EagleFiler AppleScripts

Additional scripts are available in the EagleFiler forum.

Add Filename Prefix/Suffix
Add text to the beginning or end of the selected records’ filenames.
Append Creation Date to Filename
Renames the selected records with the creation date at the end of the filename.
Batch Set Creation Date
Sets the creation date of the selected records.
Batch Set From
Sets the From of the selected records.
Bulk Print
Prints all of the selected files.
Change Filename, Keeping Title
Lets you make changes to the filenames of the selected records without altering any linked titles.
Change Rich Text Font
Changes the font and size for the selected records.
Change Title to Title Case
Fixes the capitalization of the selected records’ titles.
Convert Plain Text to Rich Text
Converts the selected plain text files to RTF.
Convert Rich Text to Plain Text
Converts the selected RTF or RTFD files to plain text files.
Copy Filename
Copies the filenames of the selected records to the clipboard.
Copy File Path
Copies the file paths of the selected records to the clipboard.
Copy File URL
Copies file:// URLs for the selected records to the clipboard.
Copy Notes to Spotlight Comments
Copies the text from the selected records’ notes to the Spotlight comments.
Count PDF Pages
Counts the total number of pages of the selected PDF files.
Date in Filename
Appends the “Date Added” to the filenames of the selected records.
Date From Filename
Sets the creation dates of the selected records based on their filenames.
Date From yyyymmddhhmmss Filename
Sets the creation dates of the selected records based on their filenames.
Date Tags From Filename
Tags a file based on the date in its filename.
Delete Empty Folders
Moves empty folders to the trash.
Download Apple Mail Messages
Fully download the selected messages from Apple Mail so that they can be imported.
Duplicate Records
Copies the selected records.
Edit Source URL
Lets you make changes to the source URLs of the selected records.
E-mail Files
Creates a new message in Mail with the selected files attached.
Evernote Bulk Export
Export all the notes in Evernote to ENEX format, creating one file per notebook.
Export CSV
Saves the metadata for the selected records in a Comma Separated Values file.
Export URLs and Titles to File
Creates a text file with the URLs and titles of the selected records.
Filename to Title
Sets the titles of the selected records to their filenames.
Group Records
Creates a new folder and moves the selected records into it.
Import Examples
Imports files, URLs, and text with various options.
Import From Apple Mail
Imports the selected or rule-processed messages from Apple Mail as .eml files.
Import From Apple Mail (Plain Text)
Imports the selected or rule-processed messages from Apple Mail as .txt files.
Import From Outlook
Imports the selected messages from Outlook as .eml files.
Import From Instapaper via NetNewsWire
Imports unread articles from Instapaper or another feed in NetNewsWire.
Import From Scanner
Use as the target of your scanner software to send scans to EagleFiler and set their metadata.
Import From Specified Folders
Imports files from certain folders and then deletes them.
Import PDFs
Imports only the PDF files from a folder.
Import Safari Tabs
Imports all of the tabs in the frontmost Safari window.
Import Some Safari Tabs
Imports some of the tabs in the frontmost Safari window.
Import URLs and Titles From File
Reads a text file with URLs and titles and imports them as bookmarks.
LaunchBar - Import to EagleFiler
Import text, URLs, or files into EagleFiler.
LaunchBar - Search EagleFiler
Initiate an EagleFiler search from LaunchBar.
Merge Records
Create a new record with the text content of the selected records.
OCR With PDFpen
Uses optical character recognition to add a text layer in a scanned PDF.
Uses optical character recognition to add a text layer in a scanned PDF.
PDF to PDF Bundle
Converts the selected PDF files to Skim PDF Bundles.
Refetch Web Page
Re-downloads the Web pages for the selected records.
Remove Quarantine
Fixes the selected records so that they can be opened in other apps.
Replace in Filenames
Lets you make changes to the filenames of the selected records using find and replace.
Replace in Filenames (Regex)
Lets you make changes to the filenames of the selected records using find and replace and regular expressions.
Replace in Titles
Lets you make changes to the titles of the selected records using find and replace.
Reload OpenMeta Tags
Replaces the EagleFiler tags for the selected files with the OpenMeta tags.
Reload Web Pages
Updates the selected records with the latest Web content.
Remove Duplicate Files
Keeps only the latest record among each group of identical ones.
Remove Duplicate Messages
Removes duplicate e-mail messages from a mailbox.
Remove Duplicate URLs
Keeps only the latest record for each URL.
Rename for Dropbox/Windows
Changes filenames for better interoperability with Dropbox and Windows.
Shorten Path
Truncates the filenames of the selected records so that the path is less than 255 characters.
Straighten Quotes
Replace smart/curly quotes with straight quotes in the selected plain text files.
Tag Abbreviation Style
Switches among different sets of symbols for the built-in tags.
Tag Examples
Shows how to add and remove tags.
Tags From Spotlight Comments
Sets the tags of the selected records from the Spotlight comments.
Tag PDFs that Need OCR
Adds the “NeedsOCR” tag to the selected PDF files that do not have any text.
Tag With Date
Assigns a tag for the current date (e.g. “2024-11-21”) to the selected records.
Title to Filename
Sets the filename of each selected record to its title.
Web archive to PDF
Converts the selected Web archives to PDFs.
Word Count
Displays the number of words in the selected record.

There are also scripts for other applications.