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3.7   Drag and Drop

This section summarizes the different ways that you can use drag and drop in EagleFiler:

Source List

Drag a folder or mailbox onto a folder to rearrange the folders in the source list. Drag a file from the records list onto a folder to move it into that folder. Drag onto the Records source to move the record to the top-level Files folder; it will then appear under Unfiled.

Drag from another application onto a folder in order to import directly into that folder.

EagleFiler supports spring-loaded folders. If you drag and hover over a collapsed folder, it will expand so that you can drag onto one of its subfolders.

Smart Folders

Drag a record onto a smart folder to apply the smart folder actions that you’ve set in the Edit Smart Folder… window.

Drag and drop smart folders into folders to rearrange the source list.


EagleFiler supports hierarchical tags. Drag and drop tags to rearrange them in the source list.

Drag records onto a tag to assign them that tag.

Drag from another application onto a tag in order to import the dragged items and then assign that tag.

Records List

With a folder selected in the source list, drag onto the records list to move the records into that folder (if dragging from another EagleFiler window) or to import into that folder (if dragging from another application).

Drag from the records list onto a folder or tag in the source list in order to move the records or assign that tag.

Drag to the Finder to create copy the files from EagleFiler.

Drag to Terminal to enter the file’s path.

Drag to a text view in another application to create links to the selected records.

Record Viewer
You can drag and drop text and images to/from other applications as normal.
You can drag and drop text and images to/from other applications as normal.
Drop Pad and Dock
Drag from another application onto EagleFiler’s Drop Pad window or Dock icon to import into the current library.

When dragging from another application, you can drag files, URLs, or text to import them into EagleFiler.

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