Import Examples

Summary: Imports files, URLs, and text with various options.
Requires: EagleFiler
Install Location: ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/EagleFiler/
Last Modified: 2020-11-23


This script show different ways to get your information into EagleFiler’s frontmost library via AppleScript.

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tell application "EagleFiler"
tell library document 1
-- import a file into a particular folder, and add a note
set theFolder to library record "MyFolder" of root folder
set thePath to "/Users/mjt/Desktop/MyFile"
set theNote to "This file was on the desktop."
import files {POSIX file thePath} container theFolder note theNote
-- same thing, but shows how to get a reference to the record to modify it later
set {_record} to import files {POSIX file thePath} note theNote
set _record's container to theFolder
-- import URLs, creating Web archives and adding tags
import URLs {"", ""} tag names {"mac", "software"}
-- import text, creating a new RTFD file
import text "This is a test."
-- Import whatever’s on the clipboard (e.g. text, rich text, or image)
import with clipboard
-- Find an existing record that was already imported
set _file to POSIX file "/Users/you/Documents/EFLibrary/Files/Folder1/Folder2/File.rtf"
set _record to get first library record where its file is _file
end tell
end tell

-- Save the script as an application (e.g. “Save PDF to”) and put it in:
-- /Users/<username>/Library/PDF Services/
-- Then when you print from any application you can choose “Save PDF to MyFolder”
-- to create a new PDF file in that folder in EagleFiler.
on open _files
tell application "EagleFiler"
tell library document 1
set _folder to library record "MyFolder" of root folder
import files _files container _folder
end tell
end tell
end open