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4.3.2   Setting Up a MailMate Drone

This section is a continuation of the Setting Up a Spam Filtering Drone instructions for people using MailMate 1.14 or later.

  1. In MailMate’s Settings window, click on the Security tab and make sure that the Enable box is checked next to SpamSieve.

  2. For each TrainGood mailbox, select the mailbox:

    1. Go to the Mailbox menu, and choose Edit Mailbox….
    2. Click on the Rules tab of the TrainGood window.
    3. Click the + button at the bottom of the window.
    4. In the Description, enter Remote Good Training.
    5. At the bottom of the window, create two actions:
      • Set Tag/Keyword: Not junk
      • Move to Mailbox: Inbox

    mailmate remote train good

  3. For each TrainSpam mailbox, select the mailbox:

    1. Go to the Mailbox menu, and choose Edit Mailbox….
    2. Click on the Rules tab of the TrainSpam window.
    3. Click the + button at the bottom of the window.
    4. In the Description, enter Remote Spam Training.
    5. At the bottom of the window, create two actions:
      • Set Tag/Keyword: Junk
      • Move to Mailbox: Junk

    mailmate remote train spam

  4. MailMate will check the Train mailboxes according to the Synchronization Schedule in the Mailbox menu. Only new messages (moved into these mailboxes after you set up the rules) will be processed.

Older Versions of MailMate

The remote training setup can also work with older versions of MailMate back to version 1.7.1. First, go to MailMate’s Settings window, click on the General tab and make sure that the Enable box is checked next to Experimental 2.0 Features.

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