On Sonoma, SpamSieve now uses a Mail extension rather than a Mail plug-in (as Sonoma no longer supports plug-ins). The extension needs to be enabled in Mail’s Settings ‣ Extensions window. It is no longer necessary to install any files or to give SpamSieve Full Disk Access. You will now train SpamSieve from the SpamSieve menu bar icon at the top of the screen or from SpamSieve’s Dock icon, rather than from the Message menu in Mail.
  • Apple Mail: Training CommandsIf you had previously used SpamSieve with Apple Mail, the first time SpamSieve launches on Sonoma it will explain how to make the transition to using the Mail extension. The new setup is also described in the Setting Up Apple Mail section of the manual. With earlier versions of macOS, you can continue using the Mail plug-in, as before. With macOS 13 Ventura and macOS 12 Monterey, you can choose whether to use the Mail extension (which is simpler to set up) or the Mail plug-in (which is more customizable). You can click Uninstall Plug-In… (which will also offer to delete the old Mail rule) in Settings ‣ Apple Mail ‣ Setup if you plan to switch all your Macs to using the extension.
  • Settings: Outlook SetupThe Microsoft Outlook support has been rewritten to be simpler and easier to set up. It is no longer necessary to install any script files. The Outlook Filter Mailboxes helper app is no longer needed. If you don’t store large amounts of mail in your inbox, it’s no longer necessary to create any rules in Outlook.
  • If you had previously used SpamSieve with Outlook, you can continue to use the existing scripts and Outlook Filter Mailboxes, or you can remove the Outlook Filter Mailboxes app and switch to the new setup by following either the Setting Up Outlook or Setting Up Outlook (Large Inboxes) instructions.
  • Log: Raw SourceSpamSieve’s e-mail parser has been rewritten in Swift for better accuracy, stability, and speed. SpamSieve is better able to understand messages that use newer e-mail formats, as well as malformed messages that don’t follow the specification. Where previous versions might get confused and give up (ignoring parts of the message) or even crash, the new parser engine is more resilient. Being able to read and understand more of the e-mail message increases the filtering accuracy, since it’s able to see spammy content that was invisible to SpamSieve 2, either because of bugs in the e-mail sending software or because spammers were deliberately trying to evade filters.
  • The corpus, blocklist, and allowlist have been rewritten to use a new database format. This greatly reduces SpamSieve’s launch time and memory use, while enabling lots of new features.
  • Log WindowThe text-based log file and history database have been replaced by a new log database and Log window, which is easier to browse and search. The log includes lots more information about each message to help you understand what SpamSieve did and why, and what you might want to do in response. It should be your first stop when troubleshooting.
  • Settings: Apple MailThe Settings window has been redesigned, consolidating options and commands that were previously in other menus, scripts, or esoteric preferences. Many of the labels have been reworded for clarity, and there are now links to open relevant sections of the help for more detailed explanations.
  • Settings: AdvancedThere is now a Show Dock icon setting to more easily hide SpamSieve’s Dock icon. With the Dock icon hidden, you can access all of SpamSieve’s windows and commands from the new SpamSieve menu bar icon. If both the Dock icon and menu bar icon are hidden, you can still access the settings by opening SpamSieve from your Applications folder when it’s already running.
Apple Mail
  • Settings: Apple MailFiltering is now controlled from within SpamSieve’s Settings window rather than from Mail’s settings. You can now choose to Enable spam filtering using Mail extension (for the newer, simpler setup) or Enable spam filtering using Mail plug-in (which works the same way as in SpamSieve 2). You can also select Disable spam filtering in Apple Mail to temporarily turn off filtering (without having to uninstall anything).
  • SpamSieve Menu Bar IconThe Settings window has new buttons to Install Plug-In or Uninstall Plug-In…. The latter will also uninstall any SpamSieve rules. To stop using the Mail extension, you can just select Disable spam filtering in Apple Mail, which removes SpamSieve’s launch agent. There’s nothing further to uninstall, aside from the app itself.
  • Apple Mail: Training CommandsThere’s a new Filter Messages menu command to manually apply SpamSieve to the selected messages. This has a keyboard shortcut of Command-Control-L. Mail’s Apply Rules command has a keyboard shortcut of Command-Option-L, and it still works to apply the Mail rules, but it no longer applies SpamSieve when using the Mail extension (because there is no more SpamSieve rule).
  • Settings: Apple Mail Training We have long recommended setting Mail to move the messages SpamSieve catches to the All Junk mailbox rather than to the Spam mailbox. This is still the case when using the Mail plug-in, and with the Mail extension the Spam mailbox is no longer an option. There remains a SpamSieve setting to control where spam messages move when you train them. If you had been using Spam, you may want to change this to Junk so that all your spam messages end up in the same place.
  • Settings: Apple Mail Filtering SpamSieve normally moves spam messages to the Junk mailbox. When using the Mail extension, there’s a new Move it to the Trash if the spam score is at least option. This separates the more spammy messages (in Trash), which are less likely to be mistakes, from the less spammy ones (in Junk), so that you can concentrate your efforts on reviewing those. For example, if you set the score to 99, when you train a message as spam, its sender will go on SpamSieve’s blocklist, and future messages from the same name or address will go directly to the Trash.
  • There’s a new Mark it as read setting to mark new messages as read if SpamSieve thinks they’re spam, e.g. so that you aren’t distracted by the unread count in Mail’s sidebar.
  • The Color the background according to how spammy it is setting is now available in the Settings window (instead of via the Change Settings command). There’s now a legend so that you can see which spam levels the different colors correspond to.
  • Settings: Select Apple Mail Mailboxes to Filter There’s a new Filter spam messages in other mailboxes option. This makes it possible for SpamSieve to filter messages that other rules (either in Mail or on your mail server) moved out of the inbox. This is especially important when using the Mail extension, because Mail only sends new messages to the extension if they remain in the inbox after processing your Mail rules. With the Mail plug-in, this was not a concern because the SpamSieve rule was at the top of the list, so it was applied first. However, even with the plug-in, Mail does not apply rules to messages that were moved out of the inbox by a server rule or by another device before they got to your Mac. With this option, it is now possible for SpamSieve to filter all new messages, no matter where they are.
  • Filtering messages in other mailboxes is not immediate: SpamSieve needs to periodically check whether any new messages have arrived. If you receive lots of new messages and spend a lot of time in Mail, you may see a new message before SpamSieve does. It may not be clear whether a spam message is visible because SpamSieve made a mistake and thought it was good or simply because SpamSieve hadn’t had a chance to examine it yet. The new Add green flag to unread good messages option lets you choose to have SpamSieve mark messages that it has checked with a green flag. Messages with no flag are pending processing; they are not mistakes that need to be trained as spam.
  • In rare cases, a Mail bug may prevent new messages from being sent to the SpamSieve extension for analysis. You can enable green flags for the inbox using the Including in the inbox option, and if this and the Log window show that SpamSieve is not seeing the inbox messages, you can add the inboxes to the Select Mailboxes to Filter… sheet to have SpamSieve filter them without relying on the Mail extension.
  • Settings: Apple Mail Training You can now control from the Settings window whether messages that you train as spam are moved to the Junk, to the Trash mailbox, or to a custom mailbox; and whether they should be marked as read. You can also control whether messages trained as good are moved back to the inbox or marked as unread.
  • SpamSieve now shows an error message and help link in the settings if it’s missing Automation access to control Apple Mail or Full Disk Access to use the Apple Mail plug-in.
  • The new Setting the Junk Mailbox in Apple Mail section to the manual consolidates and updates several previous sections.
  • The Apple Mail - Rescue Good Messages and Apple Mail - Remote Training scripts are still supported. They do not need to be updated to continue working with SpamSieve 3. They work best when SpamSieve is set to move trained messages to the Junk mailbox.
  • Settings: Outlook SetupFiltering is now controlled by SpamSieve itself rather than using the Outlook Filter Mailboxes helper app. In SpamSieve’s Settings window, you can choose to Enable spam filtering for Inbox. This is a simpler setup that’s available for users who don’t keep lots of old messages in the inbox. You can also choose to Enable spam filtering for InboxSpamSieve, which uses Outlook rules to temporarily store messages in the InboxSpamSieve folder until they have been processed, as with previous versions of SpamSieve. You can also select Disable spam filtering in Outlook to temporarily turn off filtering or if you want to uninstall—there are no more extra files that need to be manually deleted.
  • Outlook: Training CommandsYou can now train SpamSieve from the SpamSieve menu bar icon at the top of the screen or from SpamSieve’s Dock icon, rather than from the system script menu. The training commands now have keyboard shortcuts.
  • There’s a new Filter Messages menu command to manually apply SpamSieve to the selected messages.
  • Settings: Outlook FilteringYou can now set in the Settings window how often SpamSieve checks for new messages to filter. There’s also a Filter Now button that shows whether filtering is currently in progress and lets you tell SpamSieve to filter right away.
  • The Settings window now has a Mark less spammy messages as “Uncertain Junk” checkbox. There are also checkboxes to control whether messages trained as spam (or good) are moved to the Junk E-mail folder (or to the inbox) or marked as read (or as unread).
  • Settings: Outlook TrainingSpamSieve still supports Outlook 2011. This works the same way as in SpamSieve 2, except that the scripts can now be installed directly from the Settings window, and there are links to the setup instructions right there.
  • SpamSieve now shows an error message and help link in the settings if it’s missing Automation access to control Apple Mail or Outlook.
Other Settings
  • Settings: FiltersThe Filters and Training settings have been consolidated. There are now buttons to open the various SpamSieve windows directly from the Settings window, along with links to open the relevant help sections. The old Use Habeas Safelist, “ADV” messages are spam, and Encoded HTML mail is spam filters have been retired. The old Allow good/spam duplicates in corpus checkboxes were not very useful and have been removed.
  • The Update Address Book “Me” Card command has been replaced with an Edit Addresses button, as it no longer worked due to privacy restrictions in macOS. This is useful in conjunction with the Catch spam sent from my own addresses setting (which used to be called Exclude my addresses).
  • Settings: Notification Notification sounds are now shown without filename extensions and are remembered even if extension hidden flag is changed.
  • SpamSieve now supports Notification Center, with options for notifying for Good messages sent from Contacts, Other good messages, The number of new good messages, and Uncertain spam messages. There’s now a slider for controlling which messages are considered uncertain. The old support for Growl notifications has been retired.
  • Settings: Other ClientsThere’s a new Other Clients tab of the Settings, which offers installation buttons and links to the setup instructions for the other mail apps that SpamSieve supports.
Bayesian Filtering
  • SpamSieve is better able to understand Emoji and Asian languages, so that runs of these characters are properly tokenized into words even when they are not separated by whitespace. This greatly improves the filtering accuracy for messages containing such characters.
  • SpamSieve also has a better understanding of Unicode normalization and of certain special characters, which improves recognition of words that had been seen before, but in a slightly different form.
  • Made various other changes to improve SpamSieve’s filtering accuracy.
Rules Filtering
  • Editing Blocklist Rule Normally, when you train a message as spam, SpamSieve will disable any matching allowlist rules; and when you train a message as good, SpamSieve will disable any matching blocklist rules. This prevents such “incorrect” rules from causing filtering mistakes for future messages. SpamSieve now lets you lock certain rules, which prevents them from being automatically disabled in this manner. This is useful when you are really sure that a rule does what you intend, for example if you want messages matching a certain rule to always be classified as good, even if some spam messages also match that rule.
  • SpamSieve is much faster at matching messages against mailing list rules.
  • Regex rules work better with Unicode text.
  • Added logging to help detect slow regexes that are slowing down rule filtering.
  • If you have a rule that has matched a lot of messages, SpamSieve no longer stops counting at 65,535 hits.
Corpus Window
  • Corpus: WordsThe Words tab of the Corpus window works much the same as before, but it’s much faster to open and to change the sorted column. A large corpus can take a while to reload after an update, and this now happens in the background, rather than blocking the user interface and filtering. The text is larger and easier to read.
  • Corpus: Good MessagesThere are new tabs in the Corpus window where you can view the list of Good Messages and Spam Messages that SpamSieve has been trained with. In most cases, the full message data is not available for messages trained with SpamSieve 2, so in that case only placeholders will be shown. For messages trained with SpamSieve 3, you can view metadata about the message, as well as when and how it was trained. You can also view the message’s rendered content and its raw source and MIME structure.
  • Corpus: Spam MessagesMessages can now be trained from the Corpus window. Normally, it’s better to train from within your mail client, but sometimes you can’t find a message in the mail client or it’s already been deleted, due to a client or server bug or another device moving the message to a local mailbox. Having the message available in the Corpus window lets you properly update SpamSieve’s training in such cases. Previously, the only way to fix an incorrect training if you no longer had the message was to reset the corpus. Also, you can view the lists of spam and good messages to make sure that SpamSieve has been trained properly, i.e. that there were no mistakes that you forgot to correct.
  • You can flag messages of note to come back to them later.
  • You can open SpamSieve’s copy of a message into your e-mail client to reply to it there or to copy it back to the mail server.
  • You can drag and drop messages out of the corpus window to export them for backup or for reporting to customer support.
  • Searches now support wildcards (* and ?), and you can also search for messages by their subject, address, or SpamSieve identifier.
  • The Corpus window now supports secondary sorting.
Rules Windows
  • BlocklistThe Blocklist and Allowlist windows work much the same as before, but they’re much faster to open, loading now happens in the background, and the text is larger and easier to read.
  • The “whitelist” has been renamed to “allowlist,” as recommended by the IETF and Apple.
  • AllowlistThere are new columns to show when a rule was last Modified and when it last Matched a message. The Hits column has been replaced with separate columns to show the number of Correct and Incorrect times it was used to classify a message. This can help you identify rules that are not working as expected.
  • Secondary sorting is now supported. For example, to find allowlist rules that you might no longer need, you could sort by Date Created and then by Correct, to see all the rules with 0 hits ordered by how old they are.
  • Editing a rule now takes place in a separate sheet, where there’s more room to see the different options and to edit the text. You can now see live whether the regex that you entered is valid. The sheet also shows information about when and how the rule was created and how it has been used.
  • Editing Blocklist RuleThere’s a space to enter comments for each rule, e.g. to help you remember why you created a rule or how a regex was intended to work. You can search for rules by comment.
  • You can also flag a rule that you’re observing or tweaking or that you’ve put on probation to easily find it again later.
  • Rules with invalid regular expressions are shown in red. Some rules created with SpamSieve 2 may need to be updated, as the regex engine has changed from PCRE to ICU.
  • Changes that you make to rules are now undoable.
  • Searches now support wildcards (* and ?).
  • Log WindowThe new Log window shows all the message trainings and predictions, as before. They are now color-coded so that you can see SpamSieve’s accuracy: green means that it was correct, orange indicates a false negative, and red indicates a false positive.
  • Log: Message You can now view a message’s rendered content and its raw source and MIME structure, rather than just its metadata. There’s a new setting to control how long SpamSieve should store the full message data for old log entries, to prevent it from using too much storage.
  • Log: Info (Predicted Good)Log entries show more information about each message. You can see which mail client (and in some cases which account and mailbox) a message came from. You can see whether a server junk filter agreed with SpamSieve about whether or not a message is spam. It also shows more information about what SpamSieve did with the message and why. If a log message is for a training, and you’ve correcting SpamSieve, the training log entry will show you information right there about why SpamSieve made that mistake. You can also search the log for the message’s identifier to see all the log entries related to that message. The log will also try to alert you to unusual situations, e.g. if you trained a message that was not actually a SpamSieve mistake, or if the exact same message had been repeatedly classified or trained.
  • Log: Info (Predicted Spam)The log also shows new types of entries. You can see changes that you or SpamSieve have made to rules. You can see errors reported by the mail client when SpamSieve asks it to do something—information that was previously only available in the system log.
  • Settings: StorageSpamSieve 2 recorded less extensive log and history information, but SpamSieve 3 imports it and updates it to the new format where possible. If you had enabled the experimental message backup feature in SpamSieve 2, to protect against the Mail data loss bug, any backed up messages will now be available in the Log window. Messages from the old Save false negatives to disk feature are also imported.
  • As with the corpus, you can open messages from the log in Apple Mail and other mail clients or export them via drag and drop.
  • Log: Raw SourceIf SpamSieve thinks that processing a particular message caused a crash, it will be shown in red in the log. You can drag the log entry into an e-mail to report the problematic data to us so that we can try to prevent the crash in the future.
  • Log: StructureYou can also see whether a particular message took an abnormally long time to process and report such problematic messages.
  • The contents of the log are now localized.
  • Log entries can now display context-specific links to help pages. For example, there is a particular link that’s only relevant when you are using Apple Mail and the Mail extension and you’ve trained a message in the inbox that SpamSieve had not seen before as spam.
  • If you’ve enabled notifications for new messages, e.g. to see which messages SpamSieve is uncertain about, clicking the notification will find that message in the log.
  • The log database is now stored as shards, so it works much better with backups (old shards rarely change and so won’t need to be recopied) and is more resilient (if one file becomes damaged, you don’t have to throw away the entire log).
  • Message data is no longer stored in plaintext, to avoid problems with anti-virus software deleting data out from under SpamSieve, even though it was inert.
  • Diagnostic reports now include a fixed number of recent log entries, whereas previously there could be too much or too little data depending on when the log file had last rolled over.
Statistics Window
  • StatisticsThe accuracy statistics now ignore duplicate classifications of the same message.
  • Calculating the corpus and rules statistics no longer blocks the user interface.
  • Show Statistics Since now uses a date picker rather than a free-form text field in a separate sheet.
  • SpamSieve has a new Dock icon. The top-left of the icon shows an envelope when SpamSieve is idle, a downward pointing arrow when SpamSieve is classifying a message, a check mark when it’s training a message as good, and an x mark when it’s training a message as spam.
  • You can now open the Settings window from the Dock menu.
  • The SpamSieve menu bar icon changes color while an operation initiated by the menu or a hotkey is in progress (blue when filtering messages, green when training as good, and brown when training as spam).
  • AppleScript support for the corpus and rules has been rewritten to be faster and use less memory. You can now use considering case and ignoring case blocks when looking up words and rules.
  • The Setting Up Airmail instructions now have screenshots.
  • Each help page now has a link to a Google translation so you can view it in a different language.
  • Removed support for PowerMail 4.x; versions 5.x and 6.x are still supported.
  • Updated the Dutch, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish localizations.
  • Removed the Danish, Italian, Korean, Russian, Swedish, and Vietnamese localizations, which are out-of-date. If you’d like to help update the localizations (or add a new one), please contact

SpamSieve 3.0 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 14 and requires an e-mail client. Older SpamSieve versions are available for older versions of macOS. In-depth information about SpamSieve is available in the manual.

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