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10   Version History

  • Beta 2

  • Improved EagleFiler’s support for Importing From X/Twitter. When you press the capture key, tweets are now imported as HTML files rather than as plain text files.

    • This works in Safari, Google Chrome, Brave Browser, and Microsoft Edge. Previously, only Safari was supported.
    • This requires enabling JavaScript access in Web browsers.
    • The filename and title are also improved.
  • When capturing a Web page in Safari, EagleFiler has long been able to preserve the selected text in the record’s note. This can be useful for recording that a certain part of the page is important but also storing the full context in which it appears. This now works with Google Chrome, Brave Browser, and Microsoft Edge, too.

  • Added RevealRecordInParent to the esoteric preferences, which lets you control whether opening a record link shows the record in its containing folder rather than in the Records source.

  • Updated the following sections of the manual:

  • Made some improvements to EagleFiler’s detection of the current library when using the capture key.

  • Updated to version 1.6.1 of the SkimNotes framework.

  • Fixed importing of FastMail message files on macOS 15.

  • Fixed a bug where indexing could be delayed if another library was busy verifying.

  • Fixed a bug where the Activity window could look like it was indexing when indexing was disabled.

  • Beta 1

  • Fixed importing text from Twitter/X via the capture key in Safari now that the domain has been redirected to x.com.

  • Improved the layout of 4th-level section headers in the PDF version of the manual.

1.9.14—May 2, 2024
  • Worked around a bug in Safari 17.4 that prevented the capture key from working.
  • Worked around an issue where importing from Evernote could fail if the ENEX file contained a note with an invalid SVG file.
  • Fixed an issue where the New Record ‣ From Clipboard command didn’t let you import by “pasting” a file after using Edit ‣ Copy in Finder.
  • Updated the following sections of the manual:
  • Fixed a bug where a phase search could incorrectly find a record where the search terms matched but not in the proper order.
  • Fixed a bug where some files imported from Evernote could have truncated names or tags.
  • Fixed a bug where importing from Evernote could fail if a note had multiple attachments with very long filenames that were similar.
  • Fixed internal errors that could occur in the process of closing a library.
1.9.13—March 7, 2024
  • Improved importing from Evernote. EagleFiler is better at detecting when a note contains only a single attached file, so that it can be imported directly rather than embedded in a rich text file, and in such cases EagleFiler now preserves any custom author information that you’d set in Evernote.
  • Since version 1.9.2, EagleFiler has used Nitter to import Web pages from Twitter, as it did a good job of including media and related tweets. Twitter has since blocked access for users who are not logged in. For a while, Nitter was able to work around that, but now it is dead. Thus, this version of EagleFiler removes support for Nitter. There remain several ways to import from Twitter to EagleFiler:
    • This version adds a new feature so that, if you use the capture key in Safari, EagleFiler will create a text file with the contents of the tweet. The source URL is preserved.
    • You can use the EagleFiler system services to import the selected text.
    • You can use the Save PDF to EagleFiler command to import the whole page.
  • When using auto-completion to assign a tag to a record, EagleFiler will now pre-select a matching tag with differing case if there’s no exact match. This saves you the step of using the arrow keys to select the tag that you wanted if EagleFiler guessed correctly.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could prevent the content of .eml message files from being searchable. Previously imported .eml files will be automatically reindexed as needed.
  • The ef_unscanned tag now works to suppress importing a subfolder when rebuilding a library.
  • If you press the capture key in the Unread RSS reader, EagleFiler will now explain how to import from it.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could cause a hang when importing from Unread using the system service.
  • Improved capturing from NetNewsWire when multiple articles are selected.
  • Improved the fallback source URL generation for e-mail messages when EagleFiler encounters a macOS URL bug.
  • Improved handling of empty Web archive data from drags and system services.
  • Updated the following sections of the manual:
  • Each help page now has a link to a Google translation so you can view it in a different language.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could hang if you created a new file during a scan for new files.
  • Fixed setting the From name when importing a downloaded URL.
  • Fixed a file permissions issue when accessing a shared library.
  • Fixed a timeout error when capturing from a very large mailbox in Apple Mail.
  • Made various fixes and updates to prevent Cocoa from logging warnings.
  • Fixed a bug where a bad source URL could prevent a record from being displayed.
  • Fixed bug where an error could occur when generating a mailbox file to export the selected messages.
  • Updated to version 1.6 of the SkimNotes framework.
  • Removed defunct bundle resources to reduce the size of the app.
1.9.12—August 18, 2023
  • Worked around a change in the forthcoming macOS 14 Sonoma that caused EagleFiler to crash at launch.
  • The capture key now works with the Arc browser.
  • Improved the display of HTML e-mail messages in Dark Mode.
  • Improved the background color when editing RTF files in Dark Mode.
  • Improved the VoiceOver descriptions in the source list.
  • EagleFiler is better able to recognize the file types of e-mail attachments for indexing.
  • Updated the following sections of the manual:
  • Apple fixed the Ventura blank icons bug in macOS 13.4, so the EagleFiler workaround is no longer needed, and we recommend disabling it by clicking this link.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could cause a blank source URL for e-mail messages.
  • Improved the error reporting when reading Finder comments.
  • Improved the error handling when reading a note.
  • Improved the error handling when searching using a damaged index.
  • Worked a problem displaying Web archives of macscripter.net on macOS 10.14.
  • Fixed a spurious error message when capturing an Apple Mail e-mail message that didn’t have any MailTags.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when importing from Apple Mail if Mail’s data store had been transferred through a non-Mac file system.
  • Fixed a memory leak when doing an indexed search.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging and dropping files into EagleFiler.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when pressing a keyboard shortcut that uses a dead key.
  • Fixed some incorrect single quote marks in code examples in the manual.
1.9.11—March 23, 2023
  • The capture key works better with MarsEdit 5 and OmniFocus.
  • Updated the following sections of the manual:
  • Updated to version 1.5.5 of the SkimNotes framework.
  • Added VenturaGenericIconsWorkaround to the esoteric preferences to help customers who are seeing the macOS 13 bug where PDF and movie icons are sometimes shown as blank.
  • Worked around a macOS issue that could cause a crash when a hot key was pressed.
  • Fixed a problem where auto-completion of tag names with diacritical marks could interfere with creating a new tag having different diacritical marks.
  • Fixed an error highlighting PDF search matches.
1.9.10—December 7, 2022
  • EagleFiler now supports Live Text, so that you can select and copy text in scanned PDFs without needing a separate OCR step (requires macOS 13).
  • EagleFiler now skips importing Emacs auto-save and backup files.
  • The notes field in the import options window now works better with Dark Mode.
  • Scan for New Files will now update custom icons for folders in the source list, so it’s no longer necessary to close and reopen the library to see such changes.
  • Improved the error reporting when MailTags data can’t be read due to missing Full Disk Access.
  • EagleFiler is better able to figure out the source URL from some HTML files.
  • The Delete Empty Folders script is much faster and can now delete folders that are not empty but which contain only other empty folders (as can occur if duplicate files are removed during import).
  • Updated the Importing From iOS section of the manual.
  • Worked around a macOS issue that could cause some HTML files to display as blank.
  • Worked around a MailTags bug that could cause an error when importing some Apple Mail messages. (The bug has already been fixed in MailTags but may still affect previously saved files.)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when updating the source list.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when accessing system services from the contextual menu on the records list.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the scroll position in a PDF would change when switching back to EagleFiler from another app.
  • Fixed a bug where custom titles for .eml files were not indexed for searching.
  • Fixed a bug where exact searches didn’t consider custom From values for .eml files.
  • Fixed a bug where MailTags metadata might not be imported from Apple Mail in some cases where it had not cached the tag information in Mail’s data store.
1.9.9—October 17, 2022
  • Made various code modernizations.
  • Worked around a change in Apple News that prevented EagleFiler from showing up in the Share menu.
  • The RTF viewer now supports clickable file links created by Nisus Writer Pro.
  • Renamed Preferences to Settings for macOS 13.
  • EagleFiler is better at detecting which part of a filename to select when renaming in the records list.
  • Indexing e-mail attachments is faster.
  • When an error occurs, EagleFiler no longer brings the Errors window to the front if it’s already visible.
  • The Importing Mail From Airmail section of the manual now explains how to import multiple messages at once.
  • Updated the How do Finder tags work with EagleFiler? section of the manual.
  • Updated the Rename for Dropbox Windows script.
  • EagleFiler now requires macOS 10.13 or later.
  • Fixed a bug where an e-mail message could accumulate an extra newline when round-tripping through merging to a mailbox and then extracting to individual files.
  • Fixed a bug where the Import From Apple Mail script could fail with certain message encodings.
  • Fixed a bug where extracting an e-mail message could fail if the subject contained an emoji that was too new for the file system.
  • Fixed a bug where the Remove Duplicate Messages script would sometimes report spurious errors if the Message-ID header was long.
1.9.8—June 22, 2022
  • Added preliminary support for the forthcoming macOS 13 Ventura.
  • Added support for displaying files from the Bike outliner.
  • You can now drag and drop attached files from a record’s note or from an RTFD record to other apps, e.g. to Finder to extract them or to Mail to attach them to a new e-mail message.
  • When a file is attached to a record (i.e. included in its note), you can now hover the cursor over the attachment’s icon to see a tooltip showing its filename.
  • When you import messages exported from Gmail via Google Takeout, the labels are now searchable in EagleFiler.
  • Improved EagleFiler’s search indexing, so that you can now find links in Web archives, find e-mail messages by Message-ID or Reply-To, and find records by their EagleFiler GUID.
  • If a note is missing, when EagleFiler reports this in the Errors window, you can now use the Trash or Update Checksum button to suppress further error reports if you can’t or don’t want to restore the note file from backup.
  • The format for metadata backups has been revised so that it is faster and more efficient in memory and on disk, particularly when there are many records in the same folder or there are notes with large attached files. The XML files are no longer updated with spurious changes, which is more friendly for libraries that are backed up, synced, or under version control. The new format also works around a macOS limitation where very large notes could not be backed up. EagleFiler will still read backups in the old format when importing or rebuilding, and you can click here to enable an esoteric preference if you want it to still write the old format for interoperability with previous versions of EagleFiler.
  • A record’s title and its filename are no longer automatically linked when you set them to the same value, only when you set the title to be blank. This allows EagleFiler to better preserve your intent, i.e. that the title should stay at the current value even if the filename changes.
  • The filename counter is now preserved when rebuilding a library. This means that markers like -1 and -2 will no longer double up (-1-2) if there are further filename conflicts, and they’ll go away entirely if the record is moved to a location where there is no filename conflict.
  • The insertion point in the record viewer is easier to see in Dark Mode.
  • Improved the display of certain Web archive files.
  • Improved the speed of indexing e-mails with certain attachment types.
  • Updated the Import From Instapaper via NetNewsWire script to accommodate a change in NetNewsWire.
  • Updated the following sections of the manual:
  • Updated the Read Me.
  • You can now omit the library parameter in an x-eaglefiler link, which means that EagleFiler will look for the record in the current library.
  • Record GUIDs in x-eaglefiler links are now purely alphanumeric for easier searching and double-clicking to select.
  • Adjusted the toolbar layout of the Errors window to make it clearer what options are available for each error.
  • Improved the error reporting when a record can’t be moved.
  • Updated to version 1.5.3 of the SkimNotes framework.
  • EagleFiler is better at handling and working around file system errors when creating a smart folder or editing a file.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could cause a crash when importing multiple Evernote files at once.
  • Fixed a bug where a record’s preference for linking its title and filename was sometimes not preserved when rebuilding the library.
  • Fixed a bug where the record viewer might not update its display when changing to a new record if you had just renamed the previous one.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an error backing up the metadata shortly after editing a record.
  • Fixed a bug where the source list’s colored circle label indicator wasn’t positioned correctly when using the small sidebar icon size on macOS 12.3.1.
  • Fixed a bug where a smart folder could get messed up if you tried to rename it to the empty string.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler showed the copy cursor when moving a tag to a different parent.
  • Fixed a bug where phrase searches containing a colon might not find anything.
  • Fixed a bug where accessing a record’s guid via AppleScript failed if one had not been previously assigned.
  • Fixed a bug where some background operations could report an internal error after a record was deleted.
1.9.7—March 4, 2022
  • EagleFiler now uses adaptive color mapping for rich text records and notes (in addition to plain text records and e-mails, as in previous versions) so that you automatically see light text on a dark background when your Mac is running in Dark Mode. This can be controlled using the DarkTextBackgroundInDarkMode setting in the esoteric preferences. The standard Light Mode colors are written to disk so that the files still display properly on other Macs and platforms.
  • You can now use the Add Sketch… command to draw on your iPhone or iPad’s screen and import the image directly into EagleFiler without having to transfer a file.
  • The forthcoming macOS 12.3 no longer includes the Python scripting language, so the sample AppleScripts that used Python have been updated to remove that dependency.
  • Customers migrating from Gmail, e.g. after the announcement that free G Suite plans would be discontinued, can move their e-mail archive to EagleFiler as described in the Importing Mail From Webmail/Gmail section of the manual.
  • The “new look” version of Outlook doesn’t yet support AppleScript. Thus, if you press the capture key, Outlook will incorrectly report to EagleFiler that no messages were selected. In such situations, EagleFiler will now offer to turn off “New Outlook” for you. You can then restart Outlook and proceed with the capture.
  • When capturing from old versions of DEVONthink, EagleFiler can now preserve the URL, label, and tags. (This was already supported for newer versions.)
  • You can now press the Delete key when Trash is selected in the source list as a shortcut for Empty Trash….
  • If you delete the last folder or mailbox in the source list, EagleFiler now selects the previous source instead of selecting Trash.
  • Improved the performance of the source list when using the RecordsListLabelUnderlineStyle setting in the esoteric preferences.
  • The How can I access my library from multiple Macs? section of the manual now links to the scripts that help you rename files in accordance with Microsoft OneDrive’s restrictions.
  • Updated the Importing Mail From Outlook section of the manual to work around an Outlook bug using saved smart folders.
  • Updated the Applications That Support Capture section of the manual.
  • Worked around a bug where WebKit could hang when cleaning up its preferences.
  • Worked around a bug in Apple Mail that could prevent it from being able to import a message with an empty body. EagleFiler will now “fix” such messages when importing them, so that Mail will be able to import EagleFiler’s native mailbox file storage. If you already have such messages in EagleFiler, exporting the selected messages will create a new mailbox file that Mail can read.
  • Worked around a WebKit bug that could cause importing certain sites to never complete.
  • Fixed a problem where an AppleScript timeout could make importing messages with MailTags very slow.
  • Fixed a regression (due to a macOS change) where opening a library from within the import options dialog didn’t work because the open panel would be behind the options dialog.
  • Updated to version 1.5.2 of the SkimNotes framework.
1.9.6—November 10, 2021
  • Worked around a problem where an Apple Mail error on macOS 12 could prevent the capture key from working.
  • The EagleFiler ‣ Add command in MailMate now preserves the IMAP keywords of the selected messages as tags in EagleFiler.
  • Improved the display of e-mail messages that have no plain text part.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that caused the Set Filename/Title/etc. contextual menu commands from working with the selected text in a Web archive.
  • The bookmarklets instructions now explain how to disable repeated permissions prompts in Firefox.
  • EagleFiler now reports a better error when a message in Gmail’s All Mail mailbox can’t be imported due to Apple Mail’s optimized storage.
  • The Open in Browser button in the Errors window can now work on multiple selected errors at a time.
  • Worked around a problem where minor damage to EagleFiler’s database could prevent searches within a tag from working.
  • Updated the crash reporter for macOS 12 Monterey.
  • EagleFiler now declares notch compatibility for the new MacBook Pros.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when dragging and dropping to the records list.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would report an error when using a custom text highlight color.
1.9.5—July 13, 2021
  • Worked around a change in the macOS 12 Beta that caused EagleFiler to crash at launch.
  • The capture key now works with the Iron and Orion Web browsers and with beta and developer versions of Microsoft Edge.
  • Improved the speed of the records list on macOS 11 when lots of e-mail messages are selected.
  • The Copy Source URL command now puts the record title on the pasteboard, in addition to the URL, e.g. so that the title is preserved if you paste into Safari’s Bookmarks window.
  • The Evernote importer is better at recognizing files that should be extracted as separate files rather than imported as text attachments.
  • Improved the speed of extracting message files from mailboxes by reducing Spotlight overhead.
  • The Copy command is much faster when lots of e-mail messages are selected.
  • Worked around a macOS 11 issue where sometimes a custom folder icon or emoji tag abbreviation in the source list would be drawn as if the window were in the background, when it wasn’t. Also, they no longer dim when the window is only behind an inspector or another application’s floating window, such as OmniFocus’s Quick Entry.
  • Made a change to prevent macOS from allowing the volume containing an open library to be ejected.
  • Fixed a regression where built-in items in the source list could be incorrectly shown as editable.
  • Fixed some regressions when renaming in the source list. Pressing Esc now discards the edit in progress. Changes are saved when you click away or close the window, not just when you press Return or Tab. In-progress changes are no longer lost when a background change occurs.
  • Fixed a bug where PDF attachments in RTFD files could become invisible when using the RespectImageDPI esoteric preference.
  • Fixed a bug where an internal error could occur when resizing images in an RTFD file for display.
  • Fixed a bug where merging mailboxes or message files could import the new mailbox as the wrong type of file if one of the source files had an extension in its filename.
  • Fixed an internal error validating the records list for deletion.
1.9.4—April 29, 2021
  • Improved the Import ENEX File… command, particularly to handle invalid XML generated by Evernote 10:
    • If the ENEX file is invalid XML, instead of failing with an error, EagleFiler now tries to skip over the bad parts of the file to import as many notes as it can.
    • The invalid sections of the file are saved as individual .enex files and imported into the Invalid Evernote Notes folder. EagleFiler also recovers what it can from each one and imports it as an RTF file.
    • If the ENEX file is valid but the ENML for a particular note is invalid, instead of failing with an error, EagleFiler now tries to repair the XML. It saves the original XML in the Invalid Evernote Content folder, converts the ENML to RTF as best it can, and tags the RTF record with invalid_evernote_xml.
    • If a note has an attachment with no file extension, EagleFiler now tries to infer one based on the file’s contents.
    • Improved handling of images that cannot be resized.
    • Fixed a bug where importing multiple notes having lone resources with the same name would only import one of them.
  • Improved handling of libraries stored in iCloud Drive. We still recommend turning off Optimize Mac Storage in System Preferences ‣ Apple ID ‣ iCloud, as EagleFiler works best when the files in your library are fully downloaded to your Mac. However, it is now much better at handling files that have been evicted to save space:
    • EagleFiler automatically downloads evicted files and notes when you view them or try to move or rename them. Mailbox files are downloaded if needed to rebuild the list of messages they contain.
    • It does not download files in order to index them. This allows you to search files that had previously been indexed without downloading everything just to make sure the index is up-to-date.
    • When you open a library and EagleFiler checks to make sure there are no missing files, it no longer reports evicted files as missing. However, if you do a manual Verify it will report errors for any files that are not fully stored on your Mac, as their content cannot be checked for damage.
    • When opening a library, EagleFiler fully downloads essential files like smart folders and metadata backups, so that they are available to you and to prevent the creation of duplicates due to conflicts.
    • EagleFiler no longer reports an error when tagging an evicted file. Instead, it stores the tag locally in its database and applies it to the file the next time it’s downloaded.
  • Improved importing of files stored in iCloud that were evicted from the Mac.
  • Improved the Import Bookmarks… section of the manual.
  • The source list can now display custom folder icons when running on macOS 11.
  • The source list contextual menu now lets you paste custom icons onto smart folders, not just regular folders.
  • EagleFiler can now import a .eml file with an empty name, as FastMail sometimes exports.
  • Added MJTWindowToolbarStyleUnified to the esoteric preferences. This lets you return to the pre–macOS 11 window style where the title is above the toolbar, leaving room for more toolbar items.
  • If you try to move or rename a record whose file is missing, EagleFiler now warns you and aborts the operation to preserve the library’s integrity. (You can still move missing files to the trash to get rid of them.)
  • If there’s an error moving a record, EagleFiler now reverts the change to prevent the database from getting out of sync.
  • If WebKit crashes while downloading a Web page, EagleFiler now applies a workaround and retries.
  • Fixed a bug where records that were in the process of being imported could displayed in the records list before the import was complete, thus temporarily showing the wrong file size or date.
  • Fixed a bug indexing an RTFD file containing a PDF file with incomplete metadata.
  • Fixed a bug where importing a file with a label could cause the label to turn into a color-named tag in EagleFiler or Finder could show an extra color-named tag.
  • Fixed a bug where some toolbar buttons could have their borders clipped when running on macOS 11 with Increase contrast enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where, on macOS 11, sometimes the source list text and icon would be drawn as if the window were in the background, when it wasn’t.
  • Fixed a bug where an Anywhere search containing a lone - would never find any matches if Match Partial Words was checked.
  • Fixed a bug where invalid split view state could cause a window to open with a collapsed records list, which would confuse people because it would look like all the files were gone. (In fact, you could drag down the divider to show the records list.)
  • Fixed a bug where a file that was in the process of being imported could be reported as missing if the library was being verified at the same time.
  • Fixed a regression in EagleFiler 1.9.3 that could cause an error to be logged when emptying the trash if a record had a note, and could potentially leave forgotten records in the trash.
1.9.3—February 17, 2021
  • The Merge Mailboxes/Message Files command now works on heterogeneous selections, e.g. so that you can add a lone .eml file to an existing mailbox. This will preserve any tags or notes that you’ve added.
  • Improved importing of Web pages from various publications.
  • When importing from Evernote, if you’ve added a title to a note that contains a single attached file, EagleFiler now preserves that title when unpacking the attachment.
  • Made some optimizations to improve the performance of importing large numbers of small files at once.
  • The capture key now works in Reeder 5.
  • When capturing from Outlook, EagleFiler now helps you to download messages that were only partially downloaded from the server so that they can be fully imported into EagleFiler.
  • If there’s an error capturing from Outlook, EagleFiler now reports which message was the source of the error.
  • When capturing e-mail messages, EagleFiler now hides the progress window immediately when the capture is done.
  • EagleFiler now maintains its own error log file, so you can still access information for troubleshooting when the macOS system log isn’t working properly.
  • Added the Import From Apple Mail (Plain Text) script.
  • The software updater reports a more useful error message if you try to update EagleFiler while running it from the disk image. This should prevent confusion where you continue running an old version despite telling it to update.
  • Worked around an encoding bug in Apple Mail that could cause message data to be altered when using the Import From Apple Mail script.
  • Fixed a bug where importing a folder would sometimes add tags from OpenMeta to the wrong files.
  • Fixed a bug where tag syncing during an import could cause a hang.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause metadata loss if you moved a record’s container while it was being imported.
  • Fixed a bug where the record viewer could have the wrong width when opening the window at a small size.
  • Fixed a bug where the source list outline view might be too narrow when re-opening a library.
  • Fixed a bug where the source list width wasn’t always properly saved, which could mess up hiding and showing that pane.
  • Fixed a bug where undoing extracting a message from a mailbox required two undos instead of one.
  • Fixed an internal error when viewing a message in a mailbox whose file was missing.
  • Fixed a bug where a damaged Microsoft Word file could cause EagleFiler to import some bad metadata that would prevent it from being able to save its database.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would crash when trying to share a message from a missing mailbox file on macOS 11.
1.9.2—December 21, 2020
  • Searches of RTFD files can now find links, embedded filenames, and the contents of embedded PDF files. This takes effect for newly imported files or if you rebuild your library’s index.
  • The built-in tags now use standard system colors, which update based on whether your Mac is in Dark Mode or Light Mode or has increased contrast enabled.
  • On macOS 11, tag names and abbreviation symbols in the source list now “fade out” in background windows to match the rest of the icons and text.
  • On macOS 10.12 and later, EagleFiler will automatically update the unread, flagged, and note tags to use the latest abbreviation symbols so that your old libraries are consistent with new ones.
  • Various additional Unicode symbols can now be used in tag names.
  • EagleFiler now uses Nitter to import tweets due to Twitter shutting down an endpoint.
  • Updated the toolbar icons for increasing and decreasing the font size.
  • Improved indexing when EagleFiler can’t find or load the relevant Spotlight plug-in.
  • It is now possible to exclude certain images from processing when importing from Evernote in order to work around a macOS crashing bug.
  • Add the Evernote Bulk Export script.
  • The Import Examples script now shows how to look up existing records by path.
  • Added the Remove Quarantine script.
  • Added RecordsListLabelPreferTitle to the esoteric preferences, which lets you show the colored label indicator in the Title column instead of in the File column.
  • The indexer now runs natively on Apple Silicon Macs.
  • Increased the maximum width of the source list.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could cause slowness or a crash when drawing the source list.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that prevented the diagnostic report from working properly on Apple Silicon Macs.
  • Fixed a bug where the source list didn’t update after renaming a tag to an invalid name.
  • Fixed a regression with the window title when nothing was selected.
  • Updated the Korean localization.
1.9.1—November 4, 2020
  • If a record has a label, but the File column is hidden, EagleFiler now shows the label’s circular indicator in the Title column instead, so that you can still see that it’s labelled.
  • EagleFiler’s viewer is now able to display the content of records that are alias files.
  • When capturing from Evernote, if the selected notes came from more than one notebook, EagleFiler now puts them in folders named after their notebook. This makes it possible to Select All under All Notes and press the capture key to import everything from Evernote while preserving the folder structure.
  • Evernote 10 no longer supports AppleScript, so if you press the capture key from it, EagleFiler will now show an error message that recommends a different way of importing.
  • Showing an inspector window will now move it to the current space if it was already visible but on another space.
  • Normally, EagleFiler indicates a record’s label by showing a colored circle in the File or Title column (like Finder does). You can now use RecordsListLabelUnderlineStyle in the esoteric preferences to make it additionally underline the filename and title, to make the color stand out more.
  • Added the Download Apple Mail Messages script, which can help fully download messages so that they can be imported successfully.
  • Added the Batch Set Creation Date script.
  • Improved the error messages and Importing Mail From Apple Mail section of the manual to better handle messages that are only partially downloaded.
  • The Importing Mail From Apple Mail section of the manual now includes a section on “Gmail and ‘All Mail’”.
  • Worked around a sandbox bug in macOS 10.15.7 and 11.0 that prevented the Import Bookmarks… and Import ENEX File… commands from working.
  • Worked around a bug in macOS 11 that could cause a crash when importing from an ENEX file containing a certain kind of image.
  • Worked around a macOS bug where sometimes a newly imported folder would not show up in the source list (even though the disclosure triangle was updated).
  • Added OldApplicationIcon1.5 to the esoteric preferences, for customers who prefer the previous EagleFiler application icon.
  • Made several workarounds for a macOS bug that could cause a crash when drawing the source list.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could incorrectly warn about opening a large number of selected records when the Share button was visible on macOS 11.
  • Fixed an internal error that could be reported when dragging and dropping onto the records list.
  • Fixed a bug where the insertion point could end up in the wrong place if you were typing quickly in a text or RTF file at the same time EagleFiler happened to auto-save it.
  • Fixed a bug where capturing a large number of messages from Apple Mail could time out.
1.9—October 21, 2020
  • Updated the user interface for macOS 11 Big Sur:
    • Redesigned the application, document, and mailbox icons.
    • EagleFiler uses the new inline title bar style on macOS 11, and information about the current source and search results is now shown in the subtitle.
    • The toolbar defaults to icon-only mode and supports the new large icon style. The toolbar icons have been updated. EagleFiler uses the new system share button and the new search field, which automatically expands and collapses.
    • The Info, Tags, and Tag Cloud toolbar icons now highlight when that inspector window is open.
    • The source list icons have been updated.
    • EagleFiler now colors the source list icon of a folder or mailbox to indicate its label.
    • Improved the appearance of the records list columns menu.
  • The source list now uses the system text and icon sizing, which can be configured in the General pane of System Preferences and overridden using SourcesRowSizeStyle in the esoteric preferences. The EagleFiler-specific font and icon preferences for the source list have been retired.
  • The source list now indicates folder and mailbox labels with a colored circle. The toolbar and menus now show labels with circles instead of round rectangles, to match.
  • The records list now shows labels using colored circles in File column instead of coloring the background of the whole row. This is consistent with Finder and works better on macOS 11 Big Sur.
  • The capture key now works with Apple Mail on macOS 11.
  • The capture key now works with the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • If you use the Batch Change… command with only one record selected, EagleFiler now pre-fills all the fields based on that record. This makes it possible to use Batch Change as a modal editor for the record’s properties, tabbing from one field to the next.
  • The To column now shows all the recipients of message, not just the first.
  • You can now search by Any Address, e.g. to find messages sent to or from a particular address.
  • You can now open the original copy of an e-mail in Apple Mail by using the Open Source URL command. (If the original e-mail has been deleted, you can still double-click to open EagleFiler’s copy of the message in Apple Mail.)
  • You can hold down the Command key when dragging a record onto a tag in the source list to “move” instead of “copy” to that tag, i.e. assign that tag and unassign all others (inspired by OmniFocus).
  • From the Info window, you can now use the Command-Shift-T keyboard shortcut to jump the Tags field.
  • Arrow-keying through the records list is faster.
  • A folder of smart folders now shows the merged contents of all the smart folders it contains.
  • Improved importing of Web pages from Discourse forums, Stack Overflow, Twitter, and various Web sites that have pop-ups.
  • When you import a duplicate file, the Reveal in Library button now shows the pre-existing file in its containing folder rather than mixed in with everything else under Records.
  • When importing a message from Apple Mail that has a missing attachment, EagleFiler now adds the missing_attachments tag to the mailbox and mentions the missing file in the mailbox’s note, so that you can still find this information after closing the Errors window.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • EagleFiler now requires macOS 10.12 or later.
  • Improved the Apple Help navigation bar coloring and layout.
  • Records now have an is folder AppleScript property. This is faster and more concise than comparing the record’s universal type identifier property with public.folder.
  • Added the Import From Specified Folders script.
  • The Copy Notes to Spotlight Comments script now works with folder records that have notes.
  • EagleFiler is better able to display and merge malformed .eml files.
  • Worked around a bug in Safari 14 that prevents apps from receiving Web archive text or rich text when using the system service. EagleFiler will instead import the selected text as plain text.
  • Worked around a problem where iCloud Drive would rename files out from under EagleFiler, causing it to lose track of them. This particularly happened with long filenames containing lots of Asian characters or emoji.
  • When importing a file, EagleFiler will remove any stray quarantine information that would prevent macOS from opening it when double-clicked. For example, this can help when importing files that were saved to iCloud Drive from an iPhone.
  • Worked around a change in Airmail that prevented importing messages via drag and drop. This once again works for single messages. Multi-message drags fail due to a macOS issue. On macOS 10.14, drag and drop from Airmail doesn’t seem to work at all (even to Finder) so EagleFiler shows an error that recommends you use the File ‣ Save command instead.
  • Worked around a bug in Apple Mail that could cause a dragged-and-dropped message to import within a numbered folder.
  • When initiating a search of a specific library via URL, e.g. from Alfred or LaunchBar (see the Searching From Other Applications section of the manual), EagleFiler now brings that library’s window to the front.
  • Worked around a macOS bug where source list text was hard to read when esoteric font smoothing preferences are set.
  • Worked around a bug in macOS 11 that prevented progress bars from being drawn.
  • Updated to version 1.4.4 of the SkimNotes framework.
  • Fixed a bug where, on macOS 11, sometimes a new plain text file wouldn’t be selected in the records list when created from the toolbar.
  • Fixed a bug where exact searches and search match highlighting weren’t case-insensitive for certain non-ASCII characters.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when opening the Quick Look window.
  • Fixed a bug where file names and extensions excluded from Scan for New Files were only excluded when scanning the top-level folder.
  • Fixed a bug where in rare cases a mailbox or subfolder could be added to a folder without this being reflected in the source list.
  • Fixed a bug where a movie’s audio would keep playing if you switched to viewing another record without pausing it.
  • Fixed a regression where negative search terms like -foo didn’t work (but !foo did).
1.8.14—June 10, 2020
  • EagleFiler now shows a more detailed Kind for text files, e.g. Markdown document or Ruby Source instead of Text File.
  • Improved importing from various Web sites, including the New York Times and Discourse forums, where sometimes the content would be truncated or overlaid.
  • Worked around file errors caused by APFS’s strict handling of Unicode characters, e.g. not allowing emoji that were added in later versions of macOS. This could cause an import to fail when creating a new file based on a Web page or other user-generated content or when importing a file that had been saved on HFS+ or a newer version of APFS. EagleFiler will now escape any unsuitable characters so that the import can proceed without error.
  • When importing from a Web view as plain text via drag and drop or the system service, EagleFiler will now save the source URL.
  • When capturing from Apple Mail, the error messages about special mailboxes and IMAP path prefixes are more helpful.
  • Added accessibility labels for the New Record toolbar buttons so that they work better with VoiceOver.
  • EagleFiler is now localized in Russian.
  • The To Import folder can now be replaced by an alias if you want to relocate it to another location (e.g. to work around a ScanSnap path length limitation).
  • Improved recognition of bookmark files that are missing their filename extension.
  • The Apple Mail importer is better able to reassemble messages in cases where Mail has saved duplicate copies of an attachment file in the same folder.
  • The OCR With PDFpen script now removes the “NeedsOCR” tag after applying OCR.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • Worked around an issue that could cause RStudio files to have generic icons.
  • Worked around a problem where EagleFiler would try to open a database file before it had been fully downloaded from iCloud Drive.
  • Update to version 1.4.3 of the SkimNotes framework.
  • Fixed a bug importing Apple Mail attachments where the attachment name in the message and the file on disk had different Unicode normalizations.
  • Fixed a bug where capturing from Safari failed if JavaScript was disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the Trash button in the Errors window could be enabled when no errors were selected.
  • Fixed a bug where entering invalid Unicode could lead to database errors.
  • Fixed a bug where adding a lone - to an indexed search query could prevent it from finding any matches.
1.8.13—April 15, 2020
  • When importing from Apple Mail, EagleFiler now sets the abbreviation symbols and colors for any colored flag tags.
  • The capture key now works with DEVONthink 3 and preserves more metadata when importing.
  • If you press the capture key in Leaf or News Explorer, EagleFiler now shows instructions for how to import instead of reporting an error.
  • Updated the Import From Instapaper via NetNewsWire script for NetNewsWire 5. This script can also be used to import the unread articles from non-Instapaper RSS feeds.
  • EagleFiler is better at importing the full content of Reddit Web pages that ask you to click a button to show more comments.
  • Numeric sorting in the records list now works with numbers larger than 5 digits.
  • Improved the speed of the records list when there are highlighted search terms.
  • The text size in the Tag Cloud window now updates as you resize the window.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • Improved the handling of errors when creating a new library.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could report an error when capturing a message from Apple Mail that had an attached file whose name was encoded in a particular way.
  • Updated to version 1.4.1 of the SkimNotes framework.
1.8.12—February 4, 2020
  • Improved capturing from MarsEdit. Posts are now imported as HTML instead of plain text, so they preview properly in EagleFiler’s viewer. (This can be overridden by changing the MarsEditCaptureFormat esoteric preference from html to txt.) You can now capture multiple selected posts at once. The filename is now based on the slug, if available, instead of the title. Tags are now preserved. HTML entities in the title, category, or tags are now decoded.
  • Worked around a MailTags bug where tags might not be imported from Apple Mail when using a newer version of MailTags, capturing multiple messages at once, and the messages were stored locally.
  • The new version of the Hook app has improved support for linking files with EagleFiler. EagleFiler customers can get a 20% discount on Hook with coupon code G11X8-G665N-EFR (good through 2020-02-15).
  • Added the note RTF and note HTML scripting properties, which let you get and set the rich text contents of a record’s note.
  • Added the Merge Records script, which lets you combine the text of multiple selected records into one.
  • Improved the reliability of the MailTags importer.
  • Improved the .emlx importer.
  • Improved the display of e-mail messages that specify an incorrect text encoding for an HTML part, such as those generated by MailRaider.
  • EagleFiler knows about more message attachment file types.
  • EagleFiler will now skip importing files that look like Dropbox conflicts of its metadata files.
  • Fixed a bug where importing a file whose name begins with a period might not treat it as the proper file type.
  • Fixed a bug where contextual menu items would not be properly validated when Control-clicking on selected text in an HTML file or Web archive.
  • Fixed a bug where an error loading a .eml file (e.g. because the file is missing) would cause the previously displayed message to be shown rather than an error.
  • Fixed a bug where importing a folder when a folder already existed with the same name but different case would cause the newly uniqued folder name to have the wrong case.
  • Fixed a bug where a narrow date column could display as empty instead of showing truncated values.
  • Fixed a bug where saving a message as a .eml file would fail if the message’s subject contained a NUL character.
1.8.11—December 30, 2019
  • The capture key now works in Brave Browser.
  • There’s now an official PopClip extension for EagleFiler, which avoids the warning about the extension being unsigned.
  • Scripts of the form get first library record where its file is _file are now optimized to quickly look up the record without having to check every record in the library. This can be useful if you have a Hazel script that receives a file and you want to do something with the corresponding record in EagleFiler.
  • Records now have a last used date AppleScript property, corresponding to the last time the file was opened in an app.
  • Records now have a missing AppleScript property to detect whether the file has been moved or deleted.
  • Worked around a series of bugs in macOS 10.15 that could prevent images imported from Evernote from being sized properly.
  • Worked around a change in macOS 10.15 that prevented certain OmniGraffle files from being displayed in the viewer.
  • Improve importing of AudioNote files when AudioNote is not installed.
  • Fixed a bug where importing an attached file from Evernote might not preserve its filename.
  • Fixed a bug importing an Apple Mail mailbox that contained another mailbox with the same name.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could prevent launching EagleFiler after using AirPlay.
  • Fixed a bug where e-mails containing HTML tags that were encoded with UTF-7 would not display properly.
  • Fixed bug the viewer’s auto-save could cause pending tag changes to be saved prematurely, while the field was still in edit mode.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • The Activity window now uses the monospaced digits font to avoid jitter when indexing.
  • The Slideshow button no longer causes an error to be logged.
  • Modernized the localizations.
1.8.10—September 26, 2019
  • When converting from Evernote to rich text (RTFD), EagleFiler makes images display at their intended sizes. (Previously, EagleFiler used the actual sizes of the image files it was given.) Very large images are scaled down to fit a reasonable page width. No image data is lost, as EagleFiler changes the logical image resolution rather than resampling the image.
  • Searching using Match Partial Words now works better with queries containing the / character.
  • When multiple records are selected in the viewer, EagleFiler now shows the overall count in addition to the breakdown by file type.
  • Temporary files are now excluded from iCloud Drive syncing.
  • Worked around a Spotlight bug in macOS 10.14 that could prevent indexing from making progress.
  • Fixed various bugs in the Evernote-to-RTF converter: lines that would run together into one, extra line breaks and spaces, and text content that was missing or incorrectly formatted due to a macOS bug.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would let you import a new file using the same name as an existing record whose file was missing. This could lead to the old record becoming linked to the new file.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when a Software Update error occurred.
  • Fixed a bug with the crash reporter window and Dark Mode.
  • Fixed a bug where importing a Web page whose title was “.” could cause an error.
  • Updated to Xcode 11.
1.8.9—August 20, 2019
  • EagleFiler can now display multi-page Adobe Illustrator documents, and the text is selectable and searchable.
  • Updated the Importing From a Scanner section of the manual.
  • You can now rename a record and change its extension if the new extension is equivalent. For example, if you import a file as .jpeg you can now rename it to .jpg, but EagleFiler will still protect you from renaming it to something completely different that would prevent the file from opening.
  • Optimized the toolbar to improve responsiveness.
  • Fixed a bug where accented characters an ENEX file could be lost during import.
  • Fixed a bug where importing an ENEX file could add an extra character after a link.
  • Fixed a bug where a .eml file might not display properly after renaming it.
  • Fixed a regression where some .eml files did not display the sender.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes EagleFiler would neither quit nor report an error if you tried to quit while an operation was in progress.
  • Fixed a regression (due to no longer using QuickTime) where animated GIFs were not playable.
  • Fixed a bug with the Replace in Filenames (Regex) script and some special characters.
  • Fixed a regression where the Tag Cloud toolbar button was disabled when it shouldn’t have been.
1.8.8—June 26, 2019
  • EagleFiler now requires macOS 10.9 or later.
  • When dragging in an attached file from a rich text view (e.g. OmniFocus or TextEdit), EagleFiler now imports the file itself rather than creating an RTFD file with the attached file inside.
  • The Batch Change… window remembers whether you had selected Append or Replace.
  • Added support for indexing more types of files attached to e-mail messages.
  • The keyboard shortcut for the EagleFiler: Import With Options service is now localized for German, so that the Command-Shift-Option-1 combination still works with the different keyboard layout.
  • Pressing the capture key while in Reeder 4 now shows instructions for importing from Reeder to EagleFiler.
  • The How can I put my library on my iPhone? section of the manual notes that EagleFiler works with 1Writer.
  • Added preliminary support for macOS 10.15 (which is now in beta).
  • EagleFiler now plays movie files using AVFoundation instead of QuickTime. This improves performance and offers compatibility with macOS 10.15, however some older files that use 32-bit codecs will no longer be playable. You may be able to use IINA or VLC instead.
  • Worked around a change in macOS 10.15 that prevented EagleFiler browser windows from opening.
  • The software updater now works on macOS 10.15.
  • Brought back the old mailbox icon, as macOS 10.15 no longer has one built-in.
  • Capturing from Apple Mail now works on macOS 10.15.
  • Increased the maximum width of the # column so it doesn’t get truncated for mailboxes with very large numbers of messages.
  • Increased the maximum width of the Size column to prevent truncation with large font sizes.
  • Improved the property descriptions in the AppleScript dictionary.
  • Improved the identification and display of mailbox files that have malformed headers containing NUL characters.
  • EagleFiler now limits the amount of a text file to index, to avoid running out of RAM and hanging the indexing process if you have a file that’s hundreds of MBs.
  • There’s now a 10-second timeout when accessing the text content of a record via AppleScript to prevent the user interface from hanging if PDFKit gets stuck. This is adjustable via the TextToolScriptTimeout esoteric preference.
  • Worked around an AVFoundation bug could cause internal errors when viewing an old movie file.
  • Improved reporting of Python launch errors.
  • Fixed a bug where a Web archive could open an ad window in Safari.
  • Fixed a regression where the toolbar buttons for creating new records were inappropriately disabled.
  • Fixed a regression where the Mac App Store version of EagleFiler didn’t include the manual.
  • Fixed an internal error when using the Drop Pad.
  • Fixed a bug where importing a message with MailTags tags but no project could result in an empty tag being applied.
  • Fixed a bug importing notes with very long titles from Evernote.
  • Updated to Python 2.7.16 and PyObjC 5.2.
1.8.7—April 3, 2019
  • You can now import to EagleFiler using the Share button in Apple News.
  • The keyboard shortcuts for the EagleFiler: Import and EagleFiler: Import With Options services are now Command-Shift-1 and Command-Option-Shift-1 because the old shortcuts using the number 5 conflict with the new Screenshot and recording options command in macOS 10.14.
  • When capturing from Microsoft Outlook or Entourage, EagleFiler now preserves the message’s to-do completed status as a tag.
  • EagleFiler is better at reading malformed mbox files.
  • Displaying AudioNote files is faster.
  • When importing mail, if EagleFiler skips a message because it’s a duplicate or marked as deleted, it will add a note to the mailbox explaining this, so that you don’t wonder why the message count is different from what you saw in your mail program.
  • When closing a library that has active operations in the Activity window, EagleFiler is better at waiting until they have been canceled, so it’s less likely that you’ll get the alert sheet about not being able to close the library because it’s busy.
  • Improved indexing performance by skipping certain file types that could be slow and didn’t need to be indexed, anyway.
  • EagleFiler now integrates with Hook.
  • Updated the How can I put my library on my iPhone? section of the manual.
  • The import text and import plain text script commands now let you create an empty document, e.g. if you want a blank file to send to another app for editing or to record some metadata.
  • Improved the Tag PDFs that Need OCR script.
  • Worked around a bug in macOS 10.14 that prevented EagleFiler from using Spotlight importer plug-ins, leading to Excel, OmniOutliner, and other document types not being indexed.
  • Worked around a Spotlight change in macOS 10.14.4 that prevented indexing from working.
  • Worked around bugs in third-party Spotlight importers that returned the wrong type of data.
  • Worked around a Quick Look bug that could cause hangs when clicking to view a record.
  • Worked around an issue where macOS would offer to Quick Look a link in an e-mail, but doing so would cause an internal error.
  • Worked around a change in macOS 10.14 to restore the highlight ring when dragging and dropping onto the records list.
  • Importing an ENEX file that references a missing attachment no longer causes an internal error.
  • Tried to work around a macOS bug that could cause a crash when closing a library.
  • When capturing from Microsoft Entourage, EagleFiler now picks a default folder name rather than failing if Entourage reports an error getting the folder name.
  • EagleFiler now skips over damaged metadata files instead of halting the import with an error.
  • EagleFiler now logs to Console if a file triggers slowness in a Spotlight importer, to help track down problem files and importers.
  • Fixed the colors in the quick entry text view when using Dark Mode.
  • Fixed an internal error when parsing an invalid e-mail date that could lead to a mailbox not being imported.
  • Fixed a bug where some MIME text was not decoded properly.
  • Fixed a bug where importing from MailTags 6 didn’t work.
  • Fixed a bug where the capture key didn’t work with MarsEdit 4.
  • Updated to Xcode 10.2.
  • The Mac App Store version of EagleFiler no longer uses the hardened runtime, to work around an App Review code signing problem.
1.8.6—February 4, 2019
  • When importing from Evernote, EagleFiler now attaches any Optical Character Recognition (OCR) results to the records as notes, so that you can search for printed and handwritten text that had been extracted.
  • Improved EagleFiler’s support for Dark Mode in the records list, record viewer, source list, and options window.
  • Bulk importing from the Files folder using Scan for New Files is much faster (than before and also compared with other import methods), as EagleFiler no longer wastes time reading Spotlight comments that don’t need to be copied. This is especially important on macOS 10.14, as its new security features seem to slow down Apple event processing.
  • Made various changes to improve viewing and scrolling performance in the records list, particularly for large libraries with lots of media files that need to have previews generated.
  • The source list is faster at displaying tags on macOS 10.14.
  • EagleFiler now figures out the date if an e-mail message is missing the Date: header.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • Improved the error message when EagleFiler is unable to launch.
  • Worked around a bug where Outlook didn’t correctly report which messages were selected, leading to no messages being imported by the capture key.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could make setting a file’s creation or modification date to earlier than 1970 set the wrong date.
  • Worked around a bug in macOS 10.14 that could cause a hang when importing a URL from Safari via drag and drop.
  • Worked around a problem where EagleFiler could import metadata that was invalid Unicode and thus would cause an error when saving the database.
  • Error logging works better with long error messages that exceed the macOS limit.
  • Error logging now works with strings that cannot be converted to UTF-8.
  • Fixed a bug where a Web page with an illegal Unicode byte sequence in the title might fail to import.
  • Fixed a bug where toolbar buttons would shift position when a label changed size, e.g. from “Read” to “Unread”.
  • Fixed a bug where JavaScript in a Web archive could open a new window in your browser without any user interaction.
  • Fixed a bug where the menu for hiding and showing table columns had an Import From iPhone item.
  • Updated the screenshots in the manual.
1.8.5—December 20, 2018
  • Improved EagleFiler’s importing from Evernote. EagleFiler now converts the notes to macOS’s standard Rich Text With Attachments (RTFD) format, preserving images and attached files, text formatting, and metadata (tags, title, author, source URL, dates). This is further described in the Import ENEX File… section of the manual. (In prior versions, importing created an uneditable HTML file, and the attachments were separate EagleFiler records in a sidecar folder.)
  • EagleFiler now supports importing using Continuity Camera (requires macOS 10.14). This is described in the Import from iPhone Camera section of the manual.
  • On macOS 10.14, you can import from Finder via a Quick Action. This is described in the Importing via a Quick Action section of the manual.
  • The capture key now works with NetNewsWire 5.
  • You can now use PopClip to import the selected text into EagleFiler, as described in the Importing via PopClip section of the manual.
  • Plain HTML is now a supported Web page format for importing. This can be useful if you want to preserve the original HTML text content but don’t want the overhead of a Web archive or prefer to use a format that works in all browsers.
  • The Convert for Editing command now works with HTML files (rather than just Web archives).
  • EagleFiler now supports the Hardened Runtime on macOS 10.14.
  • EagleFiler is now notarized by Apple.
  • When importing via AppleScript, there is a new allowing duplicates option to temporarily override the application-wide Allow duplicate files in library preference.
  • The Import Files… command now explains that you can also import files by moving instead of by copying.
  • Added support for importing tags and notes from the forthcoming MailTags 6.
  • Updated the following sections of the manual:
  • Updated the Import Examples sample script.
  • Opening the smart folder editor is faster.
  • Importing pre-existing bookmark files is faster.
  • Improved the responsiveness when typing.
  • Improved the display of labels in Dark Mode.
  • The About window now includes a link to the privacy policy and has an updated layout.
  • EagleFiler reports a better error message when you are trying to manually import a mailbox from Mail and EagleFiler lacks Full Disk Access.
  • EagleFiler now directly opens the Full Disk Access tab of System Preferences to make it easier for you to grant access.
  • EagleFiler now includes a usage description when it requests Automation access on macOS 10.14.
  • EagleFiler now stores damaged index files outside of its file package so that they easier to see and delete to free up disk space.
  • When importing an entire volume, EagleFiler now skips various invisible folders managed by the system.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that caused EagleFiler to get stuck importing certain Web pages and neither finish nor time out.
  • Worked around a macOS change that could cause an internal error when trying to replace text in a PDF view.
  • Improved the diagnostic report.
  • Fixed a bug where status information in the viewer was sometimes displayed with the wrong colors in Dark Mode.
  • Fixed a bug where column titles or sort indicators could appear drawn on top of the arrow for the table column pop-up menu in Dark Mode on macOS 10.14.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would use the wrong text color in certain situations, e.g. white RTF text in Dark Mode on macOS 10.14 or black text instead of the custom plain text color.
  • Fixed an inconsistency with tab width in new plain text files or when switching from editing a rich text one to a plain text one.
  • Fixed a bug where, when using a newer version of WebKit, Web views didn’t unhighlight the old search terms when you changed the query.
  • Fixed a bug where empty Markdown files were not imported as text files if you had an application installed that told the system they were not text.
  • Fixed a bug where the EagleFiler Spotlight importer didn’t work with FoxTrot.
  • Fixed a bug importing an Apple Mail .mbox folder via the To Import folder or the Files folder folder. (However, importing via those folders tells EagleFiler to import the files as-is. It’s generally better to use other import methods for such mailboxes to allow EagleFiler to convert them to the standard mbox format.)
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would capture the first tab from Vivaldi, rather than the active tab.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would import some iCloud temporary files (and then later complain that they were missing).
  • Fixed an internal error that could be reported during a background operation.
  • Fixed an internal error that could occur when using the Copy Record Link command.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could log an internal undo-related error when launching.
1.8.4—August 22, 2018
  • macOS 10.14 has new data protection features that require the user to specifically grant applications such as EagleFiler access to do certain things. In general, you will want to grant EagleFiler Full Disk Access as well as Automation access for Finder, Mail, Safari, and other applications that you want to capture from. This is further explained in the Security & Privacy Access section of the manual.
  • Added support for Dark Mode on macOS 10.14. The viewer for plain text files (and plain text e-mails) switches colors for dark mode, whereas RTF files and HTML e-mails do not because they may override the background color in ways that are hard to read with the dark color scheme.
  • The capture key now works with Apple Mail on macOS 10.14.
  • EagleFiler is able to import more Web pages successfully because it now ignores timeouts and certificate errors when loading subsidiary resources. Previously, a broken ad or tracker would cause importing to fail. Now, EagleFiler makes a best effort (like a Web browser) so that importing can succeed so long as the main page content loads without error.
  • If you open an RTF file in TextEdit and add an image, TextEdit will convert it to RTFD format. When you view the file again in EagleFiler, EagleFiler will now detect this renaming instead of reporting the file as missing.
  • Importing URLs in bookmark format is much faster.
  • Bulk tagging operations from the Batch Change and Info windows and from the tags bar and tag sources are much faster.
  • The capture key now works with the Vivaldi Web browser.
  • Compiled AppleScript files are no longer imported as plain text files; instead, EagleFiler displays them as read-only, syntax-highlighted source code.
  • EagleFiler now waits a bit longer after you open a library before starting the background operations, to improve responsiveness.
  • The Import Bookmarks… command now skips over items in the bookmarks file with missing URLs, rather than failing with an error.
  • Made various user interface refinements and fixes for compatibility with macOS 10.14.
  • The Export CSV script now uses UTF-8, so it should work with metadata that uses any characters.
  • Updated the following sections of the manual:
  • Added the WebToolRTFDomains esoteric preference, as described in Importing Web Pages and URLs. This can help with importing from sites such as Twitter that don’t print properly.
  • Added DisplayImagesWithQuickLook to the esoteric preferences for improved privacy control.
  • EagleFiler will now log a more informative error if it can’t access the Spotlight comments due to not having Finder Automation access on macOS 10.14.
  • Worked around a bug in macOS 10.14 that prevented the open libraries from being remembered.
  • Worked around a bug in macOS 10.14 that prevented saving bookmark files.
  • Worked around a change in macOS 10.14 that could cause a library to open with some of the source list items inappropriately collapsed.
  • Worked around a bug in macOS 10.14 that prevented the selected source list item from being properly indicated.
  • Worked around a macOS 10.13 bug that could prevent keyboard input after closing the Help menu.
  • Worked around a macOS 10.13 bug that would cause a crash when indexing Excel or PowerPoint documents.
  • Worked around a SearchKit bug that could cause files not to be indexed.
  • Worked around a macOS 10.13 bug that could cause an internal error when locating EagleFiler’s data files.
  • Removed the Open in Delicious command.
  • Updated to version 1.3.12 of the SkimNotes framework.
  • Fixed a bug where the capture sound didn’t play on macOS 10.13 or later.
  • Fixed a bug where Scapple files would display as XML instead of showing a preview of the document.
  • Fixed a bug where Option-double-clicking a large selection of records (such that confirmation was required) would open them in the external viewer instead of opening their source URLs.
  • Fixed a bug where toggling text view options (such as spell checking) from the Info inspector’s contextual menu didn’t work.
  • Fixed a bug creating bookmark files from certain URLs.
  • Fixed a bug where some content in HTML e-mail messages might not be indexed for searching.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could report an internal error when asked to import a file that was already in the library folder but which had not yet been fully imported.
1.8.3—March 28, 2018
  • The capture key now works with the Evergreen feed reader.
  • Evergreen’s Share button now works with EagleFiler.
  • Added support for capturing from beta versions of Opera 51.0.
  • Improved the responsiveness when displaying HTML e-mail messages with remote images.
  • EagleFiler can now import Apple Mail messages with attachments that are stored as pre-expanded ZIP files. (Typically this happens when you send a message with a packaged document attached.)
  • EagleFiler can now import malformed mbox files generated by Mail Archiver X.
  • Changing the filename or other metadata via the contextual menu in the viewer is now more easily undone.
  • The system Quick Look previewer no longer supports chat archives from Messages and iChat, so EagleFiler once again displays these using its own code.
  • Added the Importing iMessages section of the manual.
  • The Importing Mail From MailMate section of the manual now describes how to automatically import all messages added to a particular mailbox.
  • Updated the Reveal in Finder section of the manual to mention third-party Finder replacements.
  • Added logging to hopefully track down bugs with NSFileManager and NSTextView.
  • Fixed a bug where View ‣ Message ‣ Rich Text was not shown as checked when it was in effect.
  • Fixed a bug where a timeout loading a remote image could make the e-mail display without formatting.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause EagleFiler’s Spotlight importer to leave temporary files around when it was invoked by FoxTrot.
  • Fixed a bug where the collapsed state of the Tags source group was not restored.
  • Fixed a bug where the accessory view when creating an encrypted library wasn’t centered.
  • Fixed a crash reporter bug that could prevent some information from being logged.
  • Improved the diagnostic report.
1.8.2—January 8, 2018
  • Tag names can now contain spaces, which improves interoperability with Finder tags. The Search Query Syntax has been updated to support using quotation marks around tag names with spaces.
  • Adjusted the way tag auto-completion works so that it’s easier to enter new tags whose initial characters are similar to existing tags but differ in case or diacritics. Previously, the system would sometimes alter the initial characters that you had typed, making certain strings impossible enter by typing (though you could paste them).
  • The system Share toolbar button (which we had to remove in EagleFiler 1.6.5) is once again supported.
  • Updated the following sections of the manual:
  • EagleFiler no longer tries to import iCloud Drive temporary files.
  • Updated to version 1.3.8 of the SkimNotes framework.
  • The section names in the source list are no longer in all caps, to match the current system apps.
  • Renamed the To/Cc search scope to Any Recipient.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that could cause text in the records list to be unreadably condensed (with overlapping letters) when doing a search.
  • Worked around a macOS bug where the paperclip icon for e-mail attachments didn’t always respond to clicks. Instead, the attachment names are now clickable.
  • Worked around a PDFKit issue that could prevent ejecting an encrypted library.
  • Fixed a bug where Reply to Message would use the From address instead of the Reply-To address.
  • Fixed a bug where a misleading error message would be presented if a secure connection could not be made to the software update server.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Command-Delete while editing text in the records list would move the selected record to the trash instead of deleting the text to the beginning of the cell.
  • Modernized some font selection code.
1.8.1—October 19, 2017
  • EagleFiler is now 64-bit only and requires macOS 10.7 or later.
  • Added support for HEIC images.
  • Sketch files are now displayed using Sketch’s Quick Look plug-in instead of just showing the file icon.
  • You can now paste Return-delimited tag names into the Tags fields. This can be helpful in concert with selecting a range of tags and using the Copy command, as that generates Return-delimited text.
  • Increased the maximum width of the Title column.
  • The How can I put my library on my iPhone? section of the manual now recommends the new Files app in iOS 11, which can view and sync the tags on your EagleFiler files.
  • Updated the Edit Smart Folder… and Export… sections of the manual.
  • Worked around a macOS 10.13 bug that caused crashes in Core Animation.
  • Worked around a macOS 10.13 bug where importing an Apple Mail message via drag and drop could import an empty folder instead of the .eml file.
  • Worked around a macOS bug that prevented large PDF files from displaying properly.
  • Worked around an issue where macOS would add a color tag (which would then get synced into EagleFiler) when you assigned a label.
  • You can now assign the ef_nometa tag to a folder to exclude it (and its subfolders) from metadata backups.
  • Added the MJTURLSetModificationDateOnCopy esoteric preference to have EagleFiler try to repair lost file modification dates when importing to a NAS.
  • EagleFiler no longer considers .7z message attachments to have unknown type.
  • Improved the error reporting when importing a Web page.
  • Worked around an internal error when opening a library window.
  • When importing an Apple Mail message, EagleFiler no longer warns about missing message parts that are actually present but empty.
  • Fixed a bug where the Drop Pad could show no current library if you closed a library window while EagleFiler was in the background.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could report an internal error when Control-clicking on a row that now longer exists.
  • Fixed an issue on macOS 10.13 that could cause a hang when searching.
  • Fixed an issue on macOS 10.13 that could prevent closing the library or quitting.
  • Fixed a regression where there was too much debug logging when importing a Web page.
  • Updated the German localization.
1.8—July 24, 2017
  • EagleFiler is now compatible with macOS 10.13 (currently in beta).
  • On macOS 10.13, EagleFiler uses APFS’s cloning feature. This can make importing large files much faster and reduce the amount of disk space used, as the copies in EagleFiler’s library can share the same disk blocks as the originals.
  • Added the Message ‣ Use Quick Look command to the View menu, which enables EagleFiler to display images that are attached to e-mails. Previously, only remote images were displayed; attached images could (and can still) be viewed in the separate Quick Look window and by double-clicking the message to open it in Apple Mail or another external viewer. The Message ‣ Plain Text and Message ‣ Rich Text options are still available. These use EagleFiler’s mail engine, which doesn’t yet support inline images but which provides more control over fonts and colors, as well as additional searching and text features.
  • The keyboard shortcut for Reply to Message has been adjusted to allow the View ‣ Message shortcuts to be consistent.
  • Added the Always Search All Records option to the search field menu. This lets you do a global search without having to first select the Records source. If you commonly want to search the entire library, enabling this option can save you that step as well as the step of re-selecting the sources that you were viewing before the search, should you want to go back to viewing them. This is described further in the Searching section of the manual.
  • Importing Apple Mail messages is faster and requires less temporary disk space.
  • It is now possible to use the records list and source list contextual menus without changing the selection. This means that, for example, while editing a record’s note you can copy and paste links to other records. (Previously, Control-clicking on the other record would change the target of the inspector, making the note disappear.)
  • The Info inspector now remembers the scroll position and selection of the notes text view when you switch back and forth to another app.
  • Updated the Quoted Text Colors presets to match the new colors that Apple Mail uses.
  • On macOS 10.13, there is a new Show All Tabs command in the View menu.
  • EagleFiler will now prevent you from creating files whose names are valid on APFS but not HFS+, as such files cannot be backed up via Time Machine or copied/synced to an HFS+ volume.
  • Metadata in JPEG 2000 e-mail attachments is now indexed for searching.
  • Made various performance improvements.
  • Updated the following sections of the manual:
  • When importing from Apple Mail, EagleFiler can now detect and warn if a message is marked as having separately stored attachments but EagleFiler didn’t find any references to them in the message headers.
  • EagleFiler no longer imports DEVONtech_storage metadata files.
  • The diagnostic reporter can now check whether the application package is damaged
  • Removed a workaround for a PDF crash since the underlying bug seems to be fixed in macOS 10.13.
  • Worked around a Web Kit change that prevented quoted text from being colored in rich text e-mail messages.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could make only the first of a group of messages dragged from Outlook import into EagleFiler.
  • Made various code modernizations.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler’s indexer could potentially get confused by the new nanosecond-precision dates in APFS.
  • Fixed a bug where the Tags inspector would look like it would let you delete an undeletable built-in tag.
  • Fixed a bug where certain types of Apple Mail mailbox hierarchies would cause EagleFiler would report that attachments were missing when they weren’t.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler sometimes reported missing Apple Mail attachments using the wrong path, so that it was not possible to open the message and get Mail to re-download the attachments.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler did not import an attachment from an Apple Mail message when the message’s only part was an image.
  • Fixed a bug where column state changes made when a window was in full screen mode were not saved.
  • Fixed a bug where no RTF file was created if you entered metadata but no text in the Quick Entry window.
  • Fixed a bug where some text in the New Library… window was truncated due to OS font changes.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an internal error when trying to access the Open With menu while a library was opening.
  • Fixed a bug where text could wrap onto an invisible second line in the tag abbreviation column.
  • Fixed bug where YouTube videos in Web archives didn’t play. (Note that the video content is loaded on demand; it not saved in the Web archive file.)
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an internal error when reporting errors.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an internal error when updating the Find panel.
1.7.6—April 18, 2017
  • The x-eaglefiler custom URL scheme now supports a search option. The new Searching From Other Applications section of the manual shows how to use this to initiate an EagleFiler search from Alfred, LaunchBar, or other applications that support URL schemes. You can set up your launcher app to search the current EagleFiler library as well as create shortcuts to open and search specific libraries.
  • Improved the Searching section of the manual.
  • EagleFiler now follows the Match Partial Words setting when highlighting search matches in the records list and in text and e-mail records. In other words, if you were searching for a whole word, EagleFiler will no longer highlight instances of that word contained within another word. This should reduce confusion about what was actually being searched for.
  • Worked around a bug in macOS 10.12 that could make the File ‣ Open command open the library behind an existing library’s window.
  • Worked around a bug in OmniOutliner 5 that caused its compressed flat files to be imported as text files. (The change takes effect for newly imported files or if you rebuild your library.)
  • Worked around a PDF bug in macOS 10.12.4 that could cause a crash when opening a contextual menu.
1.7.5—March 21, 2017
  • For consistency with Finder, the New Browser Window command now always makes a new window. As before, when you open a library EagleFiler follows the system preference to decide whether it should be tabbed, and you can use the + button in the tab bar or the New Tab command to make another tab for an existing window.
  • The Command-Up Arrow and Command-Down Arrow keyboard shortcuts no longer change the selection in the records list when their corresponding menu commands (Enclosing Record and Contents of Record) are disabled. This is consistent with Finder and should help prevent getting lost when you reach the top or bottom of the hierarchy.
  • When opening a record link, EagleFiler now deminimizes the window from the Dock, if necessary.
  • When a file in a subfolder of the To Import folder is skipped because it’s a duplicate, it’s now moved to the same relative location in the Unable to Import folder instead of the top level. This should make it easier to figure out where it came from.
  • Updated the Importing From iOS section of the manual.
  • The Capture Not Supported window no longer shows the Show Drop Pad button if the Drop Pad window is already visible.
  • EagleFiler no longer tries to import metadata files for Dropbox’s Selective Sync feature.
  • Acorn 5.6.4 fixes a problem that could cause Acorn to quit if it was launched as a result of EagleFiler asking it to open a file.
  • Improved the error reporting when moving files.
  • Documentation and Help menu links to c-command.com now use https instead of http.
  • Added the DeleteRecordsWithoutCommandKey esoteric preference, which prevents the Delete key from accidentally moving records to the trash when the Command key is not down.
  • Worked around a bug in Preview that could cause an internal error when importing a PDF page via drag and drop.
  • Partially worked around a bug in macOS 10.12 that could prevent some text from being properly indexed for searching. If this was affecting you, you’ll need to rebuild the indexes to see a change for existing records.
  • Fixed a bug where typing Command-Delete in a text editor or text field could move the selected record to the trash instead of deleting text to the beginning of the line.
  • Fixed a bug where an internal error could occur if you emptied the trash while EagleFiler was generating an icon preview.
  • Fixed a regression where EagleFiler would sometimes show records list columns that had been hidden.
1.7.4—February 27, 2017
  • You can now capture entire mailbox hierarchies from within Apple Mail. To do this, select the topmost mailbox (or mailboxes), make sure that no messages are selected, and press the capture key. For more information, see the Importing Mail From Apple Mail section of the manual.
  • EagleFiler now works with newer AudioNote files that are packages.
  • Message display and indexing are faster, particularly for large .eml files.
  • The Save Diagnostic Report… command in the Help menu now works with all versions of macOS that EagleFiler supports.
  • Added the Replace in Titles script.
  • The How can I access my library from multiple Macs? section of the manual has more information about Resilio Sync.
  • Added the Share Extension section of the manual.
  • EagleFiler no longer imports .sync or .ts folders, as they only contain metadata.
  • EagleFiler now logs to Console when a message attachment is particularly slow to index, to help identify problem files or Spotlight importers.
  • Added the IndexMessageAttachments esoteric preference so that you can skip indexing message attachments if Spotlight issues are causing indexing to get stuck.
  • Added the UnindexedAttachmentExtensions user default, as described in the How does indexing in EagleFiler work? section of the manual.
  • Fixed an issue where the EagleFiler Import command was not available in Preview’s Share menu.
  • Fixed a problem where EagleFiler could lose track of a file if the library was stored in Dropbox and Dropbox renamed the file in accordance with its filename limitations.
  • Worked around a WebKit error when importing certain Web pages.
  • Worked around an OS bug that prevented table column state from being saved.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause a crash when using the Touch Bar.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause a crash when creating a diagnostic report.
  • Worked around an OS bug that prevented importing Mail messages via drag and drop if the subject contained a # character.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause an error when displaying a PDF file.
  • Improved the workaround to prevent crashing due to a PDFView contextual menu bug on macOS 10.12.
  • Made the task code more robust.
  • Fixed a regression where some message attachments were not indexed.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an internal error when reporting an error.
1.7.3—January 10, 2017
  • For new libraries created on macOS 10.12 or later, EagleFiler uses a different set of tag abbreviation symbols that are better suited for the Sierra fonts. You can use the Tag Abbreviation Style AppleScript to change the symbols in a pre-existing library and to switch between different sets of symbols.
  • EagleFiler now supports the Touch Bar.
  • Revised the toolbar icons for Unread and Read with a bullet and checkmark to make them more clear.
  • Worked around a bug in macOS 10.12 that caused resizing glitches when using tabbed windows.
  • The text inspector bar is once again available, thanks to a crashing bug fix in macOS 10.12.2.
  • When you’re editing a file in the record viewer, EagleFiler now auto-saves it every minute, rather than only when you change windows or apps.
  • SOHO Notes is no longer being developed, but you can import folders or individual notes from it by dragging and dropping them onto EagleFiler’s Dock icon or into one of your EagleFiler library windows. SOHO Notes customers can get a discount on switching to EagleFiler by e-mailing proof of their purchase.
  • The new Save Diagnostic Report… command in the Help menu provides an easier way of recording error logs and other information to send to technical support (requires macOS 10.12).
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • Added some esoteric preferences for changing the colors EagleFiler uses for displaying plain text files.
  • Added NewPlainTextExtension to the esoteric preferences, which lets you change the extension of new plain text files that EagleFiler creates on your behalf. For example, you could change it from the default txt to md to create Markdown files.
  • Added DefaultWebEncoding to the esoteric preferences.
  • Work around various font metrics issues in macOS 10.12 to make tag abbreviation symbols display properly in the source list and records list.
  • Enlarged the triangle in the table column pop-up menus.
  • Improved the error logging on macOS 10.12.
  • Fixed a bug where the Open With menu did not show all of the available applications for file types that some applications claim only by file extension, rather than UTI. For example, you can now open Markdown files with Byword and iA Writer.
  • Fixed a bug where window tabbing was allowed for auxiliary windows.
  • Fixed drawing glitch that could cause black lines to appear at bottom of the window (macOS 10.12 and later).
  • Fixed a bug where files imported from Evernote might not display with the proper encoding.
  • Fixed a bug where capturing messages from a local Apple Mail mailbox sometimes didn’t work if your Mac was not running in English.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could incorrectly log an error about the Mac App Store receipt.
  • Updated to Xcode 8.1.
  • Updated the German localization.
1.7.2—October 17, 2016
  • The Reveal button in the Errors window now works if multiple errors are selected. You can now hold down the Option key to open the files instead of revealing them; this is useful for loading attachments in Mail messages that were only partially downloaded.
  • Added DisplayPDFsWithQuickLook to the esoteric preferences to let you work around bugs in macOS 10.12’s PDFView.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • Worked around a change in the macOS 10.12 font panel that could cause the wrong variant of the system font to be used when changing the font in the preferences.
  • Worked around a bug in macOS 10.12 that could prevent the progress window from being centered.
  • Worked around a badly worded OS certificate error when checking for a software update.
  • Worked around a change in macOS 10.12 that messed up the positioning of tag abbreviations in the source list.
  • Worked around a change in macOS 10.12 that could cause the ruler to be shown when editing a plain text file.
  • Worked around an issue that prevented some errors from being logged to Console on macOS 10.12.
  • Fixed a bug with the Apple Mail importer and the new mail store format on macOS 10.12 that led to Missing Apple Mail Message Attachment errors.
  • Fixed a bug where capturing from an On My Mac Apple Mail mailbox on macOS 10.12 didn’t work if the Mac had not been previously running Mac OS X 10.11.
  • Fixed a bug where the tab stops for the plain text editor didn’t auto-adjust for different fonts and sizes.
  • Fixed a bug where the tag abbreviation font in the source list didn’t match the records list and Tags inspector.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the Drop Pad or capture key would would incorrectly report that no library was open.
  • Fixed a bug where image titles were sometimes not properly imported and indexed.
  • If EagleFiler is unable to find the messages to import from Apple Mail, it now logs the folders it was looking for them in to aid in troubleshooting.
1.7.1—September 19, 2016
  • EagleFiler no longer uses the text inspector bar on macOS 10.12, in order to work around a crashing bug in the OS. In the event that the bug is fixed, you can re-enable the text inspector using TextInspectorBar in the esoteric preferences.
  • The system PDF view was rewritten in macOS 10.12, and there are still some bugs in the GM release that affect EagleFiler:
    • The PDF contextual menu is not available. This may be fixed in the official release of 10.12.
    • Dragging to select PDF text sometimes selects the wrong range.
    • Some longer PDF files display with blank regions when using Continuous Scroll mode.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.11.6 that could cause internal errors and prevent the font picker in the preferences from changing to a non-system font once a system one had been set.
  • The mbox writer guards against newlines in the From line.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • Updated to Xcode 8.
  • Renamed “Mac OS X” to “macOS” throughout the app and documentation.
  • Added the Sending in Crash Log Files section of the manual.
  • Fixed a bug where search queries that included angle brackets could fail if Match Partial Words was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where some URL importing errors were not reported if the format was set to PDF, which led to the creation of blank PDF files.
1.7—August 12, 2016
  • EagleFiler now supports tabbed windows (requires macOS 10.12). A single window can have multiple tabs for either a single library or for different libraries. You can show the tab bar from the View menu. There are commands to manipulate tabs in the Window menu. Clicking the + button in the tab bar creates a new tab for the current library, equivalent to the New Browser Window command.
  • Added support for capturing from Apple Mail on macOS 10.12.
  • The Remove Duplicate Messages script now works if you have selected mailboxes in the source list rather than the records list.
  • Added the current records script property, which returns the selected records in the records list or the source list, depending on which list has focus.
  • The guid property on records is now available from AppleScript.
  • When you use the Export… command to generate a new mbox file for the selected messages, EagleFiler now uses Unix- instead of Mac-style linebreaks, since more e-mail products now support the former.
  • Made various code modernizations.
  • EagleFiler now shows an empty Container column when the file is directly in the Files folder, as this is more clear than showing Records.
  • When reporting that a file is damaged, EagleFiler now shows the relative path rather than just the filename, to make it clearer which file has a problem.
  • The Errors window is better at displaying filenames containing slashes.
  • EagleFiler reports a better error message if it finds that an Apple Mail message file is empty.
  • On macOS 10.12, EagleFiler no longer shows its Select Next Tab and Select Previous Tab menu items because they duplicate the new system ones.
  • Made some changes to the way EagleFiler generates mbox files to prevent Thunderbird’s importer from getting confused.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • Renamed “Mac OS X” to “macOS” throughout the app and documentation.
  • Tried to work around an OS issue where sometimes libraries were not added to the Open Recent menu.
  • Fixed a bug reading messages that have DOS linebreaks, which could lead to exported mbox files not importing properly and could affect the display and indexing of certain messages.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause files in the To Import folder not to be imported promptly.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler did not launch on macOS 10.12.
  • Fixed a bug that caused EagleFiler to report an error when opening a library on macOS 10.12.
  • Worked around an OS bug that caused problems for tag completion using composed character sequences.
  • Added a workaround for a PDFView crashing bug in macOS 10.12. To enable it, click this link.
  • Fixed a regression where tagging from the Record menu didn’t work.
  • Fixed a bug where edits to a record’s tags could be lost if you moved it without the tags bar losing focus.
  • The distribution disk image is now signed.
1.6.9—May 23, 2016
  • The Applications That Support Capture section of the manual now describes how in Mac OS X 10.11.5 you need to check Enable JavaScript From Apple Events in order for EagleFiler to capture the selected Safari text as a note attached to the Web page.
  • When importing from Apple Mail, EagleFiler will now report an error if some of the messages could not be found because they were missing from Mail’s data store. This could simply mean that Mail has not finished downloading those messages and that you should try again shortly.
  • If a message’s date sent is not readily available, EagleFiler now uses the date received (rather than the current date) when generating the mbox file’s “From ” line.
  • EagleFiler will now log an error in the unlikely event that it finds two records that reference the same file. This condition can be fixed by rebuilding the library.
  • Made various code modernizations.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • Fixed a bug where messages in mailboxes could not be exported to .eml files via drag and drop.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler sometimes didn’t skip importing duplicate e-mail messages.
  • Fixed a bug and worked around an OS issue that could cause unnecessary updating of EagleFiler’s metadata backup files, leading to extra storage use and network traffic.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause EagleFiler to crash when indexing a message with malformed headers.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to leaking system pasteboard resources.
  • Fixed a regression (perhaps due to an OS bug) where the Info and Tags toolbar buttons were inappropriately disabled.
  • Fixed a regression where Option-clicking the Tags toolbar button did not open the Tag Cloud window.
  • Fixed an issue where capturing from Safari didn’t work if Safari Technology Preview 1 was running at the same time.
  • Fixed a bug where the “replied” and “sent” tags were not imported from Mailsmith.
  • Fixed a regression where the fallback MIME text decoder didn’t work.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause EagleFiler to report an error about an “EmptyViewer,” e.g. when importing.
1.6.8—March 10, 2016
  • EagleFiler can now capture from Numbers and Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • Capturing from Apple Mail is faster when you have a large mail store.
  • EagleFiler now auto-hides and shows the ruler, like it does the text inspector bar, so that it’s not shown when you aren’t editing an RTF file. Among other benefits, this prevents the alignment and spacing buttons from moving back and forth between the ruler and the text inspector bar, depending on whether the latter was shown.
  • You can now double-click a smart folder as shortcut for Edit Smart Folder…. Option-double-click to get the old behavior of opening a new window with that smart folder selected.
  • When transferring the search query from the main window to the Find panel, EagleFiler now strips any * wildcard characters so that you can more easily use the Find Again command.
  • Copying and pasting an e-mail message from EagleFiler to the Finder now creates a standard .eml file rather than a Mail-proprietary .emlx file.
  • You can now improve the importing of certain Web pages (e.g. Twitter or Discourse-powered forums) by selectively disabling JavaScript for certain domains. This is described in the Importing Web Pages and URLs section of the manual.
  • Added the Append Creation Date to Filename script.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • The record viewer no longer shows the text inspector bar when Allow Editing in Record Viewer is unchecked. This prevents unwanted shifting of the window content and works around a text selection problem.
  • When importing from Apple Mail, EagleFiler no longer makes an unnecessary copy of each of Mail’s Attachments folders. This used extra temporary disk space and could cause the import to fail unnecessarily in the event of a file permissions problem.
  • EagleFiler now skips importing all files whose names begin with ~$ because they are probably Microsoft Office temporary files.
  • When capturing from Apple Mail, if there’s an error finding the mailbox on disk, EagleFiler now presents a more helpful error message.
  • Improved the error reporting when a Mac App Store receipt cannot be found.
  • Improved the error reporting for the Software Update… command.
  • Worked around an OS bug that prevented changing the search highlight and quote colors on Mac OS X 10.10 or later.
  • Fixed bugs where the iWork and Microsoft Office capture scripts didn’t work with the latest versions of those apps.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler couldn’t capture from local Apple Mail mailboxes on Mac OS X 10.11 if the Mail installation was fresh, rather than upgraded from a previous version of Mac OS X.
  • Fixed a bug where text of the selected items in the source list could be hard to read when dragging and dropping onto another item.
  • Fixed a bug where Mac App Store receipts would not validate if the Mac’s language was set to Hebrew.
1.6.7—January 22, 2016
  • EagleFiler now waits to show the text inspector bar until you actually start editing an RTF document. This prevents it from repeatedly hiding and showing as you browse through a bunch of records.
  • If you press the capture key in the Notes app, EagleFiler will now show some instructions for importing from Notes.
  • If you press the capture key in Reeder, EagleFiler will now suggest how you can set up a hotkey in Reeder for importing into EagleFiler.
  • EagleFiler’s metadata backup files are now named .EagleFiler Metadata.plist. The initial period prevents them from cluttering file lists in iOS and Web services that don’t respect the traditional Mac flag for marking files as invisible.
  • Added the Importing From iOS section of the manual.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • In the contextual menu for the record viewer, you can now hold down the Option key to change Set Filename to Set Filename and Title.
  • If a file with a source URL is damaged or missing, you can now use the Open in Browser button in the Errors window to view the Web page (and perhaps import it again).
  • The Quick entry command is now AppleScriptable.
  • Added the Group Records script.
  • Added the Date From yyyymmddhhmmss Filename script.
  • Added the Import Some Safari Tabs script.
  • The Convert Plain Text to Rich Text and Convert Rich Text to Plain Text scripts now demonstrate how to use the create temporary folder script command.
  • The New Record and Label toolbar buttons now adjust if you choose the small toolbar size (requires Mac OS X 10.11).
  • EagleFiler now preserves the creation date when importing a folder.
  • EagleFiler no longer imports Prism files as text files.
  • When setting the selected records via AppleScript, EagleFiler will now change the selected source if the specified records aren’t in the current records list.
  • Faster indexing of media file e-mail attachments.
  • Metadata backups now include a transientRecordID field.
  • Improved the help message and error reporting when EagleFiler is unable to capture from Outlook.
  • EagleFiler now logs to Console if doesn’t find all of the expected Apple Mail messages to import.
  • Added RecordsListShowToolTips to the esoteric preferences.
  • Added ImportTitleFromFileContents to the esoteric preferences.
  • Added IndexingUsesAttributeModificationDate to the esoteric preferences.
  • Worked around an OS issue that could cause an error when importing from Yoink.
  • Worked around a rare problem where EagleFiler would sometimes erroneously report that there was no library open when you pressed the capture key.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause problems (incorrect metadata or missing content) when importing multiple Web pages as PDFs in quick succession.
  • Worked around a change in Mac OS X 10.11 that caused the .eml Spotlight importer to not import any text.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause a crash when using the contextual menu when viewing a PDF.
  • Worked around some issues with Outlook 2016 that could cause capturing to not work.
  • Worked around an Xcode bug that could cause a table header drawing glitch on Mac OS X 10.10.
  • Updated code for Xcode 7.2.
  • Fixed a bug where importing text via AppleScript could cause duplicate imports and an internal error on Mac OS X 10.11.
  • Fixed a bug in the URL importing error handling code.
  • Fixed a bug where setting the filename from the contextual wasn’t undoable.
  • Fixed a bug displaying a e-mail message with an empty HTML part.
  • Fixed a bug where Mac App Store receipt validation used the current date rather than the receipt creation date.
  • Worked around a Finder bug that could cause the disk image’s icons to be misaligned if the AppleShowAllFiles option was enabled.
  • Fixed the size of the distribution disk image window.
1.6.6—September 29, 2015
  • EagleFiler is now fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
  • The Fonts panel now has a menu for selecting the system font. This lets you use San Francisco on Mac OS X 10.11, even though it is not selectable in the regular system Fonts panel. If you select a system font using the new menu, EagleFiler will adapt to always use the system font for the version of the operating system that you’re currently running. In contrast, if you select Lucida Grande or Helvetica Neue, the font will stay fixed.
  • The About, Software Update, and help windows now use the San Francisco font on Mac OS X 10.11.
  • Modernized code for the Xcode 7 compiler and the Mac OS X 10.11 SDK.
  • Added support for App Transport Security on Mac OS X 10.11.
  • Added full support for indexing .ics and .vcf files attached to e-mail messages.
  • Mac OS X 10.11 no longer includes the formail tool, so EagleFiler now includes its own copy. The Remove Duplicate Messages script has been updated accordingly.
  • The capture key now works with Apple Mail on Mac OS X 10.11.
  • You can now use the Find panel in the notes text view.
  • Optimized indexing of .bmp files attached to e-mail messages.
  • Added more message attachment file types that can be indexed.
  • The Polish velarized L is now treated like other accented characters for the purposes of indexing and searching.
  • EagleFiler no longer tries to extract text from unknown message attachment types. This should make indexing faster and speed up searching using Match Partial Words by not filling the index with junk terms.
  • Refined the search index’s definition of terms to make searches more accurate and to reduce index bloat.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • When extracting a file’s contents for indexing, EagleFiler will now abort if it hasn’t finished after a few minutes, to work around a bug in Mac OS X 10.10’s PDF reader.
  • Added some esoteric preferences to work around hangs and crashes caused by the OS’s built-in support for .docx files.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause a single-page PDF to be initially scrolled down, when viewing in Continuous Scroll mode.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.11 that could cause a crash during Software Update….
  • Worked around a Tidy bug that could cause a crash when indexing HTML e-mails.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.11 that could prevent EagleFiler from capturing from Apple Mail.
  • Removed the application icon from the Open With menu title because it caused the text to appear too dark.
  • Fixed a bug where menu items with attributed titles had the wrong font size.
  • Fixed a bug where the sample text in the Preferences window’s font chooser text fields would sometimes get cut off.
  • Fixed a bug where the contents of <NOFRAMES> tags could be displayed in HTML views.
  • Fixed a bug where Software Update… would continue offering updates in the same session you had held down the Option key.
  • Fixed a bug where including square brackets in a search query could prevent EagleFiler from finding the relevant records if Match Partial Words was enabled.
  • Fixed a regression where indexing certain types of files didn’t work on Mac OS X 10.6.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler did not reindex a record’s source URL if you changed it via AppleScript.
  • Fixed a regression that caused some mailbox files to be imported as text files.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler wouldn’t always rebuild a missing mailbox index file.
1.6.5—June 2, 2015
  • Improved importing of old Apple Mail mailboxes.
  • EagleFiler no longer tries to import Libre Office lock files or NSData temporary files.
  • TouchDraw files are no longer imported as text files.
  • When capturing from Outlook, EagleFiler is better able to handle delays or failures of Outlook to return a message’s headers.
  • When capturing from Preview, EagleFiler now reports a better error if the capture failed because the document had not yet been saved.
  • When importing selected Web text via Services, if the source URL is a nonsensical value EagleFiler no longer sets it as the source URL or appends it to the RTF text.
  • Added the CaptureNotSupportedJustBeep esoteric preference.
  • It is now possible to import from the clipboard via AppleScript.
  • You can now get and set the current library (e.g. for capturing purposes) via AppleScript.
  • Updated the sample AppleScripts to use universal type identifier instead of kind.
  • The Import Examples script now shows how to create a PDF service.
  • The Import From Outlook script now preserves flags and categories from Outlook as tags in EagleFiler.
  • Added the Date From Filename script.
  • Added the Delete Empty Folders script.
  • Added the Tag PDFs that Need OCR script.
Error Handling
  • If the system fails to save the list of files to be opened, EagleFiler will now retry. This should fix a problem where you would tell EagleFiler to open a library and nothing would happen.
  • If EagleFiler detects that one of its files is missing, i.e. that the application is damaged, it now presents a better error message.
  • Improved the error reporting when a temporary folder cannot be created.
  • Improved the error reporting when a metadata backup fails.
  • EagleFiler will now automatically recreate the Trash folder if it is missing.
  • If the The To Import Folder gets deleted after the library is already open, EagleFiler will now automatically recreate it.
  • Improved the error handling when the system doesn’t provide the proper data for drag and drop.
  • Better handling of memory errors when backing up metadata.
  • Added logging to track down the source of an error when indexing files.
  • EagleFiler now shows a better error message if you enter an invalid name when creating a new library.
  • EagleFiler will now clear a library’s temporary items folders when opening the library, so that unneeded files don’t build up if the library was not cleanly closed.
  • Reworded the “Forget” alert.
  • Added esoteric preference to disable Growl in case of crashes.
Bug Fixes
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.10 that could cause the name of the selected source to be unreadable when the source list didn’t have focus. (The name may still be unreadable if you toggle the Reduce transparency setting in the Accessibility preferences pane while your library window is open.)
  • Worked around a toolbar button validation bug on Mac OS X 10.6.
  • Fixed a bug where logged timings were inaccurate.
  • Fixed a bug where some user interface text was shown in the wrong font on Mac OS X 10.10.
  • Fixed a bug where Microsoft PowerPoint files (and some other files that did not have 64-bit Spotlight importers) were not indexed.
  • Fixed a bug where importing via AppleScript and asking for options did not return the imported record when using the text, plain text, or stationery parameter.
  • Fixed a bug on Mac OS X 10.10 importing selected text from Apple Mail via Services where importing took a long time, the Web archive was not directly viewable, and the filename was a UUID.
  • Fixed a bug where some Markdown files were imported as mailboxes instead of as text files.
  • Fixed a regression that could cause an error when emptying the trash.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would incorrectly think that files with upside-down Unicode characters were missing.
  • Fixed a bug checking volume case sensitivity.
  • Fixed a bug redirecting text editing key commands to the record viewer.
  • Date formatters now use the POSIX local where appropriate.
1.6.4—January 26, 2015
  • Tagging lots of records at once is much faster.
  • Emptying the trash is much faster.
  • Updated the Web archive to PDF script for compatibility with EagleFiler 1.6.3 and later.
  • Added improved instructions for installing and running supplemental AppleScripts.
  • Updated and improved the following sections of the manual:
  • If Outlook is slow to respond when capturing, EagleFiler now logs some information to Console to help diagnose the problem.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.10 that could prevent changing fonts from the Preferences window.
  • Worked around an OS bug that prevented bookmark files from being resolved.
  • The About EagleFiler window now uses the new system font on Mac OS X 10.10.
  • The About EagleFiler window now uses the system language names when crediting localizers, to reduce the number of strings that localizers need to keep up-to-date.
  • Increased the font size in the Software Update… window on Mac OS X 10.10.
  • Fixed a bug where setting a record’s tags via AppleScript didn’t always work properly for non-ASCII tag names.
  • Fixed a bug capturing from Outlook when there were empty messages.
  • Fixed a bug where capturing didn’t work with newer versions of Together and Yojimbo.
  • Fixed a bug where temporary files from indexing were not cleaned up promptly.
1.6.3-November 17, 2014
  • Added an EagleFiler Import command in the system Share menu for importing URLs to EagleFiler (requires Mac OS X 10.10). You can hold down the Option key to have EagleFiler bring up its options window before importing.
  • Modernized lots of code and removed old code that’s no longer needed for compatibility with legacy OS versions.
  • Made lots of optimizations to improve EagleFiler’s performance and reduce its memory use. Some highlights are:
    • Indexing e-mail messages is faster, particularly for messages containing attached files of common types.
    • Indexing e-mail HTML messages is much less I/O intensive, which should make EagleFiler more responsive on Macs with spinning disks.
    • Syncing tags with the Finder is faster.
    • Optimized the date formatter to work around a performance regression in Mac OS X 10.10.
  • EagleFiler now reports to Notification Center when it finishes an import.
  • If you are importing a URL and specify a title in the options window, the title is now used for the filename as well.
  • The Command-Tab switcher will now change you to the space containing the current main window, rather than staying on the current space if the Drop Pad was already visible there.
  • Improved compatibility with MailTags.
  • Improved compatibility with BitTorrent Sync.
  • The Backup Metadata command now backs up the creation date, modification date, and file label. EagleFiler does not restore these, since they might be older than the values in the filesystem, but they are now in the backup to enable possible restores in the future when files are passed through a lossy cloud.
  • EagleFiler is better able to import and merge malformed mbox files that have leading whitespace.
  • EagleFiler is better able to recover from a variety of file ownership and permissions problems.
  • If EagleFiler encounters empty messages when capturing from Outlook, there is now an option to skip all of them so that you don’t have to click a button for each message.
  • It is now possible to disable tag syncing on a global or per-library basis. This is described in the How do Finder tags work with EagleFiler? section of the manual.
  • Added the Copy Notes to Spotlight Comments script.
  • The How does indexing in EagleFiler work? section of the manual now describes some new logging options that you can use to isolate the source of the problem if searching or indexing is slow.
  • Added the following sections to section to the manual:
  • Updated and improved the following sections of the manual:
  • Added EnableJavaScriptForWebTool to the esoteric preferences.
  • Esoteric preferences links are now directly clickable in the Apple Help and PDF manual.
  • Re-rendered the library document icon so that it looks sharper and to work around a display bug on Mac OS X 10.10.
  • Common types of tag syncing errors are now reported more concisely.
  • Adjusted some of the toolbar icons for Mac OS X 10.10.
  • Updated the disk image icon for Mac OS X 10.10.
  • Updated Gatekeeper signature format.
  • Adjusted the way the Purchase… window displays the remaining demo time to try to make it clearer.
  • The Purchase… window now accepts serial numbers copied and pasted from a PDF of an order confirmation, after the browser has transliterated the dashes.
  • Improved handling of localized strings when the application is damaged.
  • Improved error reporting when EagleFiler can’t connect to the update server.
  • The Software Update… feature is better at explaining what you can do if installation fails.
  • Improved the crash reporter’s error reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the release notes in the Software Update… window were shown in the wrong font.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.10 that could cause crashes when indexing HTML e-mail messages.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.10 that could prevent changing the hotkeys.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.10 that prevented the creation of encrypted libraries.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.10 that could cause EagleFiler to freeze at launch.
  • Worked around an Xcode bug that caused EagleFiler to complain in Console about missing images.
  • Fixed a bug where capturing from Vienna 3 didn’t work.
  • Fixed a regression where the Info window didn’t update if you edited a cell in the records list.
  • Fixed a possible cause of an error when checking the locations of files in the library.
  • Fixed a regression where the Info window didn’t look right if no browser window was open.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could crash or be very slow when there were a lot of icon thumbnails to load.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would try to import invisible Dropbox support files.
  • Fixed a bug where smart folders could incorrectly include the containing folder in the list.
  • Fixed a bug where the NonTextExtensions default didn’t work.
  • Fixed several typos when capturing from Outlook.
  • Updated the localizations.
1.6.2—May 14, 2014
  • It is now possible to import via drag and drop when multiple tags are selected. EagleFiler will assign all of the selected tags to the imported files.
  • EagleFiler now displays animated GIF files as videos, instead of showing the first frame as a static image.
  • More image/photo metadata is now indexed and, thus, searchable.
  • The Verify command can now detect and repair bad file permissions and ownership.
  • EagleFiler now uses power assertions to prevent App Nap from slowing user-initiated operations when the window is in the background or blocked by the screensaver.
  • Each library now has an independent queue of operations so, for example, a small import into one library no longer has to wait for another library’s large import to complete.
  • Made further optimizations to the Open With menu to make EagleFiler more responsive during typing.
  • When operations are in progress and you tell EagleFiler to empty the trash, it now waits a bit longer before aborting. This lets it successfully empty the trash if said operations were almost done.
  • Opening a library whose search index has been reset or deleted is much faster.
  • Movies and audio files are now indexed using AVFoundation rather than QuickTime.
  • The characters '“”‘’ are now allowed in tag names.
  • Modernized lots of code and removed old code that’s no longer needed for compatibility with legacy OS versions.
  • Added the Import Safari Tabs and Shorten Path scripts.
  • Added the How does indexing in EagleFiler work?, Where is my EagleFiler library?, How can I back up my EagleFiler data?, and Importing Mail From Mail Pilot sections to the manual. Updated the How can I access my library from multiple Macs?, How can I put my library on my iPhone?, and Importing Mail From Outlook sections.
  • The images in the PDF manual and Apple Help are now Retina-resolution.
  • Adjusted the font sizes in the PDF manual.
  • Added AlwaysShowNewRecordSheet and DrawColoredLabelRowBackgrounds to the Esoteric Preferences.
  • It is now possible to silently skip the capture warning when Apple Mail is busy.
  • EagleFiler now skips importing MailMate’s .emlh files.
  • If the indexer crashes due to a WebKit bug, EagleFiler now tries a second method of indexing.
  • EagleFiler now restores the label if there’s an error setting the Finger tags.
  • Made various improvements to EagleFiler’s error logging.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause a crash when indexing certain Web archive files.
  • Reduced RAM use when indexing Web archives.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could erroneously think that a file was missing if it was imported via Scan for New Files and had certain non-ASCII characters in its name.
  • Fixed a glitch with the Errors window toolbar when reporting certain types of mail import errors.
  • Fixed a bug where Import Bookmarks… would sometimes import duplicate URLs where there were none.
  • Fixed a bug where Import Bookmarks… would incorrectly skip importing some URLs when using the Bookmark Web page format if you had Allow duplicate files in library unchecked.
  • Fixed a bug indexing PDF files that contained nil strings.
  • Fixed a bug where capturing messages from Apple Mail sometimes created the mailbox inside an extra folder layer.
  • Fixed a bug where a record being edited in the Info window could have its changes prematurely committed, resulting in its removal from the selected smart folder (if the changes made it no longer match the smart folder’s criteria).
  • Fixed a bug where modification and creation dates older than 2000-12-31 were not properly displayed.
  • Fixed a bug where tagging a large number of records was slow.
1.6.1—December 19, 2013
  • EagleFiler now syncs tags with the system when running on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks. Tag changes made in EagleFiler show up in the Finder and in other applications, and vice-versa. This is described more in the How do Finder tags work with EagleFiler? section of the manual. The first time you open a library on Mavericks, EagleFiler will sync its tags to the Finder. This will mark the files as modified, which will trigger a one-time re-indexing of all the files (but not mail messages) in your library.
  • The Characters button in the Tags window now opens the EagleFiler Tag Symbols Web page, which shows all the emoji and symbols in one place, rather than the system character picker.
  • EagleFiler is faster at indexing folders, at searching, and at sorting records by tag.
  • Improved the indexing of RTF, HTML, and plain text files attached to e-mail messages.
  • TextExpander Fill-In Fields now work when editing the Title, File, or From in EagleFiler’s records list.
  • EagleFiler is better at detecting database corruption in Microsoft Outlook and better at importing from damaged databases.
  • EagleFiler will now try to repair damaged e-mail messages before importing or merging them, to ensure that you end up with a valid mailbox file.
  • If you try to open a large number of files, EagleFiler now checks to make sure that’s what you meant to do (to avoid opening lots of unwanted windows).
  • The Close & Lock and New Folder… commands are now available in the toolbar, rather than just in the menu bar.
  • The Continuous Scroll, Single Page, and Two Pages are now available in the View ‣ PDF submenu, rather than just in the contextual menu.
  • When using the Find panel in a PDF, EagleFiler now shows an animated indicator to draw attention to the matching text.
  • The capture sound now plays using the output settings for sound effects.
  • Improved the display and searching of newer-format AudioNote files.
  • Added the EnableJavaScriptForMail esoteric preference so that you can work around WebKit crashing bugs when displaying HTML e-mails.
  • EagleFiler will now report an error if you try to open a library and the volume is running low on free space (such that it might not be able to save the changes that you make).
  • The Spotlight importer now works better with FoxTrot and Mac OS X 10.9.
  • Crash reports for eftexttool now show which file it was working on.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.9 that can cause a crash when indexing a Web archive.
  • Worked around a Core Animation bug in Mac OS X 10.8.5 that could cause a black box to be displayed on top of PDFs.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.9 that could cause PDFs to display partially scrolled down.
  • Fixed a bug where ePub files could be imported as text files.
  • Worked around OS bug that could cause a -600 error when opening a file in another application.
  • Worked around a bug in Evernote that could cause files to be imported with question mark characters (U+FFFD) instead of tabs.
  • Fixed a bug where using Scan for New Files to import a PDF file with no extension would create a duplicate record with a missing file.
  • Fixed a regression displaying file sizes larger than 4 GB.
  • Fixed a bug where some errors when opening a library were logged but not displayed to the user.
  • Fixed threading bug when indexing that could lead to an internal error being reported.
  • Fixed a bug where new files would not be indexed if you had created an ef_noindex tag but not assigned it to any files.
1.6—August 2, 2013
  • The user interface is now optimized for Retina displays. Most of the icons have been enhanced or replaced.
  • There are new toolbar buttons for creating plain text files, creating new files from stationery, setting a file’s label, opening the Tag Cloud window, and accessing the system Share menu. Various toolbar buttons have been combined into pairs.
  • Made a variety of improvements so that the operations that happen after you open a library are faster and have less impact on foreground responsiveness. This includes loading file metadata, checking whether the indexes are up-to-date, checking for missing files, and copying tags to OpenMeta and Spotlight comments.
  • Improved the display of the following file types: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote, Numbers, Pages, OmniOutliner, podcasts, chats, SVG files, Pear Note documents, .emlx files, images, and more.
  • When searching a selected folder or tag, EagleFiler now also searches the folders and mailboxes inside that folder, or the subtags of that tag. (The old behavior of only searching one level can be restored by unchecking Search Contained Folders/Mailboxes/Tags in the search field menu.)
  • Added support for negative tag searches via the - or ! syntax. For example, you can do a Tags search for unread -flagged to find the unread records that are not flagged. Or you can do an Anywhere search for tag:!apple steve to find records containing the word steve that do not have the tag apple.
  • When you create a new file inside a smart folder, EagleFiler now applies the smart folder’s actions to it (e.g. to assign tags, set the label, or move it to a particular folder).
  • EagleFiler’s capture key now works in Evernote. You can use the EvernoteCaptureFormat esoteric preference if you only want to capture a link to the Evernote items.
  • The New Record ‣ From Clipboard command now works when the clipboard contains an image. In this case, it creates a PNG file instead of an RTF/RTFD file.
  • The user interface no longer blocks while EagleFiler checks the To Import folder.
  • When importing, EagleFiler will now correct PDF files that are missing their extension.
  • EagleFiler will now detect if Microsoft Outlook doesn’t export the body data for a message, which can happen with messages imported from the Windows version of Outlook. You can choose to import just the message’s headers or to skip the message and import it in another way.
  • Added support for AudioNote files.
  • When importing a Web page fails, EagleFiler is better at reporting which resource was the problem.
  • When fetching a URL that’s redirected (e.g. via a feed proxy) EagleFiler now stores the final URL as the source URL, as this is more meaningful.
  • The Importing Web Pages and URLs section of the manual now explains how you can set EagleFiler to process Web pages using the Instapaper Mobilizer before importing them.
  • Updated the instructions for making Preview scriptable.
  • When importing, files with title “Untitled” are now treated as having no title, so that the title is linked to the filename.
  • When you capture a single selected e-mail message, EagleFiler now imports it as a .eml file, rather than as a mailbox containing only one message. This can be changed via the ImportLoneMessageAsMailbox esoteric preference.
  • The Remove Duplicate Messages script lets you remove duplicate e-mail messages from a mailbox.
  • EagleFiler can now open e-mail messages with Sparrow.
  • EagleFiler now shows a warning if you ask it to extract a large number of messages from a mailbox file to individual .eml files (as this is inefficient).
  • If you capture a selection of messages that includes (exact) duplicates within the same mailbox, EagleFiler now skips them. (Since recent versions of Apple Mail hide duplicates, it may not be evident that you had any selected.)
  • Improved the speed of capturing from Outlook, Entourage, Mailsmith, and PowerMail.
  • When displaying a mailbox imported from a Mailman archive, EagleFiler can now undo Mailman’s anti-spam measures to display the proper e-mail addresses.
  • Added the Import From Outlook script.
  • If there’s an error importing the tags for a message in Outlook, EagleFiler now offers to option to skip the tags and import just the message itself.
  • EagleFiler is much more responsive when you’re typing.
  • The record viewer now restores its state (scroll position and insertion point location) if you edit the file in another application and then switch back to EagleFiler.
  • EagleFiler can now repair certain damaged Apple Mail messages so that they display properly.
  • The keyboard shortcut for highlighting text is now Command-Control-H (to match Preview).
Source List
  • Updated the source list appearance, added Show/Hide buttons for the groups, etc.
  • The Records icon now shows whether or not your library is encrypted.
  • The source list contextual menu now has a Paste Icon command to more easily set custom icons for folders.
  • Added NetNewsWire-style arrow key support: press Right Arrow in the source list to go to the records list; press Left Arrow in the records list to go to the source list.
Records List
  • Dragging a record to another application now drags the record’s file rather than a link; if you need a link, use the Copy Record Link command.
  • Icon thumbnails for images are now loaded in the background and cached for better performance.
  • Added support for LaunchBar’s Instant Send feature.
  • The File column can now accommodate longer filenames.
  • When a window is in the background, EagleFiler no longer draws the label color for selected rows across the entire row.
  • Added the CommandOToOpenRecord esoteric preference, which lets you swap the keyboard shortcuts for Open External Viewer and Open Library… so that.
  • If a file is missing after a Verify, you can now click the Trash button in the Errors window to delete it, without having to first reveal the record in the library.
  • The Errors window now shows the full relative path for files that are missing.
  • EagleFiler now reports separate errors for missing vs. damaged notes, and for a missing note it can now show and reveal the file where the note was expected to be.
  • If there are records in the trash whose files are missing, EagleFiler will now offer to auto-delete them when opening the library.
  • EagleFiler now updates the paths in the Errors window when you move a record.
  • It’s now possible to Trash multiple records at once from the Errors window. You can no longer move files to the trash that are already in the trash.
  • The crash reporter can now make recommendations for you based on the contents of the crash log.
  • If you import via AppleScript with no library open, EagleFiler will now report an error back to the script instead of just logging it.
  • Capture scripts can now override the Web page format. (See Writing Capture Scripts.)
  • Documents now have an element for their windows.
  • Tag objects now have an element for the records with that tag. This is much faster than using an AppleScript whose clause.
  • Querying the scripting properties of large numbers of records is much faster now.
  • Added the create temporary folder script command, to make it easier to write scripts that process files.
  • Added the add folder script command, which makes it easier to create a new, empty folder in a library.
  • EagleFiler now requires Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later.
  • EagleFiler now tells the system that it can use the integrated GPU, which should reduce battery use on newer MacBook Pros.
  • The progress bar for loading the library is now determinate. Eliminated the delay between when the progress bar was removed and the window was ready for use.
  • Added preliminary support for tags on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
  • When opening a library, EagleFiler now checks for missing note files, rather than just missing files.
  • If you have a file that’s troublesome or slow for EagleFiler to read, you can tag it ef_noindex to prevent EagleFiler from trying to index it. There’s also a new UnindexedAttachmentNames default.
  • When backing up metadata, the Activity window now shows the relative path of each folder, rather than just the name.
  • When displaying folder names in menus, EagleFiler now colors them according to their labels.
  • EagleFiler no longer changes a file’s modification date when you only modify the metadata.
  • EagleFiler now remembers which type of date was selected in the Info window.
  • EagleFiler now displays file sizes using the system standard style (requires Mac OS X 10.8 or later), and the file sizes themselves are more accurate.
  • If an indexing process gets stuck, you can now see in Activity Monitor which file it was working on.
  • Quick Look and scanning for new files work better with symlinks.
  • The Read and Flag toolbar items now have a fixed width so they don’t cause the other buttons to move when the label changes.
  • The Purchase window now shows a user icon that indicates whether it’s a single- or multi-user purchase.
  • The disk image is now optimized for Retina displays.
  • Made various improvements to the manual.
  • Added a link to the forum in the Help menu.
  • Improved the localizations.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug with the quoted text coloring for e-mails containing DOS-style line breaks.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause EagleFiler to freeze when selecting a Web archive if a search was active.
  • Fixed a bug importing from Apple Mail where EagleFiler would sometimes complain that no viewer window was open when the Mail Perspectives plug-in was installed.
  • Fixed a bug capturing from Contacts.
  • Fixed a bug where the Highlight button was enabled when it shouldn’t have been.
  • Fixed a bug where the PDF toolbar buttons weren’t always enabled correctly.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause various operations to fail if a folder contained a very large number of files.
  • Fixed a bug where some information in the About EagleFiler window was displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes EagleFiler was unable to capture local Apple Mail messages when running on Mac OS X 10.8.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.8 that could prevent EagleFiler from importing a large batch of messages from Entourage, Mailsmith, Outlook, or PowerMail.
  • Automatic software updates no longer fail if Hazel is set to move files in the Downloads folder.
  • Fixed a bug where the Spotlight importer would report errors when running on OS X 10.8.
  • Fixed a bug where some OmniOutliner documents displayed as garbled text.
  • Worked around a problem where Apple Mail could time out when importing lots of messages at once.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.8.2 that could cause EagleFiler to freeze when importing a file or changing a tag.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler sometimes would not delete temporary files promptly when importing from Apple Mail.
  • Fixed a bug where error logging didn’t always work properly on Mac OS X 10.8.
  • Fixed a bug in reporting errors when opening a library.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause Spotlight comments to be lost when using the To Import folder.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to end up with two equivalent tags whose names had different Unicode normalizations.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause EagleFiler to capture the wrong file from the Finder.
  • Worked around some PDF and icon display bugs that were introduced in Mac OS X 10.7.4.
  • Fixed a bug handling errors if the software update failed; if it succeeded, the .dmg file is now deleted.
  • Fixed a bug where an error message when displaying a text or RTF file could be editable.
  • Fixed a bug pasting tags into the fields in the Actions tab of the Edit Smart Folder… window.
  • Fixed a bug where “Tags contains all” in smart folders could incorrectly find a record that was missing one of the tags (if that tag was not assigned to any records).
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause the records list to lose focus when hiding and showing EagleFiler.
  • Fixed a bug where the source list sometimes had focus when using the contextual menu in the records list.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause errors when auto-completing tag names.
1.5.10—May 9, 2012
  • The contextual menu Set Filename/From/Title commands are better at handling line breaks.
  • It is now possible to move records to the trash by pressing Delete when multiple tags are selected in the source list.
  • The text fields in the smart folder editor make better use of the available window width.
  • Improved the Importing Mail From Outlook section of the manual.
  • Added the Importing Mail From MailMate section of the manual.
  • Improved the What information should I include when I report a problem? section of the manual.
  • Documented the TextInspectorBarStayOpen and UseOpenMetaRecentsForCompletion esoteric preferences.
  • Added the Check for News… command to the EagleFiler menu of the Mac App Store version.
  • Worked around a WebKit bug that could cause freezes when highlighting matching search terms.
  • Worked around a bug in Apple Mail that could lead to importing two copies of certain messages.
  • Worked around a problem where broken Mac OS X installations couldn’t report full error information.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause uncommitted changes in the tags bar to be lost.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an error when the Quick Look window was open.
  • Fixed a bug where an incorrect error message could be displayed when capturing from Apple Mail.
  • Reduced the memory use of the Spotlight importer.
  • Improved the reporting of file permissions errors.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause a crash in Curio.
  • Worked around bugs in Mac OS X 10.7.4 that could cause smart folders and PDFs to not display properly.
1.5.9—February 21, 2012
  • Improved the error message that EagleFiler displays if you try to capture from Apple Mail when it’s busy. You can now click Capture Anyway if you’re sure that Mail is not busy with the messages you’ve asked EagleFiler to import.
  • EagleFiler can now capture from Hibari.
  • EagleFiler is now code-signed using a Developer ID certificate for Gatekeeper.
  • When printing a text or RTF file, fixed the font size and fixed a bug that could result in an extra blank page being printed.
  • Fixed a slowdown and crash that could occur when opening a library with lots of tags.
  • Fixed an error when using the Quick Look panel if the toolbar had been collapsed into a menu.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would report an internal error if there was a problem reading a text attachment.
  • Fixed a bug where the Info and Tags toolbar buttons would be disabled under rare circumstances.
  • Fixed a regression that could lead to logged error messages about setting OpenMeta tags on a non-existent note file.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes EagleFiler would rename the main thread.
1.5.8—January 24, 2012
  • EagleFiler can now import rich text copied or dragged from Firefox and Google Chrome.
  • Made various optimizations to improve the responsiveness of the user interface, particularly when resizing the main browser window.
  • Searches by Filename, Title, From, and To/Cc, as well as matching in smart folders, are now diacritic-insensitive. For example, you can now search for resume and find résumé. (Anywhere and Notes searches have always been diacritic-insensitive.)
  • Added the Copy Filename, Copy File Path, and Copy File URL AppleScripts.
  • Added support for Growl notifications via GNTP (requires Mac OS X 10.7 or later).
  • When printing an image, EagleFiler will now center it and scale it down, as necessary, to fit the paper.
  • The Import From Apple Mail script now works in Full Screen mode on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
  • EagleFiler now skips importing temporary files for Microsoft Excel and invisible files from IntegrityChecker.
  • Tried to work around a bug in Mac OS X 10.6 that could cause EagleFiler to open multiple copies of the same library.
  • The update checksum script command is now synchronous, and it gains an optional for parameter that takes a list of records. This is much faster for bulk operations.
  • When rebuilding a library, EagleFiler now restores all the tags, not just the ones that were in use.
  • EagleFiler is better at checking fallback locations when reading OpenMeta tags.
  • EagleFiler is better at handling errors when setting OpenMeta tags.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could crash after a token field malfunction.
  • Fixed a bug importing the selected Web text from newer versions of Safari Reader.
  • Fixed a bug displaying e-mail messages when the Source URL column was shown.
  • Fixed a bug where the color of newly created tags could be set to white instead of black.
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong tag could be applied if you clicked a checkbox in the Tags inspector while renaming a tag.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to a tag temporarily not showing in the source list after changing its position in the hierarchy.
  • EagleFiler’s reporting of unexpected errors is now more detailed and more robust.
  • The Importing Mail From Outlook section of the manual now explains how to use a smart folder to capture mail from multiple Outlook folders at once.
  • The manual now specifically recommends telling iWork applications to include previews with their documents.
  • The direct build of EagleFiler is now code-signed, too.
  • Cache folders for EagleFiler’s helper tools now have a reverse domain name prefix.
  • The preferences for the Apple Mail capture script are now stored in the main EagleFiler preferences file.
  • Launched applications no longer inherit EagleFiler’s Python environment variables, which could cause problems if they also used Python.
1.5.7—December 7, 2011
  • Added support for Growl 1.3.
  • Added support for importing hierarchies of mailboxes from Apple Mail on Mac OS X 10.7 via drag and drop from the Finder.
  • The Import From Instapaper via NetNewsWire script lets you quickly import all your new Instapaper articles into EagleFiler.
  • The Replace in Filenames (Regex) script lets you batch-rename files using regular expressions.
  • On Mac OS X 10.7, EagleFiler supports emoji tag abbreviation pictures.
  • Various operations, such as arrow-keying through the records list, are faster and more responsive.
  • EagleFiler can now display previews for OmniGraffle documents that are internally compressed.
  • Added the PrefersRichText esoteric preference, which can be used if you want the EagleFiler: Import service, Import From Clipboard, and New Record ‣ From Clipboard to create plain text files instead of rich text files.
  • The commands in the Go menu now bring the focus to the source list for more predictable keyboard navigation.
  • Improved capturing of large batches of messages from Microsoft Outlook.
  • The Info inspector can now be opened via Command-I as well as Command-Option-I.
  • Records now have a universal type identifier scripting property, which should make certain kinds of AppleScripts much easier to write.
  • Pressing the Esc key will now cancel editing in the source list or records list (for consistency with Finder).
  • Clarified the error message when importing non-standard-format archive mailboxes from Apple Mail.
  • You can now use the ImportSkipFilenamePattern default to specify a regular expression. When EagleFiler imports a folder, any files whose names match the pattern will be skipped.
  • EagleFiler no longer maintains the same default note text between multiple invocations of Capture with options. This behavior can be reversed via the RememberCaptureNotesState default.
  • Fixed a bug where, in rare cases, files imported via the To Import folder were incorrectly thought to be duplicates if they had the same names as files that had been previously imported and recently moved.
  • Fixed a bug where an AppleScript would hang if it tried to start a scan for new files while another scan was already in progress.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler sometimes thought that files whose names ended with a period were missing.
  • Fixed a bug reporting Spotlight importer errors.
  • Fixed a bug where the contents of the Quick Look window weren’t always updated before it was shown, leading to flicker.
  • Fixed a bug importing locally stored Web pages.
  • Fixed a problem with saved view state and Full Screen mode.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash if there was an internal error launching a helper tool.
  • Fixed a bug where the = character wasn’t always treated as a word separator in phrase searches.
  • Added logging to help track down tag completion errors.
  • Updated the French localization.
  • Added a 1024×1024 application icon.
1.5.6—October 2, 2011
  • Adjusted the fonts, styles, and colors in the Tag Cloud window so that it’s easier to read.
  • EagleFiler’s viewer displays more information for vCard files: categories, notes, phonetic/maiden/related names, related dates, social network profile URLs, etc.
  • Added the Remove Duplicate Files script.
  • Added the Import From Scanner script. Save this script as an application and set it as the target of your scanner software (e.g. the Fujitsu ScanSnap Manager). When you scan a file, EagleFiler will prompt you to enter a title and other metadata and then import the scan into your library.
  • EagleFiler’s capture key now works with Opera 11.50.
  • It is now possible to empty a library’s trash via AppleScript.
  • When editing plain text or RTF files on Mac OS X 10.7, EagleFiler no longer uses atomic (a.k.a. safe) saving because this exposes bugs in Lion’s file versioning feature, causing interoperability problems with applications such as TextEdit if you’re editing the same file in more than one application at a time.
  • EagleFiler now takes you out of search mode when you click on a different source. You can restore the old behavior via the ClearSearchWhenChangingSources esoteric preference if desired.
  • Added the PDFWebBackgrounds esoteric preference, which can be used to prevent EagleFiler from drawing colored backgrounds when importing a Web page in PDF format.
  • Added the ErrorsOpenForDuplicates esoteric preference. Normally, EagleFiler will open the Errors window when a file has been skipped during an import because it’s a duplicate. However, you can also set EagleFiler to log the error without opening the window, for example if you expect there to be duplicates and don’t care to see them reported.
  • Added the TextToolSkippedNames esoteric preference so that it’s now possible to skip indexing of files that cause Core PDF to hang.
  • EagleFiler is better at closing a library while operations are in progress.
  • Worked around an OS bug so that EagleFiler is once again able to capture from smart mailboxes in Apple Mail.
  • EagleFiler’s Spotlight importer plug-in works better with FoxTrot.
  • The default plain text font is now Menlo 11 rather than Monaco 10.
  • Fixed a problem where the window title would be too long if you had a large number of sources selected.
  • Fixed a bug where the update checksum scripting command did not work recursively on folders.
  • Fixed a bug that could in rare circumstances cause EagleFiler to create two records for a single file.
  • Fixed a bug importing a legacy/archive Apple Mail .mbox package via Scan for New Files.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler wouldn’t give up on rebuilding a mailbox when the file didn’t exist.
  • Updated various screenshots and documentation.
1.5.5—August 4, 2011
  • Fixed some bugs that could prevent EagleFiler from capturing messages from Apple Mail under Mac OS X 10.7 Lion (particularly if Mail contained a large number of messages or an IMAP path prefix was in effect).
  • Added text editing toolbar for setting the font, style, size, etc. when editing rich text documents (requires Mac OS X 10.7 Lion).
  • EagleFiler is now able to capture from Apple Mail when it’s in Full Screen mode. However, due to limitations of the OS, capturing will not work in Full Screen mode if you have multiple Mail viewer windows open.
  • Updated the Using EagleFiler’s Capture Key From Preview instructions for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
  • Added the Refetch Web page script, which can be used to convert bookmarks to Web archives (or other formats), to download the latest versions of pages that may have been updated, and more. Any existing metadata that you’ve added is transferred to the new files.
  • The Word Count script now shows the number of words in the current selection, as well as the total number of words in the document.
  • Added the MediaStylePDF esoteric preference so that it is now possible to override the stylesheet that EagleFiler uses when saving a Web page as a PDF.
  • It is now possible to replace a library’s Files folder with an alias to redirect it to another location.
  • When opening a large batch of files in Preview, they now appear in a single window, and this also avoids a -1712 error that Preview would report when told to open the files individually.
  • The Import Bookmarks… command now works with format-html files from Pinboard that have no file extension when downloaded by certain browsers.
  • When creating a new mailbox file, EagleFiler now assigns it HFS type 'TEXT' so that Entourage and Outlook will know that they can import it.
  • Updated the Export… instructions for Outlook.
  • Removed NOT from the documented search syntax, since it doesn't work with Match Partial Words. Instead, you should use - or ! to exclude matches that contain a particular word.
  • When using Reveal in Library in the Errors window, the relevant browser window is now brought to the front.
  • EagleFiler no longer adds a list of recent libraries to its Dock menu when running under Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, since this is now a built-in feature of the Dock.
  • Improved the indexing of Microsoft Office documents.
  • Improved various error messages when capturing.
  • Fixed a bug where the Import Bookmarks… feature would create a tag with a blank name if the bookmarks did not have any tags.
  • Fixed a bug where the contextual menu in the Tags window didn’t work under Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
  • Fixed a bug where capturing from NetNewsWire didn’t work if the item had no title.
  • Fixed a bug with smart folders that use source URL criteria.
  • Reduced EagleFiler’s memory usage by removing a workaround for a PDF bug that seems to have been fixed in the final release of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
  • The manual now explains how to open the Library folder on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler’s Spotlight importer for .eml files didn’t work properly under Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. Now, it works, although its functionality is limited due to sandbox restrictions.
  • Fixed a bug with re-personalizing via an x-eaglefiler URL.
1.5.4—June 23, 2011
  • Added the Import Bookmarks… feature, for importing from Delicious, Pinboard, and browsers such as Safari. EagleFiler will preserve the tags, titles, and descriptions that you’ve set, as well as the original bookmarking date.
  • EagleFiler can now capture from the Cruz Web browser.
  • EagleFiler can now capture the current tab from the NewsRack RSS reader. It saves the selected text in a note.
  • When capturing from NetNewsWire, the selected Web page text is now saved in a note.
  • EagleFiler now works in full screen mode on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion).
  • When importing from Safari Reader (via drag and drop or the service), EagleFiler can now detect the proper URL for the original page.
  • Made some changes so that Web pages imported as PDFs no longer have duplicate copies of certain dynamic elements such as ads.
  • Importing Web pages as PDFs is faster.
  • You can now type Command-Return (or Enter, as before) to dismiss the Capture with options, Quick entry, and Batch Change… dialogs.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for switching between the tabs in the Capture with options and Quick entry windows.
  • When dragging from the records list or the source list to the Finder, EagleFiler now copies the file by default. You can hold down the Command and Option keys before starting the drag in order to create an alias (the old behavior); this can be useful when assembling a burn folder.
  • Added instructions for importing individual messages from Postbox and Thunderbird.
  • Added the Rename for Dropbox/Windows script.
  • Wrote the Change Rich Text Font script for changing the font across multiple existing RTF or RTFD documents.
  • The Scan for New Files feature now supports the UnscannedFilenames default so that you can set certain filenames that will always be ignored by scans.
  • Pressing Return in the source list now edits the name of the selected item, rather than opening it in a new window.
  • Added the RespectImageDPI esoteric preference, which can be used to improve the display of images that do not have the correct resolution set, thus making them appear way too small.
  • The Reveal in Library button in the Errors window now selects the record in an existing window instead of opening a new one. This makes it much faster to deal with “Missing File” errors. The RevealInLibraryNewWindow esoteric preference is available for those who prefer the old behavior.
  • The viewer pane now displays custom icons for bookmarks, which is useful if you’ve used setWeblocThumb.
  • It is now possible to set the Date Added via AppleScript.
  • It is now possibly to specify the Web page format when importing a URL via AppleScript.
  • EagleFiler now caches file attributes for longer, which should speed up some smart folders and sorting operations.
  • Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion).
  • Improved responsiveness when dragging and dropping text into EagleFiler.
  • EagleFiler now allows the colon character in tag names.
  • Improved the display of messages that erroneously declare themselves to be both HTML and plain text by treating them as HTML.
  • It is now possibly to exclude certain filenames and extensions from indexing if this is necessary to work around buggy Spotlight importer plug-ins. This is controlled by the SpotlightImporterSkippedNames and SpotlightImporterSkippedExtensions defaults.
  • If there is a crash while importing a folder from the To Import folder, EagleFiler will now “resume” importing it into the same folder the next time the library is opened. Previous versions would instead import the remaining files into a second folder, leaving you with two partial hierarchies instead of one complete one.
  • Made various improvements to EagleFiler’s error logging.
  • If you try to move a file into a folder that no longer exists, EagleFiler now reports a regular “Missing File” error for the folder, rather than an internal error.
  • Adjusted the help page titles to fit better in the menu and search results.
  • Made an optimization so that menus pull down more quickly. (More work in this area is in progress.)
  • Worked around a WebKit bug that could (in rare cases) cause EagleFiler to save the content of a Web page before it had completely finished loading.
  • When capturing from Apple Mail, EagleFiler now reports a better error when no messages are selected.
  • Fixed a problem where EagleFiler would not detect certain captured messages in a mailbox if Entourage or Outlook had exported them with malformed headers.
  • Fixed a bug where the Close & Lock command sometimes mentioned the name of a library that had already been closed.
  • Fixed a small memory leak when indexing .eml files.
  • Fixed a bug where the EagleFiler: Import With Options service would sometimes import as plain text instead of rich text.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler sometimes didn’t completely close a library after its last window was closed.
  • Made various changes to try to work around a crash that could occur when there’s an error emptying the trash.
  • Fixed a bug where the Info window might not load correctly if it had been open the last time EagleFiler quit and no library was open.
  • Fixed a bug where the browser window was sometimes not brought to the front when re-opening recent libraries.
1.5.3—March 17, 2011
  • Choosing Print now always prints the contents of the record viewer, even if it doesn’t have focus, since this what most people want most of the time. To print the source list or records list, hold down the Option key.
  • Improved EagleFiler’s responsiveness when indexing e-mail attachments.
  • Optimized various operations when selecting and dragging large numbers of records.
  • When importing a hash-bang URL, EagleFiler is better able to save the dynamically loaded content into the Web archive.
  • Improved the display of Web archives that use JavaScript to load and format their content.
  • Improved compatibility with pre-release versions of Apple Mail.
  • Improved the speed and accuracy of searching large numbers of mailboxes.
  • Added the EnableJavaScript esoteric preference, which can be used to turn off JavaScript when displaying Web pages.
  • The Verify section of the manual now has some advice for how to recover from errors.
  • EagleFiler now logs its errors to the system log database rather than a separate log file.
  • Added another workaround to prevent crashes when importing or indexing due to a bug in Mac OS X 10.6.
  • To avoid duplicates and infinite loops, EagleFiler no longer follows folder symlinks when importing.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple copies of a library could be loaded if you clicked several x-eaglefiler links before EagleFiler had launched.
  • Fixed a bug where Scan for New Files could start importing a folder and growl before all of its contents had been imported.
1.5.2—January 25, 2011
  • Made some optimizations so that typing in the viewer and in text fields is more responsive.
  • Made some changes to hopefully work around a bug in Mac OS X 10.6 that, for some users, had been causing intermittent crashes when importing lots of files.
  • When importing due to Scan for New Files or the To Import folder, EagleFiler now skips symlinks. This prevents accidentally referencing files outside the library folder.
  • Added the Reload OpenMeta Tags AppleScript.
  • Worked around a problem with the eDrawings Viewer Spotlight importer plug-in that could cause indexing to hang.
  • Added accessibility titles to the Preferences window.
  • Improved the German localization.
  • EagleFiler is now code-signed.
  • Fixed a bug where changes in the tags bar could be lost if you were viewing a Web archive and moused over a link.
  • Fixed a bug where file sizes in the records list were not displayed using base-10 megabytes when running on Mac OS X 10.6.
  • Fixed a bug where setting the basename property via AppleScript wasn’t undoable.
  • Fixed a regression where EagleFiler could not import a file whose name contained a colon unless it was running on Mac OS X 10.6.
  • Fixed a bug where the scan for new files script command returned before it was actually possible to close the window.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would let the JavaScript in a Web archive close the window.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on a tag toolbar button or in the Tag Cloud discarded changes made in the Info window’s tags field.
  • Fixed a bug where the tagging toolbar buttons didn’t work if certain fields in the Info window were in edit mode.
  • Fixed a regression where fields in the Info window could be incorrectly enabled when there was a multiple selection.
  • EagleFiler will now note in the log if a file was modified in the future, as this can prevent indexing from completing.
  • Common types of errors when setting OpenMeta tags are now logged more concisely.
  • No longer logs errors when Quick Look fails to generate a preview.
  • If a damaged index file prevents a search from completing, EagleFiler now shows the search results that are available and logs an error, rather than confusingly making it look as though you weren’t searching at all.
  • The build number is now available as a tooltip on the version number in the about box.
  • Fixed a bug where the Spotlight indexer didn’t work for .eml files with CRLF linebreaks.
  • Worked around a Finder problem that could prevent capturing from MarsEdit.
  • Fixed a bug where the Open With contextual menu item didn’t work when EagleFiler was in the background.
  • Fixed a regression where capturing didn’t work with Safari 3.
1.5.1—December 15, 2010
  • EagleFiler no longer tries to import cache folders created by beta versions of Dropbox.
  • Fixed a bug where tag winnowing didn’t work properly with no folder selected.
  • The progress text field below the source list now has a tooltip so that you can read it when the text is truncated.
  • Fixed a bug where uncommitted changes to the Info window’s tags field weren’t saved when switching to another application, if multiple records were selected.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the tags sometimes didn’t take effect if you were concurrently editing in a tags field.
  • Fixed a bug where tag changes in the Info window didn’t take effect if you closed the inspector before doing anything else.
  • Fixed a bug where tag auto-completion in the Info window didn’t work when multiple records were selected.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent renaming to a long filename containing a period.
  • Added a warning log message if the CTLoader haxie is installed, as it can cause imports to freeze.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would always show the introductory help if you had created exclusively encrypted libraries and none were accessible when launching the application.
  • Fixed a bug where an AppleScript would hang if you asked it to show the options dialog and then clicked the Cancel button.
  • Fixed a regression where the Batch Change… window sometimes didn’t set the tags properly.
  • Worked around changes in Together so that it’s once again possible for EagleFiler to import tags and notes via the capture key.
  • EagleFiler now skips importing InDesign lock files (.idlk), so it no longer complains about them being missing when InDesign releases the lock.
  • Fixed a bug where invalid Spotlight URL metadata from SiteSucker could prevent EagleFiler from importing a file.
1.5—November 22, 2010
  • The new Quick entry hotkey lets you create a new RTF or text file from from within any application. You can enter the contents of the file, choose which library and folder it’s saved in, and set metadata such as the tags, label, and notes.
  • When importing via drag and drop or Save PDF to EagleFiler, you can now hold down the Option key to have EagleFiler show the options dialog (which was previously only available when capturing). This lets you set the destination folder, tags, label, notes, etc. There is also a new EagleFiler: Import (Ask for Options) system service, which presents the options dialog when importing the selected text or file from another application, and the options dialog is also available for bookmarklets.
  • You can now perform quick tag “searches” by selecting multiple sources (folders, smart folders, mailboxes, tags) at once (holding down the Command key). Previously, EagleFiler displayed the union of all the records in the selected sources. Now it displays the union of the records, but only those that have all of the selected tags. This makes it possible to easily winnow records by tag without typing a search query. For example, to see the flagged files in a folder, select the folder and the flagged tag. To see the records that are both flagged and unread, select both the flagged and unread tags.
  • The main window now displays much better previews for iWork documents than what Quick Look provides. For Keynote, Numbers, and Pages documents that were saved with an embedded preview, EagleFiler can now display full-size previews with multiple pages and highlighted search result text. This also works for OmniGraffle documents, and it works on Mac OS X 10.4 (where Quick Look is not available).
  • Double-clicking a folder or mailbox in the records list now opens it in the same window rather than making a new window. This should make browsing faster. If you do want a new window, you can Option-double-click or use the Open in New Window command.
  • There’s a new Move To command in the Record menu and the contextual menu, which lets you quickly move records to a different folder.
  • You can now add files directly to EagleFiler’s library folder (or a subfolder) in the Finder. When EagleFiler scans for new files (which it does when you open the library or use the Scan for New Files command), it will automatically import any files that it did not previously know about. You can turn off the ScanForNewFilesOnOpen esoteric preference if you don’t want EagleFiler to automatically scan when the library is opened.
  • EagleFiler can now index and search files that are attached to e-mail messages. This includes text, RTF, PDF, and Word files, as well as file types that have Spotlight importers.
  • Smart folders that search for “contains any/all tags” are about 10 times faster than in EagleFiler 1.4.
  • There’s a new Web page format called PDF (Single Page), which creates PDF files that are optimized for on-screen viewing in a single, continuous page.
  • Added the OCR With PDFpen and OCR using UNPDF scripts, which let you perform optical character recognition on PDF files in EagleFiler. For more information, see the How can I run optical character recognition (OCR) on my PDFs? section.
  • The tags bar can now be used to assign (or remove) tags from multiple selected records at once. This also works in the Info inspector. (If the records have differing tags, EagleFiler shows the Batch Change… button, as before.)
  • Add the Close & Lock command, which closes an encrypted library and also locks it (by ejecting the disk image) so that accessing library’s contents requires the passphrase.
Source List
  • The Go menu contains new commands to quickly jump to Records (to search the whole library), the built-in smart folders, flagged, and unread, along with some commands that were previously in the the View menu.
  • You can now use Copy Record Link to create URLs that, when clicked, select particular folders, smart folders, or tags in the source list.
  • Choosing Select All while the source list has focus now selects all the records, which is more useful than the previous behavior of selecting all the sources.
Records List
  • The new Open With submenu lets you view a file or mail message using a particular application rather than the default. You can use Always Open With to change the default application that’s used when you double-click.
  • The New Record ‣ From Clipboard command lets you create new files in EagleFiler by “pasting” (the shortcut is Command-Shift-V) text snippets into the records list.
  • You can now drag and drop onto individual folders in the records list. This works for importing files from other applications, moving records within a library, and copying files from other EagleFiler libraries.
  • You can now three-finger swipe left or right on a multi-touch trackpad or Magic Mouse to go to the previous or next record in the list.
  • There are new columns for Notes, Source URL, flagged, and unread.
  • Tooltips now show more information: the kind, size, relative path, source URL, tags, and notes.
  • The icon column now has a title in the hiding/showing menu.
  • The new Merge Message Files command lets you recombine e-mail messages stored as individual .eml files into a single mailbox file. This lets EagleFiler store the messages more efficiently and allows for interoperation with other applications that can read mbox files.
  • When importing a .eml file, EagleFiler now changes the file’s dates to match those of the contained e-mail message.
  • Apple Mail is pickier than it used to be about which mbox files it will import. When importing and exporting messages, EagleFiler is now more aggressive about normalizing the message formats so that Apple Mail will accept them.
  • EagleFiler can now import mailboxes that were exported by Apple Mail’s Archive Mailbox… command. However, it’s still best to capture the messages directly from Mail. The archive mailboxes use a non-standard mbox format, and EagleFiler cannot read the message status flags or MailTags metadata from them.
  • When merging mailboxes, the date added is now set to that of the newest mailbox instead of the current date.
  • When converting e-mail messages to .eml format, EagleFiler now exports the tags to OpenMeta.
  • If you’ve set Entourage or another mail program as the default opener for .eml files (rather than Apple Mail), EagleFiler now shows the appropriate application name and icon in the Record menu when an e-mail message is selected.
  • EagleFiler can now import .rssmbox folders from Apple Mail. Capturing RSS messages from Mail does not work, however, due to limitations of Mail’s AppleScript support.
Viewing and Editing
  • You can now open the Quick Look window by pressing the Spacebar or clicking a toolbar button.
  • The new Slideshow command (and toolbar button) opens a full-screen Quick Look view of the selected record or records.
  • Added Replace, Replace All, and Replace and Find commands to the Edit ‣ Find menu. The menu commands are probably less convenient than opening the Find panel, however you can use System Preferences to assign them keyboard shortcuts, to make text editing much faster.
  • Added to the Edit ‣ Spelling and Grammar menu: Check Grammar With Spelling and Correct Spelling Automatically. EagleFiler remembers these settings per-window.
  • Added commands in the Edit ‣ Transformations submenu: Make Upper Case, Make Lower Case, and Capitalize.
  • Added options in the Edit ‣ Substitutions menu: Show Substitutions, Smart Copy/Paste, Smart Quotes, Smart Dashes, Smart Links, Data Detectors, and Text Replacement. EagleFiler enables these features by default when editing, and it remembers per-window how you’ve configured them.
  • Added the Strikethrough command to the Format menu.
  • Improved the quality of the thumbnail images when EagleFiler displays a record in the inline viewer using Quick Look.
  • Added a Spotlight importer plug-in so that the contents of .eml files (messages that you’ve dragged out of their mailboxes into folders) can be searched outside of EagleFiler.
  • Indexed searches can now find text from additional e-mail header fields such as Bcc and various sender and mailing list fields. This change takes effect for newly imported mail, or if you hold down the Command and Option keys when opening a library and tell EagleFiler to rebuild its indexes.
  • Added label text to the smart folder editor that explains how to create new Any/All/None criteria.
  • Note files are now given the associated record’s tags so that they can be searched by tag via Spotlight.
  • EagleFiler is now able to search invisible content in Web archives: link titles, image alt text, and hidden elements (e.g. spoiler text). Previously imported Web archives will be reindexed the next time you open the library.
  • EagleFiler is much faster at indexing Web archives.
  • When capturing a Web page from Safari, EagleFiler now stores the selected text in a note.
  • EagleFiler can now capture from Google Chrome, DEVONthink Pro 2, and Microsoft Outlook 2011.
  • When capturing from Journler, EagleFiler now preserves the category (as an EagleFiler tag) and assigns tags to any subsidiary resource files that it imports (rather than just to the main file).
  • EagleFiler now plays the capture sound after running the script, rather than before, so you can use the sound as an indicator that it’s OK to close your Safari window or NetNewsWire tab.
  • The source items for a capture are now displayed on a separate tab, since they usually didn’t fit in the single-line text field.
  • Improved the error reporting when capturing from Entourage and Firefox 3.6.
  • Added the PlayCaptureSound esoteric preference so that it is now possible to make EagleFiler silent when you press the capture key.
  • Added the “How can I run AppleScripts from EagleFiler’s script menu?” and How can I run optical character recognition (OCR) on my PDFs? sections to the manual.
  • If you’re launching EagleFiler for the first time or it looks like you don’t have any libraries, EagleFiler will open the (revised) Basics section of the manual to help you get started.
  • Added an About Stationery and Scripts item to the New Record submenu to make it easy to open the relevant documentation.
  • Updated the How can I put my library on my iPhone? and How can I access my library from multiple Macs? sections of the manual with additional information about Dropbox and other sharing software.
  • Updated the Importing Mail section of the manual with instructions for importing IMAP mail from Postbox and Thunderbird.
  • Added a warning that SugarSync does not support filenames containing : at the Unix level (/ in the Finder).
  • Added commands to the Help menu for displaying the keyboard shortcuts, example AppleScripts, and opening the bookmarklets information page.
  • You can now get the viewer’s selected text via AppleScript.
  • Added the asking for options argument for the import script command so that you can show EagleFiler’s options dialog when importing.
  • It is now easier to set the source URL when importing via AppleScript.
  • Added the basename property for records, which should simplify many common AppleScripts.
  • Added the text content property for records, which is useful in circumstances where AppleScript’s contents doesn’t work.
  • You can now initiate a capture or capture with options via AppleScript.
  • Changing the source URL of a bookmark via AppleScript now writes the new URL into the bookmark file.
  • Tag abbreviations are now settable.
  • Added the load OpenMeta tags command, which lets you write AppleScripts that bring changed tags from OpenMeta to EagleFiler, rather than the reverse (which EagleFiler does automatically).
Interface Tweaks
  • EagleFiler now shows the spinning progress indicator for all types of activity (not just imports and merges), and next to the spinner it describes one of the more important things it’s currently doing. This should make it much easier to see what’s happening without having to open the Activity window, although you can still do that by clicking the progress indicator.
  • The notes text view now accepts click-through, so it’s smoother to switch to it and begin typing.
  • You can now Tab (and Shift-Tab) between the source list and the records list without having to hold the Control key.
  • When running on Mac OS X 10.6 or later, EagleFiler now displays file sizes using base-10 megabytes (to match the Finder).
  • The default behavior is now to open x-eaglefiler links in an existing window if possible. You can use the esoteric preferences to make it create a new window instead.
  • The Info inspector now shows a proxy icon in its title bar for the file being inspected, and you can Command-click on it to show a path menu.
  • The new Edit Notes menu item (Command-Shift-E) opens the Info inspector and gives the notes keyboard focus. This makes it easier to quickly add notes to a record.
  • When importing a single record, EagleFiler’s Growl notification now shows a thumbnail of it instead of the EagleFiler icon. This can help you see whether a Web page was imported correctly or whether it depends on session state that is not available to EagleFiler (requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later).
  • The text view options (e.g. whether Check Spelling While Typing is enabled) are now synchronized between the viewer and the Notes view in the Info inspector.
  • Added the CaseSensitiveTagCompletion esoteric preference, which makes it easier to type new tag names that are similar to existing tags but with differing case.
  • Removed Contents of Record from the default toolbar because most of its functionality is now available by double-clicking.
  • Enabled undo in various text fields (this requires Mac OS X 10.6 due to a bug in previous OS versions).
  • To reduce clutter, the Activity window is now hidden by default. (If you open it via the menu or by clicking the progress spinner, EagleFiler will remember to re-open it.)
  • Moved the Close commands higher in the File menu.
  • Improved the design of the Software Update… and Purchase… windows.
  • Improved the progress icon for metadata backups.
  • Updated the disk image layout.
  • When importing a file that it downloaded itself, EagleFiler has always stored the source URL. Now it also tries to store the source URLs for files downloaded by other applications.
  • EagleFiler is better at displaying and opening alias files.
  • Various non-downloadable URLs are now always imported as bookmarks.
  • EagleFiler’s metadata backup files now use relative rather than absolute paths. This makes syncing libraries between multiple Macs more efficient.
  • The date added is now restored from metadata backups.
  • EagleFiler does a better job of cleaning up the title when importing a file.
  • Added ! as an allowed tag character.
  • Added « and » as allowed tag name characters.
  • Improved EagleFiler’s error reporting when opening search index files.
  • Improved EagleFiler’s error reporting when a mailbox file is missing.
  • EagleFiler is faster at creating bookmarks from non-Web URLs.
  • Made some improvements to the crash reporter.
  • EagleFiler can now import plain text notes from metadata backup files that are missing the RTFD data.
Bug Fixes
  • EagleFiler now reports an error rather than hanging when you ask it to import an x-eaglefiler URL.
  • Made a change to prevent Zooom/2 from causing an internal error when resizing the source list.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would sometimes quit when coming out of trial mode.
  • Fixed a bug in which EagleFiler would let you try to rename a file using an invalid name.
  • Fixed an internal error when formatting file sizes.
  • Fixed a bug where setting the title/filename/from/tags from the selection in the viewer didn’t work if the field in question was currently being edited in the Info inspector.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the filename in the Info inspector didn’t update a linked title.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would sometimes report an error when displaying an e-mail message.
  • Fixed a bug with tag auto-completion and non-ASCII characters.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could hang when importing non-Web URLs.
  • Worked around a bug in Firefox that could prevent EagleFiler from importing dragged images.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler stripped a trailing period from the name when importing a folder.
  • Worked around some OS bugs that caused slowness and prevented EagleFiler from displaying Web archives created from Safari Reader.
  • Fixed a bug where a smart folder that searched for an empty From didn’t work.
  • Fixed a bug where PDF files that are unreadable by Preview could not be imported into an EagleFiler library.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause crashes when indexing Web archives.
  • Fixed scaling when printing PDF files.
  • Fixed a bug where choosing Actual Size when viewing a PDF didn’t make the change stick.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would re-save metadata property list files that hadn’t changed, which could lead to incorrect folder modification dates and sorting.
  • Fixed a bug displaying non-Roman Finder label names (requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later).
  • Fixed a bug where the scroll position of a .eml file could get reset when switching applications.
  • Fixed a bug where certain long filenames would be imported with hexadecimal abbreviations.
1.4.14—January 22, 2010
  • Fixed a regression that sometimes caused errors when opening a library window when running on Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5.
1.4.13—January 21, 2010
  • Improved EagleFiler’s responsiveness with libraries containing many files.
  • Updated the instructions for how to make EagleFiler’s capture key work with Preview on Mac OS X 10.6. EagleFiler will automatically show this when you try to capture from Preview.
  • Google Chrome does not have sufficient AppleScript support to work with EagleFiler’s capture key, so EagleFiler will now display a message that tells how you can add an EagleFiler button to Chrome’s toolbar.
  • Added the Convert Plain Text to Rich Text script.
  • Added # as a word character for indexing, so that you can search for preprocessor directives and hashtags. This will take effect for new libraries or if you rebuild your indexes by holding the Command and Option keys when opening a library.
  • Added the Drag and Drop section of the manual and expanded the Importing Mail and The Edit Menu sections.
  • Improved the styling of the Apple Help.
  • Fixed a bug searching for certain terms with Match Partial Words enabled.
  • Fixed a regression where EagleFiler wouldn’t launch on a PowerPC G3–based Mac.
  • Fixed a bug dragging iChat files.
  • Fixed a bug where messages didn’t sort properly by Date Created.
  • Fixed a bug where some closed windows still showed up via AppleScript.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would crash when processing certain invalid URLs.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.6 that could cause inconsistent font sizes in the contextual menus.
1.4.12—December 8, 2009
  • EagleFiler is faster at building a mailbox’s table of contents after importing it.
  • You can now use the characters []{}=#. in tag names.
  • The Date Created for e-mail messages now shows the date from the message’s headers rather than the creation date of the mailbox file.
  • Added the ViewEMLOnTiger esoteric preference, which is useful for people who want to use Microsoft Entourage as their external mail viewer on Mac OS X 10.4.
  • Tweaked the spacing in the source list to match Mail.
  • Tweaked the positions of the tag icons in the source list when it’s set to large icon mode.
  • The New Record ‣ Open Stationery Folder command now opens the folder instead of revealing it.
  • EagleFiler is now more robust with respect to errors when importing mail from Entourage, Mailsmith, and PowerMail.
  • Fixed a bug where read records might be tagged as unread when restoring from a metadata backup.
  • Fixed a bug where, in some circumstances, EagleFiler could display an error message or crash when undoing too many times in the record viewer.
  • Fixed a bug where the Tag Cloud didn’t immediately update after changing the font in the preferences.
  • Fixed a bug where Command Up/Down didn’t move the insertion point in a text document when the viewer had keyboard focus.
  • Fixed a bug opening files in MacVim.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler didn’t show the alternating row background colors after a failed search.
  • Fixed a bug capturing from Flock when using Mac OS X 10.4.
  • Fixed a bug capturing large amounts of mail from PowerMail at once.
  • Fixed a regression where some icons in sheets were drawn as dimmed.
  • Fixed a bug where New Record ‣ Open Stationery Folder and Reveal in Finder didn’t work if TableText or another old application was running.
1.4.11—November 12, 2009
  • The EagleFiler: Import service (for importing the selected text, URL, or files) is now enabled by default on Mac OS X 10.6. You may still need to log out and log back in for the system to recognize it, however.
  • Worked around a change in Mac OS X that could make EagleFiler report an error when opening a library.
  • Fixed a regression where sometimes EagleFiler didn’t open files in the proper external viewer/editor application.
1.4.10—November 10, 2009
  • EagleFiler can now capture from Microsoft Exchange mailboxes in Apple Mail.
  • Updated the How can I put my library on my iPhone? section of the manual with a link to the Dropbox iPhone application.
  • You can now double-click an embedded file in the viewer or notes to open it in a separate window for viewing.
  • Improved the instructions for importing mail from Thunderbird.
  • The script for quickly creating new text files from LaunchBar will now let you enter tags as well.
  • If a bug in Mac OS X 10.6 has erased the OpenMeta tags for a file that EagleFiler is importing, it will now look under kMDItemOMUserTags, which Spotlight may have preserved.
  • Deleting a tag now removes it from the shared list of recent tags, so that it doesn’t appear to still be hanging around.
  • Worked around a change in Flock so that EagleFiler can capture from it again.
  • EagleFiler now displays image files according to the orientation information in their metadata (requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later).
  • EagleFiler now writes the tags to kMDItemOMUserTags (and sets kMDItemOMUserTagTime) for compatibility with newer versions of OpenMeta.
  • EagleFiler now gives priority to the org.openmetainfo extended attributes if they’re present and have more recent timestamps. This will make it possible to transition away from keys in Apple’s domain.
  • Added the RecordsListHasAlternatingBackground esoteric preference for people who prefer a solid white background color in the records list.
  • When you ask it to create a new file, EagleFiler no longer replaces / in the filename with -.
  • To avoid confusion with the single-selection case, pressing Return in the records list no longer opens multiple selected records externally.
  • Fixed a bug where the keyboard shortcut for New Record ‣ Plain Text File didn’t work under non-English localizations.
  • Fixed a bug in the URL colorer that prevented some message bodies from being displayed.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in empty tag names after renaming.
  • Worked around a suspected bug in Mac OS X that could prevent EagleFiler from restoring the correct window position and size when opening a library.
  • Fixed a bug where some individual message files didn’t sort properly by title.
  • Fixed a bug with the French localization when creating a new file.
  • Changed the way the Software Update… feature finds the downloads folder on Mac OS X 10.5 and later because sometimes the one that Internet Config returned would be invalid or unwanted.
  • Improved EagleFiler’s error handling when it can’t read a metadata backup file due to a disk error.
  • Modernized the code.
1.4.9—September 4, 2009
  • When using Mac OS X 10.6, you can use the Keyboard pane in System Preferences to add EagleFiler’s import service to contextual menus in your other applications.
  • Added the OpenEagleFilerURLsInNewWindow esoteric preference, which can be used to make EagleFiler open record links in an existing window rather than creating a new one.
  • When dragging from the records list, EagleFiler now makes x-eaglefiler URLs available (instead of titles) when the receiving application expects plain text. This makes it possible to, e.g. drag and drop to Things to create a link to an EagleFiler record.
  • EagleFiler now preserves the flagged state when capturing from Yojimbo.
  • Updated the How can I put my library on my iPhone? section of the manual to reference Quickword, which allows editing of plain text and Microsoft Word documents from the iPhone.
  • Added a note saying that accessing EagleFiler’s Dock menu (e.g. to open a recent library) requires a right-click or a Control-click under Mac OS X 10.6.
  • Added a workaround for an error logging bug in the OS.
  • Improved number entry in the smart folder editor.
  • Fixed an appearance glitch when dragging from the records list.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.6 that could cause EagleFiler to crash when indexing.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.6 that could prevent some files from being indexed.
1.4.8—August 24, 2009
  • Capturing a bookmark from NetNewsWire, OmniWeb, Safari, and WebKit Nightly is much faster because EagleFiler no longer goes online to download the contents of the page.
  • The records list now supports click-through. This means that it no longer takes two clicks to select a different record when one of the inspector windows has focus.
  • Added an optimization so that image files with custom icons can be displayed in the records list without having to ask Quick Look to generate a thumbnail.
  • Improved the library opening speed by reducing the time spent building the action menu.
  • The How can I access my library from multiple Macs? and How can I put my library on my iPhone? sections of the manual now discuss SugarSync.
  • Updated the How can I put my library on my iPhone? section of the manual to add a link to Apple’s new MobileMe iDisk app.
  • The Errors window now appears on all spaces.
  • EagleFiler no longer auto-opens the Errors window at launch if it was open at quit.
  • The crash reporter works better with pre-release versions of Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
  • The software updater now supports two-digit version numbers like “1.4.10”—just in case.
  • Made the progress window wider so that the text fits better.
  • Updated the links for Mailsmith’s new home.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler’s auto-conversion from an RTF file to RTFD (e.g. when you pasted in an image) could overwrite a pre-existing RTFD file.
  • Fixed a bug where the Reply to Message command didn’t work properly with Entourage.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler sometimes didn’t let you type a space in the Capture with options window.
  • Fixed a bug where the fields and text view in the Info inspector would lose keyboard focus when switching to another application.
  • Fixed a bug where editing in the records list wasn’t committed before switching to an inspector.
  • Fixed a bug where importing a .webloc file via drag and drop didn’t set the proper source URL.
  • Fixed a bug where the record viewer would not remain collapsed when resizing the window.
  • Fixed a bug where double-clicking on a column header in the records list would open the selected records.
  • Fixed a bug where, for the first Capture with options for a library, EagleFiler would suggest the “unread” tag even if the preferences were set not to mark new records as unread.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would report an error when importing an empty message from Apple Mail.
1.4.7—July 28, 2009
  • EagleFiler now copies tags into the extended attributes for Spotlight searchability and interoperability with applications that use OpenMeta (requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later). EagleFiler also integrates with OpenMeta’s list of recent tags and (since version 1.4.5) imports tags that were assigned using OpenMeta. As with previous versions, EagleFiler’s primary tag store is its database, so you won’t lose any metadata if you store, edit, or copy files in a manner that discards extended attributes, or if you restore from a Time Machine backup. Once a file is in EagleFiler, the tags must be edited using EagleFiler. The Copy tags to Spotlight comments option still works, but since OpenMeta support makes it largely redundant it is no longer recommended except for use on Mac OS X 10.4 and for interoperability with non-OpenMeta applications.
  • EagleFiler now displays thumbnail icon previews of image files (requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later).
  • Improved EagleFiler’s capture support for Journler. It now preserves the tags, comments, images, and resources, and it omits the entry header.
  • Revealing a message in the Finder now reveals a .eml file instead of an .emlx file. You can use File ‣ Get Info on this file to make Entourage the default message viewer.
  • When exporting messages, EagleFiler now adds a .mbox file extension so that Entourage will recognize that it can import from the file.
  • Improved the Web archives that EagleFiler imports from pages served as XML.
  • Now shows Growl notifications when using drag and drop to copy files from one library to another.
  • EagleFiler now shows a library’s spinning progress indicator for all types of user-initiated operations, not just imports.
  • Improved the parsing of invalid e-mail addresses.
  • Increased the default capacity of encrypted libraries.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler allowed editing of locked files and then didn’t save them properly (due to a suspected OS bug).
  • Fixed a bug where some auxiliary frame content wasn’t saved into Web archives.
  • Fixed a bug where tags and notes were not preserved when dragging a bookmark from one library to another.
  • Fixed a bug where Control-Tab didn’t work with Web views.
  • Fixed a bug where certain Web pages wouldn’t import from Safari via the bookmarklets.
  • Fixed a bug where the search field lost focus after pressing Return/Enter.
  • Fixed a bug updating the search field label.
  • Fixed a bug where some file URLs wouldn’t import via bookmarklets.
  • Fixed a bug creating Web PDFs from non-conforming URLs.
  • Fixed a bug importing messages with X-From_ headers.
  • Fixed a bug importing messages from Entourage with Mac linebreaks and unescaped “From ” lines.
  • Fixed a bug indexing notes for libraries inside non-ASCII-named folders.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler highlighted search operators in the viewer.
  • Removed a Web archive workaround that’s no longer needed due to a bug fix in Safari 4.
  • Updated the French localization.
1.4.6—June 1, 2009
  • The Drop Pad window now appears on all spaces.
  • When creating a Web archive, EagleFiler now uses the proper page title for Web sites such as gmane.org that change the title using JavaScript.
  • Added +$*/~()|%^& as characters allowed in tag names.
  • The search fields are now scrollable.
  • The ruler is now shown by default for editable rich text files.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for showing, copying, and pasting the ruler.
  • Updated to version 1.1.7 of the SkimNotes framework.
  • Updated the instructions for changing an encrypted library’s passphrase to work around a bug in Disk Utility.
  • Improved the display of messages containing invalid Base64 content.
  • No longer adds a useless x-msg URL to the bottom of text imported from mail messages as RTFD.
  • Worked around a bug in the Safari 4 beta that could cause some images not to be saved into Web archives.
  • Fixed a bug where the search wasn’t cleared when opening a folder in a new window with the ClearSearchWhenChangingSources esoteric preference enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the plain text font didn’t change the font of newly typed text.
  • Fixed a bug where the raw source for a message would sometimes show one extra character.
  • The crash reporter works better with pre-release versions of Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
  • The crash reporter now warns before sending a report without an e-mail address.
  • You can now press Enter to click the Send Report button in the crash reporter.
  • Updated Korean localization.
1.4.5—March 24, 2009
  • When capturing from Apple Mail, EagleFiler can now directly import messages that are selected in smart mailboxes and in special “merged” mailboxes such as Inbox.
  • When you do a library search for a phrase, EagleFiler now removes the quotation marks when transferring the query to Preview or Skim.
  • EagleFiler now imports tags that are stored in a file’s extended attributes under com.apple.metadata:kOMUserTags by applications such as Tags, TagIt, and Default Folder X.
  • Improved compatibility with pre-release versions of Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
  • Added the assigned tag names AppleScript property, which can make writing scripts less verbose.
  • Added the ExcludeIndexesFromBackup esoteric preference to exclude EagleFiler’s index files from Time Machine backups.
  • Added the FindPanelDiacriticInsensitive esoteric preference.
  • Worked around bugs in Microsoft Excel and Word that could cause EagleFiler to import the wrong document.
  • EagleFiler’s temporary files are now excluded from Time Machine backups.
  • Worked around a bug in the Safari 4 beta that could make Convert For Editing not preserve images.
  • Worked around a change in Safari 4 that could cause problems when displaying or indexing Web archives.
  • EagleFiler now closes files immediately after you’re done viewing them.
  • Fixed a bug where the Errors window did not transform filenames for display.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler didn’t show Growl notifications after importing certain files via AppleScript.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes changes to a text or RTF document were not saved before opening the file in an external editor.
  • Fixed a bug with the date format in mbox files.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler did not follow aliases in the Stationery folder.
1.4.4—February 11, 2009
  • Streamlined capturing from Apple Mail. EagleFiler no longer asks whether you want to capture the selected mailboxes or the selected messages; now it always captures the selected messages. Also made other changes to reduce the number of dialog boxes.
  • You can now use Command-Down-Arrow (Reveal in Container) with a message or file selected to have EagleFiler select it inside its containing mailbox or folder in the source list. This is useful if you had originally selected the message or file in Records, a tag source, or a smart folder and you want to see it in its original context.
  • When you ask EagleFiler to import a file (e.g. by dropping it onto EagleFiler’s Dock icon or choosing Open With ‣ EagleFiler) that’s already in the current library, EagleFiler now opens the file for viewing rather than complaining that it’s already in the library.
  • EagleFiler now uses non-modal notification windows (Growl, where available) to display the progress when capturing from a mail program.
  • EagleFiler now uses its own Find panel everywhere, not relying on the system Find panel, in order to avoid having two separate windows and to improve the interaction with the search field.
  • Added the SendsWholeSearchString esoteric preference, which lets you control whether EagleFiler updates search results as you type.
  • When you search for a phrase, EagleFiler now tries to highlight the whole phrase in the viewer, rather than the constituent words.
  • The Find panel works better with Spaces.
  • Items in the Services menu can now read the selection from EagleFiler’s records list.
  • You can now use the capture key to import New York Times Web pages that are in printer format, without having EagleFiler download the screen format instead.
  • When importing Web pages as RTF(D), EagleFiler now stores the URL in the file’s Subject field.
  • When you do a library search for a phrase, EagleFiler removes the quotation marks when transferring the query to the Find panel.
  • When creating PDFs from Web pages, EagleFiler no longer inserts your username into the PDF metadata.
  • When you press the capture key, EagleFiler now bounces its Dock icon once. This makes it easier to see that the capture has begun if the Dock was hidden or the sound was turned down.
  • When creating a new plain text file with the File column hidden, if you enter a filename with an extension into the sheet, EagleFiler uses that extension instead of .txt.
  • When merging mailboxes that are selected in the source list, EagleFiler no longer maintains the selection when the mailboxes are moved to the trash.
  • Deleting multiple errors at once is much faster.
  • You can now use Page Setup to change the orientation and scaling when printing.
  • When printing a text view, no longer scales down the width unless it’s necessary to fit it on the page.
  • The print job title now shows the title of the document being printed, rather than the name of the library.
  • If a file wasn’t downloaded from the Internet, its source URL is now empty rather than being a file: URL.
  • If there’s an error capturing from Firefox, EagleFiler now suggests uninstalling Default Folder X to work around a bug in Firefox.
  • Tooltips in the Errors window now show the full path rather than just the name of the file.
  • Worked around an OS bug that could cause problems when importing text from Apple Mail via services.
  • Better error reporting when EagleFiler encounters an AppleScript bug in NetNewsWire.
  • Improved handling of long library names.
  • Improved the error reporting when capturing from DEVONthink.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would start importing a file that was copied into the To Import folder while the copy was still in progress.
  • Fixed a bug where indexing could hang if analyzing the file produced a large number of errors.
  • Fixed a bug where some Boston Globe Web pages were downloaded as HTML files instead of as Web archives.
  • Fixed a regression that could prevent MailTags from being imported from Apple Mail if the message also had annotations.
  • Fixed a bug where files that didn’t have notes could be imported with the note tag if it was in the Spotlight comments.
  • Fixed a bug where the URL wasn’t properly set when importing Web page text as RTFD via drag and drop.
  • Fixed a bug where, when importing IMAP messages from Apple Mail, EagleFiler would sometimes incorrectly report that attachments were missing.
  • Fixed a bug where the tags bar was hidden when it shouldn’t have been.
  • Fixed a bug where the scroll arrows for the notes text view didn’t work.
  • Fixed a bug handling errors when importing Web archives.
  • Tried to work around a URL cache problem that could cause imports to stall.
1.4.3—November 20, 2008
  • EagleFiler can now display Skim notes attached to PDF files.
  • Added an esoteric preference to make EagleFiler import the selected text from a Web view in RTF(D) format rather than as a Web archive.
  • Added an esoteric preference to control whether EagleFiler displays images in HTML e-mails, for those concerned about Web bugs.
  • The color list tab is now available in the color panel.
  • In the records list, pressing Return now edits the filename rather than opening the file.
  • EagleFiler now preserves filesystem metadata when editing a smart folder’s .plist file.
  • PDF annotations are now indexed for searching.
  • The metadata backup files are no longer touched unnecessarily, for more efficient backups and syncs.
  • Improved error reporting when emptying the trash.
  • Fixed a regression where some files couldn’t be deleted.
  • Fixed a bug where tag searches with partial word matching didn’t work with non-lowercase tag names.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler did not report unexpected errors when viewing files.
  • Fixed a bug displaying property list files that were not dictionaries.
  • Fixed a bug in the German localization for smart folders.
  • Fixed a bug where text could be truncated when printing.
  • Fixed a bug displaying Web archives created from Mail.
1.4.2—October 30, 2008
  • Fixed a regression where the + button in the source list didn’t work.
  • Fixed a regression where phrase searches found records that didn’t match.
1.4.1—October 28, 2008
  • The Tag Cloud window now supports tagging/untagging multiple records at once.
  • You can now setup a stationery file’s Spotlight comments so that new records created from that stationery have certain tags and/or notes.
  • EagleFiler now supports metadata AppleScripts to customize what happens when you create a new record from stationery. For example, for a journal entry a script could set the From to the name of the current user and set the filename based on the current date. This is described in the New Record ‣ Open Stationery Folder section of the manual.
  • The Quick Look window now works more like in the Finder. Instead of multiple windows, there’s now a single window whose content changes depending on what’s selected.
  • Added some toolbar shortcuts: Option-click the New RTF button to create a new plain text file, and Option-click the Tags button to open the Tag Cloud window.
  • EagleFiler can now display Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) images.
  • EagleFiler now displays XHTML files as rendered HTML rather than as XML source.
  • Faster tag searching in Anywhere searches.
  • EagleFiler now understands .url files.
  • Made some AppleScript improvements: creation and modification dates are now settable, the import command now has an option for importing a named stationery file, you can update record checksums, and you can set the contents of the search field. An example script shows how to initiate an EagleFiler search from LaunchBar.
  • When you click to edit in the File column, EagleFiler no longer selects the file extension. (Previously, this only worked when pressing Enter.)
  • When importing a selection of text via the Services menu, EagleFiler now stores the source URL if the text was in a WebKit-based view (requires Mac OS X 10.5). Due to a bug in Mac OS X 10.4, dragging and dropping text onto EagleFiler’s Dock icon now requires Mac OS X 10.5.
  • For consistency with the Finder, the Label column of the records list now shows “--” instead of “None” and sorts by name instead of number.
  • Now uses “&” as the default prefix when copying tags to the Spotlight comments.
  • Improved reporting of unexpected errors.
  • Undo now works when the Tag Cloud window is in the front.
  • Changed the zooming keyboard shortcuts so as not to conflict with the ones for Universal Access. (You can still use Command-- and Command-+.)
  • Fixed spacing of Set Title in contextual menu.
  • Added Help button to the Software Update window.
  • Removed extra space in contextual menu.
  • Fixed a bug trying to open the Find panel when EagleFiler was displaying an image.
  • Fixed a bug where some toolbar icons didn’t load if you weren’t running under an administrator account.
  • Fixed a bug where the Find panel didn’t always pick up the query from the search field.
  • Fixed a regression where messages in mailboxes could not be opened in Apple Mail when running on Mac OS X 10.4.
  • Fixed a regression where Spotlight comments on files weren’t preserved when importing, if you had Copy tags to Spotlight comments unchecked.
1.4—October 14, 2008
  • You can now create custom smart folders, which can contain an unlimited number of criteria, optionally using nested Any/All/None criteria. Creating and editing smart folders requires Mac OS X 10.5; however, once created, the smart folders can be used with Mac OS X 10.4.
  • Smart folders can now be organized into folders.
  • You can define actions to occur when you drag a record onto a smart folder. For example, you could make a smart folder that shows records with a certain combination of tags, and that will assign those tags to dragged records.
  • You can now create any type of new file from within EagleFiler. To do this, choose New Record ‣ Open Stationery Folder from the File menu. Whichever files you put in the Stationery folder become available as templates in the File ‣ New Record menu.
  • You can now drag messages out of mailboxes to convert them to freestanding .eml files. It’s less efficient to store messages individually rather than in mailbox files, but there are also several advantages: the messages can be stored alongside other types of files, they can be freely moved between folders, and they are searchable by Spotlight.
  • Added a Tag Cloud window, which shows a compact listing of all the tags. You can click on a tag to toggle whether it’s assigned to the selected record.
  • Added a Find panel for searching within PDFs and Web archives.
  • Added a preference to control which format Web pages are imported in. The supported formats are: Bookmark, PDF, Plain Text, Rich Text, Rich Text With Images, and Web Archive (the default).
  • Added a preference to control what happens to Spotlight comments when importing. This is useful, e.g. if you had already used another application to tag your files or if you had entered notes from the Finder. If you tell EagleFiler to Import as tags, each word is imported as a tag. If you tell it to Import as notes and tags, EagleFiler extracts tags (prefixed by & or marked using Punakea’s format) and imports the remaining comments text as notes.
  • Added commands to the contextual menus (Assign Tag, Set Filename, Set From, Set Title) so that you can quickly turn the selected text into metadata.
File Formats
  • Added New Record ‣ Plain Text File command.
  • EagleFiler can now display Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) files (requires Mac OS X 10.5).
  • EagleFiler can now display and edit OpenDocument Text (.odt) files (requires Mac OS X 10.5).
  • EagleFiler can now display and search XML and binary property list (.plist) files.
  • Now imports .webloc files as-is rather than converting them to Web archives.
  • EagleFiler now imports .eml files as-is rather than converting them to single-message mailboxes.
  • Bean documents are now imported as a separate file type rather than as RTFD.
  • Added Quick Look command, which opens a Quick Look preview of the selected records in a separate window (requires Mac OS X 10.5).
  • Added an Enclosing Record command in the View menu. Replaced the Select Source command with the similar but more useful Contents of Record command in the View menu. As a result, you can now use Command–Up Arrow and Command–Down Arrow to navigate up and down the hierarchy of folders and mailboxes.
  • Added Search for Selection contextual menu command.
  • When you mouse over a link in a Web view, EagleFiler now shows the URL at the bottom of the window.
  • Revised the toolbar icons and simplified the default toolbar configuration.
  • If there are no matches for a search, EagleFiler draws the records list background in yellow.
  • Adjusted the unread and flagged menu item titles and toolbar labels for consistency with Mail.
  • Increased the resolution of the Dock badges.
  • The viewer now shows some helpful text describing the “note” tag.
  • Moved Show Inspector and Show Tags from the Record menu to the Window menu and renamed Show Inspector to Show Info.
  • Can now capture from Entourage, and preserves the message flags, categories, and projects. If you want EagleFiler to skip a message, you can assign it the category “OmitFromArchive”.
  • Can now capture from PowerMail, and preserves the message status and label.
  • Can now capture from Preview, if you make it scriptable.
  • Can now capture from Together, and preserves the tags, comments, labels, and ratings.
  • When capturing from Mailsmith, EagleFiler can now import individual messages (before, only mailboxes were supported), and it now preserves the message status, label, and notes.
  • When capturing from Camino, EagleFiler now reads the URL of the current tab rather than the first tab.
  • In the Capture With Options window, if you edit the tags and then choose a different library, EagleFiler no longer overwrites the tags with the default ones for the new library.
  • You can now import Web pages using bookmarklets.
  • Empty files and files that contain only a resource fork (such as font suitcases) no longer count as duplicates.
  • Added an esoteric preference for importing Spotlight keywords as tags.
  • When you try to import a file that’s already inside of the library folder, EagleFiler can now reveal the file in the browser window.
  • If a connection times out while EagleFiler is importing a Web page, it will now retry twice.
  • When importing bookmarks from a Web browser, EagleFiler now uses the titles you’ve assigned rather than fetching them from the Web.
  • Encrypted libraries can now be created as sparse bundle images, for more efficient Time Machine backups (requires Mac OS X 10.5).
  • Encrypted libraries can now use 256-bit rather than 128-bit encryption (requires Mac OS X 10.5).
  • You can now type tag names directly into an Anywhere search.
  • You can now view messages in Microsoft Entourage instead of Apple Mail (requires Mac OS X 10.5). To do this, Get Info on a .eml file in the Finder, choose Entourage from the Open with pop-up menu, and click Change All.
  • The Copy Record Link command now creates links using persistent IDs so that they will still work if you delete EagleFiler’s database and import the files into a new library.
  • Added How can I put my library on my iPhone? section to the manual.
  • Added Shortcuts section to the manual.
  • Added an esoteric preference to clear the search field when you select a different source.
  • You can now double-click a smart folder to open it in a new window.
  • EagleFiler now indexes a file’s Spotlight keywords for searching.
  • Improved auto-generated titles.
  • Improved the display of improperly encoded message headers.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.4 when highlighting matching search terms in the records list.
  • Removes stray index files when opening the library.
  • If there’s an error getting the downloads folder for a software update, EagleFiler now defaults to Downloads rather than Desktop.
  • No longer shows the __deleted__ tag in the records list.
  • The Untagged source now shows records that only have the “note” tag.
  • Improved parsing of invalid mbox files.
  • Improved error reporting when downloading Web pages.
  • Rewrote filesystem code to improve performance and error reporting.
  • Made various changes to improve interface responsiveness.
  • Note files now include a relative URL to the file that they’re attached to, so that you can easily find the file if EagleFiler isn’t installed.
  • Added placeholder text to the Purchase… window.
  • No longer lets Web pages steal focus from the records list.
  • You can now bring up the Find panel when the source list or records list has focus.
  • EagleFiler now saves damaged index files for possible future analysis of why Search Kit couldn’t open them. It also tries multiple times to open indexes, since Search Kit sometimes changes its mind about which indexes are valid.
Bug Fixes
  • If an unexpected error occurs while EagleFiler is emptying the trash, it no longer leaves the library in an inconsistent state. Also, EagleFiler will now detect and repair this sort of damage when opening a library.
  • Fixed a bug where a duplicate “From ” line could be inserted when generating an mbox file from an Apple Mail mailbox. This was harmless but unsightly.
  • Fixed a bug where, in rare cases, two messages imported from Apple Mail could be joined into one, so that it looked like some had been skipped.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler changed the selection if you tried to delete a source and then canceled.
  • Fixed a bug where Reveal in Finder didn’t work when KeePassX was running.
  • Fixed a bug where you could, via the contextual menu, open a different page when viewing a Web archive.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could freeze when revealing a non-existent file in the Finder.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler’s Web fonts would not be consistent with Safari’s if you’d never changed the fonts in Safari’s preferences.
  • Fixed a bug where, when capturing multiple items with notes, some records without notes would be assigned the notes from one of the other records.
  • Fixed a bug where certain errors when creating a new library were not correctly reported.
  • Fixed a bug where the PDF viewer state wasn’t always preserved.
  • Fixed a bug where the title of text records wasn’t linked to the filename by default.
  • Fixed a bug where newly added tags weren’t selected if you had been renaming another tag.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler could crash when closing a browser window.
1.3.8—July 23, 2008
  • Fixed a regression where capturing from Firefox didn’t work.
1.3.7—July 22, 2008
  • Fixed a regression where editing a keyboard shortcut could cause EagleFiler to crash.
1.3.6—July 22, 2008
  • Opening the Capture With Options window is faster and uses much less memory.
  • When capturing a headline from NetNewsWire, EagleFiler now preserves the flagged status.
  • Improved the error message when capturing from Firefox 3 fails due to a bug in Firefox.
  • Fixed some small memory leaks.
  • Fixed bug where .eml files converted to mbox format weren’t From-escaped.
  • Moved .nib files that don’t need localization out of the English.lproj folder. This should make it easier to run EagleFiler in a language other than English without changing the default language on your Mac.
  • Fixed bug truncating filenames containing decomposed characters.
  • Improved the French localization.
1.3.5—July 2, 2008
  • Made various performance optimizations to the browser and activity windows.
  • If you click on a mailbox in the source list whose table of contents has not yet been built, EagleFiler now reports this in the viewer so that it’s more clear why no messages are shown yet.
  • Dropping between folders in the source list no longer targets the containing folder, since this made the subfolder drop targets too small.
  • Improved the way EagleFiler handles special “merged” mailboxes when capturing from Apple Mail.
  • Added EnableWebPlugIns to the esoteric preferences, so that you can prevent Web plug-ins (e.g. Flash) from loading in EagleFiler’s viewer.
  • Capturing a mailbox in Apple Mail no longer captures its submailboxes, unless they’re also selected.
  • Fixed bug extracting the metadata from files during import.
  • Fixed a bug where, in rare cases, EagleFiler would end up with two internal database records for the same file. This could happen with Web archives in the To Import folder.
  • Fixed the title of the Copy Image command when Control-clicking on an image in the viewer.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler would clear the display of the selected Web archive when using Capture With Options.
  • Fixed regression where AppleScripting a browser window didn’t work.
  • Reduced the delay before showing the Capture With Options window.
  • The font-chooser text fields now draw the text centered.
  • Single-click editing in table and outline views now requires Mac OS X 10.5, since it now relies on the standard OS functionality.
  • In certain circumstances, auto-updating no longer requires authentication.
  • Fixed bug where some operations in the Activity window would hang if the OS hung while setting a Spotlight comment.
  • Worked around suspected OS bug, which sometimes caused a file’s creation date to change when you changed the modification date.
  • Fixed bug where the Capture With Options window would be shown even if there were no items to capture.
  • Fixed bug editing filenames with no extension in the records list.
1.3.4—June 3, 2008
  • Fixed regression where parts of the Drop Pad didn’t accept dropped files.
  • Fixed regression where source list titles sometimes would be truncated prematurely.
  • Fixed regression where the top of the viewer was cut off in the German localization.
  • Fixed regression where changes to the tags weren’t saved if you closed the window before pressing Return/Tab or clicking elsewhere.
  • The default search scope is now Anywhere.
  • The divider in the Info inspector now remembers its position.
  • The Tags field in the Info inspector can now be made shorter.
  • Improved launching speed.
  • Added Importing Mail section to the manual.
  • Added FolderMailboxTitleSeparateFromFilename to the esoteric preferences.
  • Improved error reporting when capturing from Microsoft Word.
  • Fixed bug importing Apple Mail messages when running under certain non-English locales.
  • Worked around a framework bug that could cause errors when closing a library.
  • Removed logging of invalid URLs.
  • Updated the German localization.
1.3.3—May 20, 2008
  • Improved the speed of displaying large numbers of files or messages for the first time.
  • Can now capture from Opera.
  • Added New Rich Text File command to the Dock menu.
  • The Drop Pad is now resizable.
  • Worked around Mac OS X bug that prevented EagleFiler from indexing certain documents for searching.
  • The Capture With Options window no longer suggests the title from the previous capture, since that wasn’t very useful.
  • If a mailbox’s messages are not yet ready for display (because EagleFiler is rebuilding the table of contents), the mailbox name is now shown in gray in the source list.
  • Added placeholder text to the tags bar so that it’s more clear that it’s editable.
  • Expanded the documentation for the Verify command.
  • On Mac OS X 10.4, the viewer pane now shows custom rather than generic icons for files that it doesn’t know how to display. (On Mac OS X 10.5, it continues to use Quick Look.)
  • When searching, EagleFiler now ignores trailing meta characters in the query string, rather than returning no results.
  • The Drop Pad menu command now hides the Drop Pad if it was already visible.
  • Reorganized the Dock menu so that the fixed commands are easier to find with the mouse.
  • Improved error reporting when capturing from a “merged” mailbox in Mail.
  • Adjusted spacing in source list.
  • Added “raised” background style to the label in the tags bar.
  • Skips importing .git folders.
  • Improved error logging.
  • Fixed bug where the Tags palette sometimes showed the tags for the wrong library.
  • Fixed bug where the Tags field in the Batch Change… window didn’t become checked when you started typing tags in it.
  • Fixed bug with text color of non-highlighted text in selected rows of the records list, when it didn’t have keyboard focus.
  • Fixed error resizing the browser window.
  • Fixed importing of Word documents with blank titles.
  • Fixed bug where the command in the Window menu said Activity Viewer instead of Activity.
1.3.2—April 24, 2008
  • Faster indexed searches when lots of results are found.
  • Faster at displaying large text files when running on Mac OS X 10.5.
  • The Title and From fields in the Capture With Options window will now try to clean up any text that you paste in, e.g. removing linebreaks and coalescing multiple spaces into one.
  • Enlarged the Title field in the Capture With Options window.
  • Some errors now have a tooltip that shows which library they pertain to.
  • Preserves more file metadata when editing documents within EagleFiler.
  • EagleFiler can now import URLs that contain the | character.
  • Adjusted mail-related icons when running on Mac OS X 10.5.
  • Added MaxEditableTextFileSizeInMB esoteric preference, which lets you set EagleFiler to only show the first few megabytes of large text files, so that they display more quickly.
  • Disabled undo in the Title and From fields in the Capture With Options window to work around a bug in Cocoa.
  • Fixed bug where the viewer could lose keyboard focus when using Previous/Next Record.
  • Fixed bug where mailbox names were not indexed for Anywhere searches.
  • Fixed bug editing text or RTF documents that were stored on non-HFS volumes.
  • Fixed bug where indeterminate progress bars didn’t animate when running on Mac OS X 10.5.
  • Fixed bug importing messages from Apple Mail that claimed to be sent in the year 2038 or later.
  • Fixed mbox separator-line dates for imported IMAP messages.
  • Fixed regression where files and messages didn’t sort together properly by modification date.
  • Updated the .sdef file to the latest format.
  • Updated to Python 2.5.2.
  • Renamed the Activity Viewer window to Activity for consistency with Mail and Safari.
  • Fixed color of non-highlighted text in selected rows of the records list.
1.3.1—April 9, 2008
  • When searching the Tags scope (or using tag:<name> with another search scope), EagleFiler now lets you type incomplete tag names if Match Partial Words is checked.
  • The @ character is now allowed in tag names.
  • When using Capture With Options, any tags or notes that you set are now used in addition to rather than instead of any tags or notes suggested by the capture script.
  • Changes to notes are now undoable.
  • Improved responsiveness by limiting the number of simultaneous file copy operations.
  • Fixed regression where Copy tags to Spotlight comments didn’t work.
  • Fixed regression editing files in the viewer whose path contained non-ASCII characters.
  • Fixed regression deleting notes.
  • When you delete the selected sources, EagleFiler now selects the next source in the list and maintains the scroll position.
  • Canceling a Capture With Options now brings you back to the application that you were in.
  • The tag abbreviation column now sorts by the actual tag names, rather than by the abbreviation symbols.
  • Worked around a Web Kit bug saving certain pages as Web archives.
  • Worked around OS bug that could cause a crash when resizing a browser window.
  • Tried to work around OS bug revealing files in the Finder.
  • After revealing a file in Path Finder, brings Path Finder to the front.
  • Re-positioned Format menu for consistency with Mail.
  • Fixed a rare crash when searching a PDF.
  • Fixed bug where dragging records in the list sometimes required an extra click.
  • Fixed sorting of sources, records, and tags whose names contain combining marks.
  • Fixed bug where the contextual menu sometimes had duplicate Highlight commands.
  • Fixed bug where sometimes the original title of a document (stored in the file) wasn’t indexed if you’d set a custom title in EagleFiler.
  • Fixed bug where .plist files were sometimes imported as text.
  • Fixed bug where a displayed Web archive could auto-open a window in the user’s Web browser.
  • Fixed bug remembering the PDF zoom level.
  • Updated German localization.
1.3—March 11, 2008
  • Added Capture with options command (Option-F1 by default), which lets you set the library, destination folder, tags, and other metadata right when you press the capture key.
  • Added Batch Change… menu command and button in the tags bar. This lets you set the title, from name, label, tags, and notes of the selected records all at once.
  • Now uses Quick Look to display file types that EagleFiler doesn’t natively understand (e.g. Pages, Keynote, OmniGraffle, fonts). This feature requires Mac OS X 10.5.
  • Added Untagged smart folder to the source list.
  • Added Date Created and Tag Names columns to the records list.
  • Added Set Label submenu and contextual menu.
  • Added specialized viewing and indexing support for iCalendar (.ics) and vCard (.vcf) files.
  • Now indexes Skim notes attached to PDF and PDFD files so that you can search for them within EagleFiler.
  • Revised the icons and layout throughout the user interface.
  • Made various optimizations so that EagleFiler is faster and more responsive.
Browser Windows
  • When creating new rich text files or notes, EagleFiler now creates RTF files instead of RTFD ones when possible. RTF files are more compatible and faster. Additionally, when editing files in the viewer, EagleFiler automatically converts between RTF and RTFD depending on whether RTFD is required.
  • When using the Record ‣ Tag command to jump to the tags bar, EagleFiler now moves the insertion point to the end of the tags, rather than selecting all of them.
  • When you create a New Rich Text File within EagleFiler, it’s no longer marked as unread.
  • The Open With External Viewer toolbar button now shows which application will be used to open the file.
  • Added Update Checksum toolbar button.
  • Now shows tag colors in the source list.
  • You can now tab from editing the File column in the records list into the record viewer, which makes creating new RTF files smoother. (Requires Mac OS X 10.5.)
  • When you open a library on a smaller screen than it was previously opened on, EagleFiler now overrides the OS and shrinks the window so that it fits on the screen.
  • Added Select Source to the contextual menu.
  • Added a custom drag image for the records lists.
  • Added ellipsis-truncation to column headers in the records list.
  • Increased the maximum width of the date columns.
  • Holding down Option to skip the confirmation when emptying the trash now works from the contextual menu.
  • When displaying Usenet messages from mbox files, EagleFiler now shows the name of the newsgroup in the To area of the viewer.
  • You can now copy an image file that EagleFiler’s displaying to the clipboard.
  • Now remembers between launches if you’ve set the PDF view to display continuous or facing pages.
  • You can now press Command-Delete to delete the selected record(s) when the viewer has focus.
  • You can now double-click the drag strip to collapse the source list.
  • Increased the font size in the tags bar.
  • If no library is open when you press the capture key, instead of showing an error alert, EagleFiler now opens the Capture with options dialog, which lets you open or create a library to complete the capture.
  • Can now capture from Address Book, Flock 1.0, iCab 4, Keynote, MindManager, Pages, OmniGraffle, and TextMate.
  • Revised the user interface for setting the capture key.
  • While EagleFiler is in the process of capturing (i.e. running the capture script or showing the capture options dialog), it now badges the Dock icon with a picture of a camera.
  • Added |creationDate| and |modificationDate| options for capture scripts.
  • Improved preservation of modification and creation dates when capturing from DEVONthink Pro, MarsEdit, Journler, and Yojimbo.
  • Improved the reliability when capturing from WebnoteHappy, e.g. if it returns invalid tag, note, or title information.
  • EagleFiler now creates the user Capture Scripts folder for you.
  • If EagleFiler is busy when you ask it to close a library, it now stops any existing operations (except when doing so would cause data loss), so you no longer have to wait and/or stop them yourself.
  • When dealing with “Bad Checksum” errors in the Errors window, you can now update the checksums for multiple errors at a time, and after updating a checksum EagleFiler removes the error from the window.
  • Reduced EagleFiler’s RAM use for large libraries.
  • Text dragged from a Web page is now imported as a Web archive instead of an RTFD file. (If you want an RTFD file, you can use the Convert For Editing command.)
  • In addition to checking periodically, EagleFiler now checks the To Import folders when it becomes the active application. This should get new files imported sooner.
  • Now shows a single Growl notification for each batch of files imported, rather than for each individual one.
  • Now shows a progress spinner next to the action menu while EagleFiler is busy importing.
  • Changed the Dock icon indicator that shows when EagleFiler is importing. Instead of a red circle, it now shows a downward pointing arrow.
  • Improved EagleFiler’s recovery when WebKit runs into an internal error while saving a Web archive file.
Info Inspector
  • Added URL field.
  • Enlarged the Title field and Notes text view.
  • Now displays three dates—Created, Added, and Modified—and the creation and modification dates are editable.
  • Fields that are unavailable are now disabled rather than just marked as uneditable.
  • Now shows the search scope beneath the search box so that it’s clear which parts of the records you’re searching.
  • When searching, you can now use OR as a synonym for |, and you can use -word as a synonym for !word.
  • EagleFiler is better at estimating how long indexing will take when some of the records in the library are already indexed.
  • The import command now returns a list of the imported records. This makes it easier to set the properties of the new records. Additionally, import now waits until the records have been imported before returning, so the script knows when the import has finished.
  • The import command now supports a deleting afterwards option, which makes EagleFiler delete the source file after successfully importing it.
  • You can now use the import command outside of a tell library document block; it will then target the frontmost library.
  • The source URL property is now settable.
Bug Fixes
  • The order in the labels pop-up menu now matches the Finder.
  • Now remembers the sorted column of the Tags inspector between launches.
  • Fixed bug where the source URL wasn’t set if you imported a URL of a file that wasn’t a Web page.
  • No longer shows the Rebuild dialog when opening a library if you hold down other modifier keys in addition to Command-Option.
  • If EagleFiler was unable to capture due to a bug in the Finder, the error message now suggests using drag and drop, updating to Mac OS X 10.5, or disabling FileVault.
  • Now preserves the creation date when editing files within EagleFiler and when saving notes.
  • Fixed bug where the Import Files… command didn’t let you import items that were next to the library folder.
  • Fixed bug where certain Apple Mail mailboxes (typically those imported from another mail program) weren’t imported as mailboxes.
  • Fixed bug where the Reveal button in the Errors window didn’t work properly for duplicate files that came from the To Import folder.
  • Fixed bug where the Highlight command didn’t work properly when no text was selected.
  • Fixed bug where the Highlight toolbar button in the main browser window would be enabled when editing a note.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler would add a uniquing number if you renamed a file/folder to a name that differed only by case (and you were using a case-insensitive filesystem).
  • Worked around a Cocoa bug that could, in rare cases, lead to an infinite loop when saving the library.
  • Fixed bug where some Format ‣ Font menu commands were enabled even though they couldn’t be used because Allow Editing in Record Viewer was unchecked.
  • Fixed bug where toggling Allow Editing In Record Viewer didn’t take effect immediately.
  • Fixed crash involving the tags bar.
  • Fixed bug where capturing just messages from an Apple Mail mailbox with submailboxes would import empty folders for the submailboxes.
  • Fixed bug where newly imported records sometimes didn’t sort properly by modification date.
  • Fixed bug where the Info inspector sometimes didn’t show the correct record.
  • Fixed bug where custom icons on the To Import folder were not preserved.
  • The software updater is better at handling invalid downloads folders.
  • Fixed crash involving the Info inspector.
  • Fixed bug where Edit ‣ Find ‣ Library Search… didn’t bring the window to the front.
  • Fixed bug hiding and showing the source list when running on Mac OS X 10.5.2.
  • Fixed bug checksumming packages containing symlinks.
  • Fixed bug where JavaScript was disabled in the viewer.
1.2.7—November 14, 2007
  • If you create a New Rich Text File while one or more tag sources are selected, EagleFiler now assigns those tags to it.
  • Colored quote levels now work in HTML messages.
  • You can now hold down the Option key to empty the trash without a warning.
  • Now uses the proper Skim icon for PDFD files.
  • Combined the three system services into one, which detects whether it was invoke with a file, text, or URL(s). The keyboard shortcut can now be configured using System Preferences rather than a separate utility.
  • If you make EagleFiler a login item, set it to be hidden, and have it set to open a library when it’s launched, EagleFiler will now re-hide itself after opening that library.
  • Drag-importing from MacJournal works now.
  • The system service now works properly when EagleFiler wasn’t already running.
  • Control-clicking on a source group no longer selects it.
  • Improved scaling of the library document icon.
  • Fixed bug where the Apple Help didn’t work on Mac OS X 10.5.
  • Fixed regression where assigning/unassigning tags using the Spacebar in the Tags inspector didn’t always work.
  • Fixed bug displaying some encoded message subjects.
  • Fixed regression where the top couple pixels of the viewer could be cut off.
  • Fixed bug where the icons of some types of sounds, movies, or images showed the wrong file type.
  • Fixed bug where the source list sometimes had the wrong background color.
  • Fixed ellipsis truncation of selected source names.
  • Updated German localization.
  • Added Korean localization.
1.2.6—October 24, 2007
  • Modernized the source list and buttons.
  • Capturing the selected mailboxes/messages from Apple Mail now works when an IMAP path prefix is set.
  • Can now capture from MarsEdit (based on work by Eric Blair).
  • Added support for Skim .pdfd bundles.
  • Tags in the tag bar and inspectors now have contextual menus that let you reveal them in the source list, to see all the records with that tag.
  • Added French and German localizations.
  • There are new AppleScripts for importing from LaunchBar and Quicksilver.
  • You can now modify capture scripts while EagleFiler is open without having to relaunch for it to notice the changes.
  • Improved import speed, particularly when the source volume is slow.
  • You can now cancel an import in the middle of EagleFiler checksumming a file.
  • Fixed bug where capturing from Apple Mail didn’t work on pre-release versions of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
  • Capturing now works with pre-release builds of Camino 1.6.
  • Select Source now preserves the selection in the records list after selecting the container sources.
  • Using the spacebar to toggle tags in the Tags inspector now interacts better with type-selection.
  • The search field now expands and contracts based on the available space in the toolbar.
  • Convert For Editing now preserves the title and allows duplicates.
  • After deleting a record or tag, EagleFiler will now select the next item in the list.
  • Clicking a link to open another EagleFiler record now gives it keyboard focus.
  • Now clears Web views that aren’t in use, saving memory and silencing sounds.
  • Capturing PDF files from Safari now works when the Schubert|it PDF Browser Plugin is installed.
  • Renamed the Library source to Records.
  • Improved capture script error reporting.
  • Metadata files are now invisible by default, and you can prevent them from being created automatically. There are esoteric preferences to control this. Also, EagleFiler avoids writing metadata files to disk if they haven’t changed.
  • After opening a library with EagleFiler 1.2.6, it will no longer be openable in previous versions of EagleFiler. Of course, the files and metadata are still accessible in the Finder.
  • Fixed color of selected tags in inspector.
  • Fixed memory leak with the Activity Viewer window.
  • Fixed progress bar inaccuracy when importing a folder of files.
  • Fixed bug importing .eml files exported from Thunderbird.
  • Fixed bug where certain types of sound files were imported as text.
  • Fixed bug displaying attachment names that used the Big5 character set.
  • Choosing colors is more robust and defaults to the spectrum view.
1.2.5—August 21, 2007
  • Can now capture from Cyndicate.
  • Fix bug where Flash was disabled in Web views.
  • Fixed bug where the insertion point would sometimes move if you edited in the record viewer and then manipulated the window before it had saved.
  • Improved the robustness of the startup code to prevent some rare problems when launching EagleFiler.
  • Improved handling of FDF files.
  • Fixed rare errors importing lots of files at once.
  • Verifying checksums is faster.
1.2.4—August 2, 2007
  • The records list uses gentler background colors to indicate the files’ labels.
  • Now shows labels in the source list.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for going to the next or previous PDF page.
  • Now shows tooltips in the source list.
  • The records list now has an alternating background color, like the Leopard Finder.
  • Improved the responsiveness of the user interface when highlighting search matches in PDFs.
  • Fixed incorrect outline/table row heights when using certain fonts.
  • Now preserves extended attributes when copying files into the library.
  • When using Copy Record Link and pasting into a rich text view, the pasted text’s font will now match that of the surrounding text.
  • Improved the Next/Previous toolbar buttons.
  • Dragging from EagleFiler to a burn folder now creates a link instead of copying the file.
  • If the File column is hidden, both Enter and Option-Enter will bring the Title column into edit mode.
  • After you drop a file onto a spring-loaded folder in the source list, EagleFiler will collapse the temporarily expanded folders.
  • EagleFiler no longer tries to import SketchUp files as text, and therefore it won’t try to display them, which led to long freezes as the data overloaded Cocoa’s text system.
  • Improved capture error messages.
  • Fixed bug parsing tags from strings containing non-ASCII alphabetic characters.
  • Fixed bug where labels were lost when editing RTF or RTFD files within EagleFiler.
  • Now preserves modification dates when capturing from Yojimbo.
  • If the records list is empty because nothing matched the search, this is now reported in the viewer so that you don’t wonder why the list is empty.
  • If Allow Editing in Record Viewer is off, New Rich Text File will now always bring down a sheet for setting the text of the new file.
  • Choosing Edit ‣ Find ‣ Library Search… now works when the toolbar is in Text Only mode.
  • Fixed help book icon.
1.2.3—July 2, 2007
  • Calculates folder sizes and shows them in the records list.
  • Added import plain text AppleScript command for when you want to import a string as a text file rather than an RTF one.
  • When you view a file, EagleFiler now makes sure that it’s up-to-date in the index, in case you modified it outside of EagleFiler.
  • When you edit a filename in the records list, EagleFiler no longer pre-selects the extension.
  • The Errors window no longer auto-selects errors when they are added.
  • Added progress bars when creating or opening a library.
  • Rotates the log file to prevent it from growing too large.
  • Changed the verification icon.
  • Improved error handling when creating or opening a library.
  • Fixed bug where folder labels weren’t preserved when importing.
  • Worked around OS bug that caused an internal error when pressing Option-Tab in an empty text view.
  • Errors reported from EagleFiler’s lower level frameworks are now reported in the log file rather than on the system console.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler would let you import the library into itself.
  • Fixed regression where canceling an import sometimes didn’t work.
  • Worked around suspected QuickTime bug that caused EagleFiler to not import the proper ID3 tags from some MP3 files.
  • Improved reporting of duplicate file errors.
  • No longer tries to import .localized files.
  • Fixed bug handling locked files and folders.
  • Fixed bug where an error could be reported if you emptied the trash when a record in it was selected.
  • No longer tries to backup the metadata for missing folders.
  • Fixed bug displaying e-mail messages when the chosen font was no longer available.
1.2.2—June 20, 2007
  • Fixed bug where some menu commands were disabled when the record viewer had focus.
  • When you view a PDF file, EagleFiler will now update the page count in the records list in case it has changed.
  • Fixed bug where PDF page counts weren’t transferred when dragging from one library to another.
  • Fixed bug importing text via drag and drop.
  • Fixed PyObjC bugs that could cause various crashes and hangs.
  • Fixed regression where Open in Delicious didn’t work.
  • Fixed icon scaling in Activity viewer when merging mailboxes.
  • Fixed regression where where changing Allow Editing in Record Viewer didn’t take effect immediately.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler would re-open at launch even libraries that were in the trash.
  • Worked around Cocoa bug that could cause the record viewer’s scroll bars to be hidden if you expanded the viewer when the ruler was hidden.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler tried to import invisible metadata files.
  • Fixed bug where the copy cursor was shown when dragging and dropping within the record viewer.
  • Fixed bug where the spell-checking state wasn’t remembered.
  • Fixed bug with the PDF zoom-to-fit state and the contextual menu.
  • Worked around PDF Kit bug where the password field wouldn’t disappear.
  • Fixed bug with To Import folders and locked files.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler let you create a new library on top of an old one.
  • Fixed bug indexing certain HTML and Microsoft Word files.
  • Fixed bug with multiple backup metadata operations at once.
1.2.1—June 8, 2007
  • You can now use the Export… command to export the selected messages in mbox format, so that they can be imported into any mail program.
  • The names of To Import folders now include the library name, so that you can tell them apart in a Finder or open panel sidebar.
  • Can now capture from Pukka and WebKit Nightly. When capturing from Yojimbo, now preserves the label as an EagleFiler tag. When capturing from Cocoalicious, Journler, Yojimbo, and WebnoteHappy now preserves the title rather than extracting it from the file.
  • The label colors now more closely match those in the Finder, and the pop-up menu sorts alphabetically.
  • The tooltip for the Tags column in the records list now shows the names of all the assigned tags.
  • Allow duplicate files in library is now a full preference.
  • When copying tags to Spotlight comments, EagleFiler now separates the tag names with a space instead of a comma-space, and there is an esoteric preference to set a tag prefix such as &.
  • When copying files into the library, now copies the Spotlight comments, too.
  • Added tooltips to help with setting tag abbreviations in the inspector.
  • The Backup Metadata command can now be used to force EagleFiler to copy the tags to the Spotlight comments, if you don’t want to wait for this to happen automatically.
  • Added esoteric preference to make EagleFiler display Web pages using their print stylesheets.
  • When writing a capture script, if you obtain the tag names as a single string, you can pass it as |tagsString| to let EagleFiler parse it into individual tag names.
  • You can now select more than one error at a time in the Errors window.
  • Adjusted the word characters used for indexing to make it easier to find words containing $, @, %, and _. (This will only take effect after rebuilding the indexes.)
  • Made some changes to the New Library… interface to make it more clear that the maximum library size only applies to encrypted libraries.
  • Fixed regression where EagleFiler couldn’t open libraries inside folders with non-ASCII names.
  • Fixed regression where the Info inspector sometimes displayed information for the wrong record(s).
  • Fixed bug where .webloc files in the To Import folder were not deleted after importing.
  • If EagleFiler encounters an error while importing a file in a To Import folder, it now moves the file to the Unable to Import folder so that it won’t encounter the same error again the next time it scans the To Import folder.
  • Fixed bug importing WMA URLs.
  • Worked around crash due to bug in Search Kit.
  • Fixed bug where the records list lost focus when a search was active and you clicked on a Web archive.
  • Fixed bug with the foreground color of highlighted text in the records list.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler would be slow and could run into an OS error when capturing a large number of documents at once.
  • Made various error reporting improvements.
  • Improved undo in the inspectors.
  • Fixed cosmetic bug with the Reveal In Library button.
  • Fixed interface glitch where it looked as though EagleFiler would let you move the trash and smart folders around.
  • EagleFiler will no longer crash when opening a library on pre-release versions of Mac OS X 10.5.
1.2—May 30, 2007
  • Made a variety of changes to improve EagleFiler’s speed and responsiveness, especially for libraries with many files.
  • You can now copy from one library to another via drag and drop. All of the EagleFiler metadata will be preserved.
  • The New Library… command now offers the option to create an encrypted library.
  • Highlights search matches in the items list and the record viewer.
  • Each library now has a To Import folder in the Finder. Any files that you save into this folder will be imported when you open the library (or within the next minute or two if the library is already open).
  • You can now delete (and undelete) individual e-mail messages.
  • Uses the available Spotlight importers to index the content of many types of files that EagleFiler doesn’t natively understand.
  • Added Match Partial Words option to the search pop-up. When this is checked, you can search for partial words without having to type wildcards (*) in the query.
  • tag:<tagname> searches now work with Filename, From, To/Cc, and Title searches, rather than just Anywhere and Notes searches.
  • Can now capture from Skim and Journler (preserving tags).
  • When capturing from Cocoalicious, EagleFiler now preserves the tags and the description and extended description.
  • Added Backup Metadata command. EagleFiler will automatically backup a library’s metadata when it’s opened (unless you have Shift held down) and also periodically after it’s been opened. You can manually backup the metadata by holding down the Option key and choosing Backup Metadata from the File menu. Metadata is backed up to EagleFiler Metadata.plist files inside the library folder. If you import a file that has backed-up metadata, EagleFiler will use the stored metadata to set the title, from name, checksum, source URL, tags, and notes.
  • Added Copy tags to Spotlight comments preference. When this is enabled, you’ll be able to find files in your library by searching for their tag name using Spotlight.
  • If you hold down the Command and Option keys when opening a library, you can access the new Rebuild Indexes dialog. This lets you optimize or repair EagleFiler’s search indexes, and you can choose whether it indexes for word searches or phrase searches. Previous versions of EagleFiler always indexed for phrase searches. Switching to word indexing will speed up EagleFiler’s indexing and substantially reduce the amount of disk space that the indexes consume.
  • Added Update Checksum command, so that it’s easier to tell EagleFiler when you’ve modified a file using another application.
  • When importing via AppleScript, you can now specify which folder to import into, e.g. import files {theFile} container theFolder.
  • It’s now possible to change filenames via AppleScript.
  • When using Previous/Next Record with the Info inspector in front or the tags bar focused, the text field will retain its focus as the selected record changes, making it possible to quickly edit multiple tags/titles/filenames in sequence.
  • You can now press Option-Delete when viewing a tag source to move the selected records to the trash rather than unassigning the tag.
  • Added Esoteric Preferences.
  • When exporting messages in .emlx format, now includes the tags and notes.
  • Now shows a determinant progress bar when importing a folder.
  • No longer shows a progress window when opening a library.
  • Improved the display of various kinds of multi-part e-mail messages.
  • No longer shows the children of smart folders in the source list.
  • Now shows the pointing hand cursor when you hover over a clickable link in a text view.
  • From the AppleScript interface, it is now possible to access records by name, subject to the filename being unique.
  • Added backup metadata AppleScript command.
  • You can now change the case of a file’s extension.
  • Updated to Python 2.5.1.
  • Worked around OS bug that could cause crash when viewing PDFs.
  • Fixed bug where the note tag could get out of sync.
  • Fixed bug where creating a link when editing in a rich text view would sometimes insert the link after the selected text.
  • Fixed crash when indexing certain QuickTime files.
  • Fixed bug calculating checksums of certain document packages.
  • Fixed memory leak with Activity Viewer window.
  • Worked around Search Kit bug that could cause a crash when doing a phrase search.
  • Fixed bug where if you drag-imported multiple folders into a folder, the second and subsequent folders would be imported at the top level.
  • Fixed bug capturing from Yojimbo 1.4.2.
  • Fixed bug where the URL colorer didn’t find certain valid URLs.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler allowed duplicate files to be added to the library.
  • Fixed threading bugs when importing multiple files at once.
  • When viewing a Web page, if you click on a link to another part of the same page, EagleFiler now scrolls the window rather than opening the location in a new window.
  • Modernized the crash reporter code.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler would sometimes keep files open after a library had been closed.
  • Fixed bug where the Info inspector showed “()” for the size of a folder.
  • Fixed bug in reporting library save errors.
  • Fixed bug where application-level menu commands could get permanently disabled.
1.1.6—March 5, 2007
  • Now supports searching by filename.
  • Can now capture from Flock.
  • The interface is a bit more responsive, due to threading improvements when importing, indexing, and merging.
  • No longer hangs when indexing a movie with unresolved file references.
  • No longer uses any CPU time when idle.
  • Can now import malformed mbox files generated by MailSteward.
  • Fixed bug where fields in the inspector could lose their focus when a background operation completed.
  • Fixed bug dropping onto an item inside the Trash source.
  • Fixed regression displaying contents of multiple folder sources.
  • Fixed regression where new rich text records weren’t auto-selected.
  • Improved error handing during menu/toolbar validation.
1.1.5—February 20, 2007
  • Worked around a Cocoa bug that could cause a crash when closing a window or open/save panel.
  • The Date column is now called Date Modified.
  • Fixed bug where a record’s cached modified date could get stale.
  • Fixed bug where closing a window or pulling down the File menu could be slow if there were messages selected.
  • Fixed regression where the same mailbox could be indexed by duplicate threads.
  • Fixed bug remembering the open libraries when quitting.
  • Fixed display of library names containing slashes.
1.1.4—February 16, 2007
  • Added Show ‣ Messages in Records Source option. This makes it possible to view and search everything in the library by selecting the Records source. Previously, to search e-mail messages you had to select one or more mailboxes; you can still do that, if you want to restrict the search to just those mailboxes.
  • The Tags inspector now sorts the assigned tags to the top.
  • Added Bigger/Smaller commands for adjusting the text size for rich text documents and Web archives.
  • You can now omit the Shift key when pressing the keyboard shortcut to zoom in, i.e. Command-= is now equivalent to Command-+.
  • Improved URL coloring in messages.
  • Made various performance improvements, particularly to file indexing, display in the browser window, and emptying the trash.
  • Now shows custom file icons (rather than a generic text icon) for files such as OmniGraffle documents that are in XML format but are not strictly text documents.
  • Added New Folder button to the Export… dialog.
  • The Import Files… and Export… dialogs are now sheets.
  • Worked around Search Kit bug that caused crashes when doing phrase searches.
  • Worked around suspected Cocoa bug that could cause a crash if you pressed Cancel when creating or opening a library.
  • Worked around Cocoa bug that could cause the source list not to properly scroll to show a new tag that had been created.
  • Fixed bug importing MailTags projects.
  • Fixed bug where the tags field in the Info inspector didn’t wrap when there were a lot of tags, or update when the record selection changed.
  • Fixed bug where insertion point didn’t advance when pressing Space while editing a tag’s name in the Tags inspector.
  • Fixed bug accessing tags via AppleScript.
  • Fixed bug displaying Web archives.
  • Fixed problem displaying messages in tag sources if an index file had been damaged.
  • Improved compatibility with pre-release versions of Mac OS X 10.5.
  • The Software Update auto-updater is now compatible with FileVault.
  • No longer shows inaccurate size for folders.
  • Made various improvements to the error reporting and error logging.
1.1.3—January 25, 2007
  • Can now capture from DEVONagent, DEVONthink Pro (preserving comments), Nisus Writer Express, and Yojimbo (preserving comments and tags).
  • Added Copy Source URL to the contextual menu.
  • Better display of e-mail messages with embedded messages (such as digests and bounced messages).
  • You can now use just plain Tab instead of Control-Tab to tab out of the viewer pane in the browser window when the viewer is a read-only text view.
  • In the records list, you can now type Option-Enter to edit the title of the selected record.
  • If a message attachment doesn’t have a name, EagleFiler will list the content subtype next to the paperclip instead of omitting that attachment.
  • When capturing from Apple Mail with both messages and mailboxes selected, “Mailboxes” is now the default choice.
  • Better error messages when you try to capture a smart mailbox in Apple Mail.
  • EagleFiler cannot import mailboxes from Apple Mail on Mac OS X 10.3 and earlier. Rather than importing the mailboxes as folders, it now reports an error.
  • Can now import more types of text clippings.
  • Spaces in tag names are now converted to underscores instead of being deleted.
  • Fixed error when pressing Enter in the records list.
  • Fixed bug where capturing packages from the Finder didn’t work.
  • Fixed bug where the scroll position and selection in the notes editor would be messed up when switching to another application.
  • Worked around a Web Kit bug that caused it to needlessly fetch archived portions of a Web page over the network, or not display them at all if you were offline.
  • Worked around a Web Kit bug when displaying a Web archive created from a local HTML file.
  • Fixed bug where Reveal In Library sometimes looked in the wrong library.
  • Fixed error undoing in the tags fields.
  • Fixed error using the Highlight command with no selection.
  • EagleFiler’s helper tools don’t use the URL cache, so now they tell Web Kit not to store one.
1.1.2—January 9, 2007
  • Tabbing between the source list, records list, and viewer works much better, as EagleFiler now overrides the Cocoa keyboard loop.
  • You can now press Enter in the records list to edit the filename or press Return to open the selected records.
  • Can now capture from PDFView.
  • AppleScript enhancements:
    • Added import text command, which takes a string and creates a new rich text file in the library.
    • You can now access the open browser windows along with their displayed records and selected records.
    • Added note file and trashed properties to library record. Also, various formerly read-only library record properties are now writable.
    • Added container property to tag.
  • If you click the + button in the browser window with the Tags folder or a tag selected, EagleFiler will create a new tag instead of a new folder.
  • EagleFiler is more responsive when emptying the trash, as the lengthy index updating now takes place in a background thread. Also, EagleFiler now compacts the search index when emptying the trash, which should reduce the disk space used and speed up future searches.
  • Added a hidden preference to make EagleFiler not check for duplicate files during importing. Click the link to allow duplicate files or to forbid them.
  • Worked around PDF kit bug that could cause repeated zooming out when viewing a PDF.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler didn’t recognize document packages when importing a folder full of files.
  • Fixed regression where EagleFiler could freeze when clicking an X button in the Activity Viewer.
  • If the library changes while you’re in the middle of editing a table cell or text field, EagleFiler will no longer replace your in-progress changes with the value from the database, nor will it mess up the insertion point.
  • When following an EagleFiler link, if the specified library can’t be found, but one with the same name is already open, EagleFiler will try to use that library to open the link.
  • Made various changes to improve the responsiveness of the interface.
  • Faster file deletions, with better threading, should improve the performance of all background operations that create temporary files.
  • Fixed crash when logging indexing errors.
  • Worked around some framework bugs that could cause a variety of different crashes.
  • The indexer recovers better when a file is unexpectedly deleted.
  • Worked around Cocoa bug that could cause some tags to be removed if you ended editing in a tags field by pressing Return when the insertion point wasn’t at the end of the field.
  • Fixed regression where changes to the tags weren’t saved when closing the Info inspector.
  • Text filenames are now allowed to have no text before the extension, so you can now store and rename “dotfiles” in EagleFiler.
  • It is now possible to edit the extensions of text files.
  • If you launch EagleFiler by dropping a file onto it, it will now open the default library before importing the file rather than complaining that no library is open.
  • Added blank line before the source URL in the records list tooltip.
  • No longer brings the Errors window to the front (which was undesirable if you were in the middle of typing something) when an error occurs—instead, it just makes sure the window is visible.
  • The mailbox importer now handles messages that start with “>From ” instead of a header.
  • Better handling of encrypted PDFs.
  • Better error reporting in Endo capture script.
  • Better error message when can’t capture from Mail.
  • Fixed bug logging errors during mailbox rebuild jobs.
  • Fixed bug where browser windows didn’t remember whether the trash source was expanded between launches.
  • Fixed bug where Command-Right Arrow and Command-Left Arrow didn’t work in text views.
  • Fixed bug where Reveal In Library didn’t work for records that were in the trash.
  • Simplified the Purchase window.
1.1.1—December 18, 2006
  • When capturing a selection of files from the Finder, Spotlight comments may now be imported as tags or notes.
  • Can now capture from Microsoft Excel.
  • The keyboard shortcut for Import Text is now Command-% instead of Command-<, as the latter conflicted with a system-wide shortcut when using certain keyboard layouts.
  • When creating a rich text record using text dragged from Safari (or, generally, any WebView), EagleFiler will now set the source URL and add it to the bottom of the text.
  • You can now create records by dragging text selections from within EagleFiler to its source list or records list.
  • After you choose Convert For Editing, EagleFiler will now select the newly created RTFD files rather than leaving the original Web archives selected.
  • When pasting the results of Copy Source URL into a rich text view, the clickable text is now the URL itself, rather than the title, and no trailing newline is added.
  • Added source URL to tooltip in records list.
  • Generates better titles from dragged text.
  • If you change the PDF view away from Zoom To Fit, it now remembers the current scale factor.
  • Improved the speed of the initial index check when opening the library.
  • Improved parsing of mbox files.
  • Fixed bug where capturing some URLs didn’t work.
  • Fixed bug where, when opening a new window to display a record, the record wasn’t always selected.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler could hang if you tried to edit the title or filename of a record while it was doing something else.
  • Fixed regression where importing via drag and drop from another application sometimes didn’t work.
  • Fixed bug and reduced RAM usage when importing a large number of files/folders at once.
  • Fixed bug where the source list or records list would go into edit mode when you clicked on it and it didn’t already have focus.
  • Fixed bug where a PDF or Web archive would needlessly be scrolled to the first page.
  • Stopping indexing operations by clicking the X button works better now.
  • Indexing no longer hangs if there’s a problem loading a Web archive or if it’s corrupt.
  • Worked around OS bug that prevented some Word documents from being indexed.
  • Fixed bug reporting errors while adding a file to the library.
  • Better error reporting for damaged Web archive files.
  • Fixed bug where tag sources showed messages for mailboxes that were in the trash.
  • Fixed bug where child tags weren’t sorted in the source list.
  • EagleFiler no longer lets you give a tag an empty name.
  • Worked around issue when saving libraries on Leopard.
  • Worked around OS issue that caused EagleFiler to be the default opener for Word files.
  • Worked around some bugs in libraries that EagleFiler uses, which caused errors when importing text via drag and drop.
  • Better error reporting when can’t write a temporary file or save the library.
  • The contextual menu now says Delete instead of Move To Trash, since deleting from a tag source doesn’t move to the trash.
1.1—December 6, 2006
  • EagleFiler will now let you import any kind of document. If it doesn’t know how to display the document, it will simply show the file’s icon, which you can click to open it in another application.
  • When importing via drag and drop, you can now drop onto folders or tags in the source list or into the records list in order to put the imported records into that folder or assign them that tag.
  • Now recognizes many more kinds of text files and text clippings.
  • Can now import individual messages from Entourage via drag and drop.
  • Added Command-< keyboard shortcut for the Import Text service.
  • You can now import by control-clicking on a file in the Finder and choosing Open With ‣ EagleFiler.
  • Added Import Clipboard command to the Dock menu.
  • It is now possible to specify tag names and note text when importing via AppleScript.
  • Can now capture IMAP mailboxes and individual selected messages from Apple Mail.
  • Can now capture from Endo, Firefox, and WebnoteHappy.
  • If you press the capture key when there is no library open or while in an unsupported application, EagleFiler will now try to help you open a library or import the data in another way.
  • Capture scripts can now import tags and notes.
Text and Rich Text Files
  • It’s now possible to edit text, RTF, and RTFD files directly in the record viewer. EagleFiler will automatically save any changes that you make and update the files’ checksums.
  • Creating new rich text files is much smoother. The keyboard shortcut is now Command-N instead of Command-Control-N. If the File column is visible, EagleFiler will bypass the sheet, select the new file in the records list, and bring the File cell into edit mode so that you can set the filename and title. You can then tab into the record viewer to begin typing the contents of the file.
  • You can drag records into the record viewer (or the notes text view) to create links to them.
  • You can now search by tag. You can also add tag criteria when doing an Anywhere or Notes search (e.g. tag:apple steve).
  • Now remembers the last-used search scope (globally and per-window).
  • You can now access the search syntax help page from the toolbar search field menu.
  • Added auto-completion when typing tag names.
  • Added tags field to the bottom of the browser window, so that you can edit the tags of the selected record without having to open another window. You can quickly give the tags field keyboard focus by pressing Command-Shift-T.
  • Tag sources now show all the e-mails with that tag (rather than just the files).
  • Tag sources now behave more like iTunes playlists and iPhoto albums. If you delete a record from a tag source, EagleFiler unassigns the tag, but the record remains in the library.
  • You can now arrange tags into a hierarchy in the source list, to organize them or to hide the ones you don’t want to see at the moment.
  • Added New Tag menu command. If records are selected it changes to New Tag From Selection and the selected records are assigned the new tag.
Browser Windows
  • You can now single-click to edit the Title, From, or File directly, instead of having to open the Inspector window.
  • Added Convert For Editing command, which lets you convert Web archives to RTFD files that can be edited.
  • If you hold down Option when double-clicking a Web archive (or a RTFD file converted from a Web archive), EagleFiler opens the current version of the page rather than the archive.
  • EagleFiler now shows custom icons for folders. You can set a custom icon using the Finder’s Get Info window.
  • Added Show ‣ Source List and Show ‣ Record Viewer commands for people who want to use the menu or keyboard instead of double-clicking the divider.
  • Added Actual Size and Zoom to Fit commands. The PDF viewer now remembers its zoom state, so that it won’t keep resetting to Zoom to Fit if you’ve zoomed in.
  • Remembers the selected sources between launches.
  • Arrow-keying through the records list is faster now.
  • Added Remember open libraries between launches preference and Startup Items folder.
  • The Drop Pad now has commands for creating a new library, opening a library, and opening recent libraries.
  • The Dock menu now shows recent libraries.
Other Enhancements
  • If you ask EagleFiler to import a URL and the URL can’t be saved as a Web archive (e.g. because it’s an image or PDF), EagleFiler will download the file and import it as-is, rather than reporting an error about not being able to save a Web archive.
  • Now imports MailTags projects as tags.
  • The Zoom In and Zoom Out commands now work with Web archives, where they change the font size.
  • The Copy URL command is now called Copy Record Link.
  • Added Highlight command, which changes the background of the selected text to yellow.
  • Added Outline and Styles… to the Format menu.
  • Dragging a library file onto the Drop Pad now opens the library rather than complaining that the library can’t be imported.
  • Improved the way EagleFiler auto-generates file names when creating a file from dragged text or a Web page’s title.
  • Now skips importing Apple Mail messages that are marked as deleted.
  • Capture scripts are now allowed to use the compiled script format, with the .scpt extension.
  • Folders and mailboxes no longer have a title attribute that’s separate from the file name.
  • When creating a new rich text file inside a sub-folder, it’s now revealed there instead of in the Records source.
  • Indexing is now somewhat faster and uses less memory.
  • Double-clicking a folder now opens it in EagleFiler instead of in the Finder.
  • In the source list, single-clicking now enters edit mode and double-clicking now opens the source.
  • Improved secondary sorting of records list.
  • Increased maximum width of the Kind column.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for Select Source and Hide Others.
  • Rich text copied using Copy Record Link now includes the title of the record, rather than just the URL.
  • Now displays the proper background color for RTF documents.
  • Added Open Source URL, Copy Record Link, and Verify to the contextual menu.
  • The underscore and hyphen characters are now allowed in tag names.
  • You can now drag into the records list of a tag source to assign that tag.
  • Shortened toolbar button labels.
  • The menu commands for Show Inspector and Show Tags now toggle the visibility of the windows rather than showing them.
  • The Software Update… checker now works behind an HTTP proxy.
  • The Import Files menu command no longer allows you to import individual files inside an Apple Mail mailbox, as this is usually an error.
  • Moved Open in External Viewer command to the Record menu.
  • Added keyboard shortcut for Open Source URL.
  • Reordered Record menu.
  • Reduced number of threads used on single-core Macs.
  • You can now delete tags from the source list.
Bug Fixes
  • Periods in the names of folders are now treated as part of the name, rather than as the beginning of a path extension.
  • Worked around OS bug that prevented phrase searching from working. Because of this, EagleFiler will automatically rebuild the indexes of any opened libraries.
  • Fixed bug that could cause a crash when importing large folder hierarchies.
  • When importing a folder, EagleFiler will now ignore any invisible Find By Content index files.
  • Fixed bug importing and moving files with very long names.
  • Fixed bug in .emlx exporter.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler couldn’t import a Web page if WebKit crashed while trying to extract its text.
  • Fixed bug with using Capture command in Dock menu.
  • Fixed bug where EagleFiler didn’t let you capture if you launched it by opening a library from the Finder and then switched to another application so that it finished launching in the background.
  • The capture key is now ignored if EagleFiler is frontmost.
  • Fixed spelling and resizing of “Title” label in the New Rich Text File sheet.
  • Fixed crash that could occur when indexing.
  • Fixed bug where an indexing operation could stall indefinitely.
  • If a document or message can’t be indexed, EagleFiler is better at continuing on and indexing the rest of the documents or messages.
  • Better logging of index problems.
  • Fixed bug where indexed searching didn’t work in tag sources.
  • Fixed bug where undo didn’t work after renaming in source list.
  • Fixed bug where the user could use drag and drop to change the page that the Web view was displaying to one other than that of the selected Web archive.
  • Better display of messages with no text parts.
  • Fixed bug where the Recent smart folders didn’t show records that were inside folders.
  • Fixed bug where Web archives couldn’t be displayed, depending on if you had certain preferences set in Safari.
  • Fixed bug where the selection in the notes text view would be needlessly reset when the library changed.
  • Fixed bug that could lead to error when undoing too far in the notes text view.
  • No longer allows you to give a file an empty name (before the extension), as this confuses Cocoa.
  • Fixed bug where the Show Inspector command opened the inspector but didn’t give it keyboard focus.
  • Worked around OS bug that could cause crash when using NetNewsWire Lite.
  • Fixed a few bugs that made it impossible to launch EagleFiler from a path containing non-ASCII characters.
  • Fixed small memory leak when processing errors.
  • Fixed bug where you couldn’t create a new folder with / in the name.
  • Fixed bug where showed : instead of / when displaying file names.
  • The file system encoding is no longer hard-coded to UTF-8.
  • Improved thread-safety of record properties.
  • When launching, no longer prints “CMSCreateDataProviderOrGetInfo : Invalid colorspace type” message to console.
  • Fixed bug where changes to a file’s name or title weren’t always propagated to the index.
  • Fixed bug where source URLs weren’t being cached properly.
  • Fixed bug opening aliases of libraries.
  • Fixed bug where you couldn’t create or open a library if its path contained non-ASCII characters.
  • Worked around bug in SOHO Notes (and other applications) that prevented drag-and-drop importing of promised files from working.
  • Fixed bug importing notes from MailTags.
  • Fixed bug where the drag image for a selected source used white text.
  • Fixed bug where displaying an HTML e-mail message would take too long to timeout.
  • Fixed bug in reporting HTML rendering errors.
  • Fixed internal error when closing a library right after opening it.
  • Improved error recovery when an untrusted server certificate is encountered while creating a Web archive.
1.0.2—October 14, 2006
  • Fixed bug capturing from Apple Mail.
1.0.1—October 14, 2006
  • Fixed problem where EagleFiler would sometimes crash at launch if an input manager or haxie was installed.
  • Worked around OS bug that caused jitter in the software update progress bar.
  • The software update installer no longer says it failed if it succeeded.
1.0—October 13, 2006
  • First public release.
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