This window lets you view and edit the properties of the selected records. You
can type Tab to move between to text fields, or Control-Tab to move out of the
notes text view. The Info inspector can be opened via Command-I or

- File Properties
This shows the file’s name, kind, size, and dates, as well as EagleFiler
metadata such as the title, source URL, and from. These are described in the
Records List section of the manual.
If the file didn’t have an embedded title (or you set the title to be
blank), EagleFiler will use the filename (without the extension) as the
title, and the title will stay in sync with the filename if you rename it.
- Label
- This is the Finder label of the file. For more information, see the Set
Label section.
- Tags
- This shows the tags assigned to the record. You may find it more convenient
to create and assign tags by typing them in the text field than by using the
Show Tags command. For more information about tags, see the Add Tags and
Notes section of the manual.
- Notes
- This shows the notes that are associated with the record. Most of the
commands for editing notes are in the Format menu. You can use the Copy
Record Link to copy a link to an EagleFiler record; then paste the link
into another record’s note so that you can easily find one record while
viewing the other. As a shortcut, you can type Option-Tab to start a
bulleted list or Option-Shift-Tab to dedent the current list item. For more
information about notes, see the Add Tags and Notes section of the
To make changes to more than one record at once, you can use the Batch
Change… command.