You can quickly initiate an EagleFiler search while in another application by using the x-eaglefiler URL scheme. When you open a URL of the form x-eaglefiler://search?q=query, EagleFiler brings itself to the front, selects the Records source in the current library, and searches for query. You can also initiate searches via AppleScript.
To set up Alfred for searching EagleFiler:
To set up LaunchBar for searching EagleFiler:
To set up Raycast for searching EagleFiler:
Specifying a Library
The above examples will search the current library that’s open in EagleFiler. You can also specify a library in the URL scheme by path. EagleFiler will then open that library, if necessary, before performing the search. For example, to search the library located at:
you would specify the Alfred search URL:
or the LaunchBar search template:
Mac App Store
The feature to search EagleFiler from other applications is not available in the Mac App Store version of EagleFiler.