
SpamSieve Testimonials (SpamSieve 2)

SpamSieve by @mjtsai is the single best Mac application I have ever purchased. The best $30 you will ever spend to banish spam from your inbox. Works, updated periodically, great support if you ever need it.

Steve Basile

Thanks for not only making the best kick ass spam program on the planet, but for really making it accessible and easy for businessmen and women to keep up with the changes.

John Koehler
via e-mail

Just gets better and better....

Stats: used since June 2001. Filtered 154,229 spam messages. 99.6 correct accuracy.

You hate spam? Get SpamSieve.

user review from MacUpdate

I’m constantly pleased that SpamSieve gets updates and continues to perform remarkably for me. I’m not sure how long I’ve owned it (10 years maybe?) but its one of most useful (and automatic) features of my Mac. I’ve been a Mac user since 1985 and was an Apple Developer through most of the 80s and 90s. Programs like yours help make computers more useful and productive on a daily basis.

Glenn Workman
via e-mail

SpamSieve has been my single most loved piece of software I’ve ever used. I missed it like I’d miss my curtains or my trousers whilst it was gone from my desktop.

The way I see it is SpamSieve doesn’t just offer a filtering service for unwanted mail it providers a sort of sanity bubble which gives you back your calm. It provides a sanctuary from the clamouring of the world through your inbox. It’s worth is beyond money. SpamSieve is a space to breathe. A space to thrive.

Thank you for creating it.

Peter Hale
via e-mail

The new version is simply stupendous. Best Mac spam filter ever, for over a decade. Thanks, Michael Tsai!

Bob Jacobson

Highly accurate and effective! SpamSieve is a true time saver.

Sean Garrity, Hosting Advice
via e-mail

My congratulations for the software and the support; you can quote me: it is the very best $30 I’ve spent so far for both my Mac and iPhone. With IMAP accounts spams are killed on the iPhone too.

Jacques Laporte (Paris, France)
via e-mail

Thank you so much for saving my livelihood, practically. I am an attorney using a Mac all day long. Previous server and Mac Mail filtering reached a point of being absolutely useless despite maximum settings and a hundred rules. I was unable to fully attend to client matters as I was bombarded daily with tremendous spam and the deletion thereof…trying to find messages from my clients, friends and family.

Now, with SpamSieve, I can spend my time serving my clients 100% of the day. Thank you so much! I forget how much I paid, but your software is worth thousands. Keep up the good work.

Pascal Anastasi, Esq.
via e-mail

I’m sure you hear this all the time but WOW, what a great program! I’ve only downloaded the program as a trial, but I can assure you that it will be the best $30 I’ve spent so far on stuff for my computer and business. I trained SpamSieve last night and woke up to an inbox that had only legitimate e-mail (of course, my spam folder is full!). I was getting bombarded with spam and really dreaded the thought of having to sift through it all to find the important messages. I’m a new person because of SpamSieve!

Sarah Waddill Miller
via e-mail

Thank you for saving my iPhone. I was (gasp!) actually thinking about returning it, as the functionality of the e-mail & lack of a junk mail filter on the iPhone was making it’s e-mail useless. I now have an iPhone that’s fully functional!

Kirsten Ballard
via e-mail

One of the best programs I ever had. It’s like magic how SpamSieve filters out almost every Spam without making mistakes…

user review from MacUpdate

Just a quick note to say that how happy and satisfied I am with SpamSieve! I’ve been using SpamSieve for about seven months now, and it has absolutely conquered my spam problem. Thank you for improving the quality of my life!

You guys deserve a Congressional Medal of Honor!

Michael M Fuller, Ph.D.
via e-mail

The absolute best piece of software I have ever used in more than 25 years of computing. I don’t know how you do it but it is the best.

Russ Tolman
via e-mail

I installed SpamSieve 2.6.3 about 10 days ago and purchased today. This software has literally changed my business!! Our Web site receives over a million hits per month with many e-mail accounts listed online, so we have been “targeted” by just about anyone that could spell “spam” !! Within 2 short days I went from receiving hundreds (many times close to a thousand +) of spam e-mails to ZERO !!!!!!! My time can now be spent on production rather than dealing with the people that “have too much time on their hands.”

Thanks a Million for this product !!!

Tim Bivens, IT Director, Radiochemistry Society
via e-mail

Just want to say that SpamSieve is the best piece of software I have ever purchased. I’m up to 99.4% accuracy. I send the highest rated spam straight to the bin and just check around two per day in the spam folder. Apart from that, I have completely forgotten about spam.

Thank you for developing this software.

Dr. Kevin Voges, Department of Management, University of Canterbury
via e-mail

I’m about to install SpamSieve on my daughter’s iMac and planning to get to work on my wife next - to persuade her how much better it will make her life.

While writing, can I say that not only have you produced a fantastic program but your stream of free updates (and this latest example of brilliant customer service) put other software companies to shame. Correction - most companies of any kind. Next time you’re in London, call in and I’ll show you my files of acrid correspondence with non-performing corporations that treat their customers like dirt. If there’s an international award for good service, point me towards the website and I’ll nominate you today.

Peter Singer, Partner, Davies Communications
via e-mail

So far today, I have received 245 spam e-mails and it’s only 5 PM. All but one of them were caught by Spam Sieve.

Before I installed Spam Sieve, I would have had to manually tag at least 25 or 30 of them as spam. They would sneak into my inbox in the middle of the day, one at a time, and pull me away from other things when they set off the new mail notifier. NO MORE. I seriously can’t tell you how this has changed the way I feel about my Inbox. I don’t dread e-mail anymore. And I don’t give in to the anger and hate I used to feel for spammers anymore. I don’t even need to think about them. Spammers? What spammers? They don’t get to e-mail me anymore. Wow.

Thank you.

Best $30 I’ve ever spent on software.

Erik Ireland
via e-mail

I thought Apple’s built-in spam handling was probably as good as it got, but one of my employees started using SpamSieve on our support mailboxes, to deal with the 600+ spam messages we’re getting a day—it works way better than Mail.application, and with better accuracy than if I hired someone to sort spam, honestly.

Wil Shipley, Chief Monster, Delicious Monster Software
via e-mail

SpamSieve is the best spam filter I’ve ever used in my life, and it’s made my e-mail reading much more efficient and pleasant than it once was.

I have to say that Spam Sieve is incredible! At this point, after training, it is sorting through thousands of messages and only missing 1–2 per thousand with no good messages being called spam in error! You were also incredibly responsive in helping with the one problem I had in the beginning. Thanks for making something so good and easy to use and feel free to quote me.

Eliot Nierman
via e-mail

Just a few words to say that, in the 30 some years I have been using desktop computers, rarely have I come across such excellence in after-sales service as that of the SpamSieve.

I also appreciate your no-nonesense, no-advertsing, updates and unmatched anti-spam software.

George Nicolaidis
via e-mail

I don’t know who sold me out to the spammers, but SpamSieve saved my life! It catches over 350 spam messages every day! Those used to come straight into my Inbox…can you imagine the time it saves!? I may be naming my child SpamSieve Fitch!!

Jared Fitch
via e-mail

This is one of the best supported, best updated, best working programs I’ve ever used. You’re proactive in letting us know about updates and the program really REALLY works.

Linda Gaughran
via e-mail

I was very relucent to plunk down $30 for this. I struggled with spam for 18 months. Fighting with our work host trying their white/black list, but finding far to often that I was not getting emails at all.

I was dealing with 30–60 spam emails a day that I just couldn’t stop. I finally broke down and bought it. Now about 4 months later most of those junk mails are gone and the few I still get are taken care of quickly and painlessly by SpamSieve.

Installation and usage was very well documented and I was up and running very quickly with it.

My only regret is that I didn’t buy it sooner. Yeah I’m a tightwad over buying software (call it being burned to many times) but this company seems to have a very solid reputation for customer service and not nickle and diming for every upgrade.

user review from MacUpdate

I am so grateful for SpamSieve! I had been dying under a plague of spam—up to 350 a day! No matter how many rules I set in Mac Mail I could not get the situation under control and it was driving me to insanity.

Just an hour ago, I bought your SpamSieve software. I watched the online video, spent about 1/2 hour training the software, and instantly it is doing a super job of filtering out the trash. I feel so relieved and happy, and very glad that the learning curve is so simple and quick. SpamSieve has made my day, my week, my month, maybe even my year!

Sonya Shannon
via e-mail

First and foremost I’d like to say that buying this app was one of the best investments I ever made when it comes to software. The Google mail spam filter just didn’t cut it for me.

Alexander Trisko
via e-mail

Worth the $30 many times over. Works beautifully and so accurate.

user review from MacUpdate

All I ask is that a program does what it claims to do. That it does it correctly and repeatedly. That the program has documentation that has been well written and maintained. And that the program is updated frequently as needed—but not so frequently so that the users become beta testers.

SpamSieve is one of the few programs that match these simple requirements.

Spam is a nuisance that won’t go away. Corporations have sophisticated tools to manage spam for their users; end-users (like me) have this.

And I’m happy.

user review from MacUpdate

SpamSieve is the best consumer-grade, easy-to-use spam filter I’ve ever used, bar none. I’ve done system/network administration on Unix, Mac and Windows systems, and for the end-user there is simply not a better spam filter I’ve ever seen. Once trained, it catches well over 99% of the spam and virtually never records a false positive.

I’ve compared the spam filters in both Apple Mail and Microsoft Entourage, and while both of those are competent (though sometimes lacking), SpamSieve just gets better and better at identifying and quarantining spam as you use it more.

user review from MacUpdate

I have been a Mac user since the late 80s. I am a free-lance wildlife photographer and use lots of programs like Photoshop, etc., and have dealt with many, many software folks over the years. Let me say that it is very refreshing to have someone such as yourself who actually communicates with users. I am so weary of spending countless hours on the phone trying to get through to a real person at the vast majority of software companies, or of sending e-mails for help that are never responded to. I sent one email for some corpus clarification when I first installed SpamSieve and you responded immediately. Anyway, I certainly appreciate your service and I am sure others do as well.

Greg Lasley
via e-mail

Just an e-mail thanking you for this excellent product. It would be impossible for me to quantify the time and money saved by using SpamSieve. It’s pretty ironic that for some I have referred this product to have balked at the cost, being that they constantly bemoan the amount of junk mail they deal with, and the fear of accidentally deleting vital business communications.

Karl Kaufmann
via e-mail

I have been using Spam Sieve for the last 4 months and it has pretty much eliminated the spam problem. It has blocked 99.8% of spam from getting to my inbox.

Michael Ginsberg

[SpamSieve] does its work quietly, cleanly, with absolutely no intrusion.…Possibly the best money I’ve ever spent for shareware.

Charles Gaba

I have only had your product for a few days but WOW! Seamless, smooth, accurate and eeeeeeeeeeeeeasy. Wonderful software.

via e-mail

Your program has been successful in filtering out the bad stuff and keeping my potential new clients. Kudos!!!

Peri Poloni
via e-mail

Just want to thank you for the MOST useful piece of software I use. I’ve never purchased shareware…until now.

via e-mail

Currently, my SpamSieve stats show 99.9% accuracy with only 5 false positives since last Sept. None of these false positives have occured this year.

via the TidBITS-Talk mailing list

I am registered to SpamSieve since 2005 and have never looked any further. Its statistics shows me an accuracy of 99.3% correctly filtered spam, which is absolutely wow.

After 7 years of smooth integration in three email-clients I cannot speak good enough about this world-class supported app and its developer, who supported me with countless free updates and improvements over all these years and was instantly there, when I had a question once. I seldom got so much for my money.

What I simply love about SpamSieve is that it can notifiy me about new mail, which means, that I can only notice new “good” mail. So often I sat here and my email clients showed me new messages and I switched to them only to find that it was just spam. Very annoying and no issue anymore when Spam Sieve takes over.

Thank you Mr. Tsai!

user review from MacUpdate

Every morning I could look forward to receiving mail from spammers and feel the frustration of having to highlight 50–60 spam e-mails that Mail didn’t filter and press JUNK. Now, with SpamSieve doing such a great job of filtering, i discovered that I get hardly any legitimate mail any more.

It makes me feel like I don’t have any friends. :-(

Thank you so much for your incredibly amazing program. By the way, your instructions are brilliant as well.

Dan Yaman
via e-mail

I know I certainly have found SpamSieve to be the MOST worthwhile 3rd party software I’ve ever invested in! I receive over 100 SPAMs each day…I’m just too stubborn to change my e-mail address. I continue to tell my friends how great SpamSieve is, and I continue to bemoan that SpamSieve isn’t available for Outlook Express in Windows so my PC friends can enjoy it as well!

Brian Johns
via e-mail

I used SpamFire for a long time, and had a bit of a love/hate relationship with it, so I recently switched to SpamSieve. Great software! Much more intelligent and far better designed than SpamFire. Hats off to you.

via e-mail

I’m lonely now! SpamSieve does such an effective job on eradicating incoming junk that I feel like the Maytag repairman—no one wants me any more. Its reduced my inbox from several hundred spams to 6 or 7 real e-mails per day. I’m almost in shock that I was manually deleting these before and now I don’t have to. What am I going to do in my spare time?

David Blair
user review from VersionTracker

In 20 years of computing I have NEVER bought any software whose author was as conscientious and hard-working about updates as you are! You are the best!

Gloria Manucia
via e-mail

Wow! My life is so much better with this application. It’s 99% accurate and has saved many hours of culling spam and good e-mails.

Johnny Vee
user review from VersionTracker

I learned about you and SpamSieve through an article in Macworld. I remember them saying that SpamSieve was great and that your attention to the details and level of customer service was unsurpassed.

I just wanted you to know that in my opinion, the Macworld quote was an understatement. The software is excellent and I have never seen anyone in the computer software business provide your level of customer service! As my son would say, you’re awesome! Just know that your customers really appreciate all that you do on our behalf.

Michael B. Soper
via e-mail

I just I wanted to tell you how happy I am with Spam Sieve. I just checked my statistics, and after 7,295 mail messages, it continues to be 99.9% effective. It’s the best $25.00 I ever spent on software. It’s reason enough by itself to upgrade to OS X.

Bruce Ratcliffe
via e-mail

Just read about your latest accolade in Macworld. Congratulations! Spamsieve really is the bomb. It’s the best $25 i’ve spent in a long time and you jumped on that latest wave of spam amazingly fast. And I especially appreciate how quickly you replied to my support queries.

via e-mail

I don’t have words to describe how good your product is and what it has meant to my work day.

Lorne Resnick
via e-mail

Put me down on the SpamSieve happy user list. It’s been 18 days now and it’s awesome!

via the Your Mac Life mailing list

It’s the best of the filters.

user review from VersionTracker

This has got to be the finest product I have ever used—and thank you so much for making it! I’ve been WAITING for this forever it seems—I’m just glad it’s finally here.

Ruth Waytz
via e-mail

Your SpamSieve is absolutely great!!! I’ve had it for about a week now ad it works magic! Used to use SpamFire but this is a comletely different league.

Max Gossell
via e-mail

I read about your software in Macworld magazine and downloaded a copy. In just a few days I could see how effective it is. I have happily purchased and registered. This application has improved my e-mail life.

via e-mail

Registered user. Excellent software. Single-handedly removed almost all spam from my inbox.

user review from VersionTracker

I just registered SpamSieve and I wanted to tell you how happy I am with it. I’ve been using it about 5 days and it is already much—unbelievably—more accurate than the program I was using. And SpamSieve is so much easier to use. Thank you for an excellent product.

K. W. Matley
via e-mail

Great! Saves me hours of wasted time.

user review from VersionTracker

I’m constantly amazed at how accurate SpamSieve is, and I don’t even want to think about how much time it saves me. Please accept my thanks for a great product!

Matt Williamson
via e-mail

SpamSieve is 99.99% with 175-225 spams daily for me.

user review from VersionTracker

I (unfortunately) receive well over 200 spams per day from 4 different e-mail accounts…and SpamSieve is nabbing virtually all of them! Plus, unlike some apps, it gets *better* and *easier* to use with each succeeding version!

Can’t say enough great things about SpamSieve :)

user review from VersionTracker

It identifies 99.9% of spam. Good price, considering Web services charge $30-$35 / year for same sort of service.

user review from VersionTracker

Check out SpamSieve, which Macworld acknowledged as “Software of The Year” this year. An incredibly good product…almost scary how accurate it is in catching junk mail!

Bill White
via the x4u mailing list

SpamSieve is one of the few programs I recommend to everyone using a Mac. Support is top notch. Reliability is unbeatable. Simply the best. Simply indispensable.

Steve O’Brien, CBS-FM, New York
user review from MacUpdate

Having played around with a bunch of Bayesian spam filters on both the Mac and Windows, I have seen for myself that very few of them are even in the same league as SpamSieve in terms of accuracy.

Michael Feldstein, CEO, Mindwares
via e-mail

I just HAD to write to you!

I have been a devoted Mac user now since 1991. I am a retired school teacher and while I do not use my Mac in a professional manner any longer, I do use it for hobby and pleasure use, as well as operating a couple of Web sites. Therefore, I use it for hours each and every day. Needless to say, along with everyone else, spam has become a real problem for me. Well, I purchased SpamSieve on September 29th and I must tell you that I have not purchased a piece of software that has resulted in such incredible relief for a long, long time! I can’t believe how well SpamSieve works and the amount of time it saves me every day! Since installing it on my Power Mac G4 MDD Dual 867 just over two weeks ago, it has ‘caught’ and saved me from almost FOURTEEN HUNDRED pieces of spam!!! ….. What else can I say? ….. I am simply AMAZED!!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

P.S. I tried out SpamSieve for only two days before submitting my payment! And it was SO EASY to set up and train!

Ralph Trimble
via e-mail

I just want you to know that SpamSieve is one of the best programs ever. I have been a Mac Consultant for 10 years. You win.

via e-mail

I have a dozen different e-mail accounts which have been around for years and years. Many of these addresses are on public Web sites and therefore I’m the grandmaster of received spam. I get upwards of 500 spam messages every day!

I just want to congratulate you. While the earlier version of SpamSieve helped this problem, I’m amazed at how effective the upgrade to version 2 has been. It’s the cleanest my in-box has been in ages.

I’m happy to be a registered user of SpamSieve and just want to tell you that you’ve made a quantum leap forward with the new version. Thanks for delivering this great product at a fair price. I recommend it to all my clients who use Macs.

Larry Deckel
via e-mail

After getting a Windows-only virus on my Mac (I forgot that my Mac was protected, but the Virtual PC running Win XP was wide open) that resulted in hundreds of e-mails bombarding my Mac… I decided to search out a spam filter. After reviewing my back issues of Mac Addict & Macworld and visiting the various Mac Web sites, I settled on SpamSieve. My experience with SpamSieve thus far can be summed up in one word:


I’ve used a couple of other junk mail filters before, but neither could hold a candle to SpamSieve. Without question, this is the single most important piece of software on my Mac.

Tom Wiggins
via e-mail

SpamSieve is the best thing that ever happened to email. In a matter of a few hours I have gone from recieving hundreds of spam emails to recieving none. You got my $25.

user review from MacUpdate

I love the product. You may not hear that enough, but I don’t know what I’d do without it. I’ve been layering my “spam detection” sw so that I have multiple things looking (on my PC), but on the Mac, the only thing I have is SpamSieve and it works great. Thanks for a great product!

Bob Gahl
via e-mail

I purchased Spamsieve a few weeks ago, and I can now say it is a pleasure opening my e-mail inbox. Before Spamsieve I would be looking at anywhere up to 15 spam messages bulking up my inbox. Now I have installed Spamsieve all I have to do is give the program 1/2 messages a day to train and I’m done. Thank you for a great program!

Helen Thistlethwaite
via e-mail

Version 2.0 is magnificent!…I think you have the best spam filter on either the Windows or Mac platform!

Neil Busis
via e-mail

Keeps up with spamers, gets better the more you use it. Fast, very useful new features! Saves me at least 20 minutes a day. And that adds up to about 10 working days per year! Worth every single dollar! Simplly the best spam filter available today!

user review from VersionTracker

I know it is cliché to say this, but the best just got better. SpamSieve blocked 9616 pieces of spam for me in a little less than one year, with a wooping 97.5% accuracy rate. Invaluable. Also, a free update of this importance is really appreciated.

Simon Jacquier
user review from VersionTracker

I actually received e-mail notice of the *free* major upgrade from the author before seeing it on Version Tracker (or having it show up two weeks after it hit VT). Great new features and great support as always. When was the last time you got a free upgrade from 1.x to 2.x?…This application keeps up with every new trick the spammers try to throw at it and it just got better. :)

user review from VersionTracker

After using 2.0 a few days. I can report a HUGE improvement over the previous version. The diffeence was instantaneous and dramatic. I didn’t even follow the developer’s instructions to start all over and re-train it, but just installed this over the previous version, which I had just about given up on (after a while it just got clogged up and wouldn’t label as spam even the most eggregious items). I’m immediately getting almost 100% no errors. What few occur—negative or positive—are usually new and once I identify them as spam or good, it never seems to miss from that point on.

user review from VersionTracker

Really powerful especially with the recent upgrade (2.0). Author is very responsive with e-mails. Since this upgrade, there has been no False Negatives. Before this upgrade, would have to train 2–3 spams as actual spams which it missed. Now it hasn’t missed any since the 2.0 release.

user review from VersionTracker

One has to look very hard to find a problem with this software. I’m still looking. Run ‘top.’ Just sits there most of the time and does nada. Catching it saving to corpus during idle time isn’t easy. :)

user review from VersionTracker

I had never been optimistic about eliminating spam from my mailbox until I bought SpamSieve. This software functions as promised and weeds off 99% of spam from my daily mail. It’s trainable and the more I use it the better it detects spam. I would like to thank publicly its author for having saved me a lot of headache with my e-mail. Highly recommended!

Fariborz Amirshahi - Verona (Italy)
user review from VersionTracker

As someone who has been using the same e-mail address for more than a decade, I get several hundreds of spam messages daily. SpamSieve has been a godsend to me saving me many hours of extra work filtering through my inbox for messages I need. The support for the software is the best I’ve ever experienced, fast, accurate and reliable.

Thanks for all your work on this software.

Greg Wilson
via e-mail

Fantastic bit of software. Bought it about a week ago and my e-mail in box has been looking wonderful ever since.

Bearing in mind I’m not particularly great at reading endless instruction books that one usually needs to plough through to get a new application working. SpamSieve is seamlessly intuitive and sorts things out using it’s own thought processes.

Brilliant……. Don’t know why I didn’t purchase it sooner.

David Preutz
via e-mail

I want to give this 10 stars because it absolutely deserves it. To the novice it may be a little daunting but after a few minutes it will run by itself with little or no other interaction.

user review from VersionTracker

Wow! I just wanted to say thank you for SpamSieve. Not only has it been fun watching it “learn” but it never makes a mistake. Ever.

Linda Grimes
via e-mail

Well done on writing one of the best pieces of software I’ve ever used. Thank you!

via e-mail

Just felt a need to thank you for this product. I have been a SpamSieve user for at least 4 years. Plus I have used my same email address for at least 10 years. Daily I try to sift through my Spam filter just to see if there is anything I should look at. But I am amazed at how your product diverts literally hundreds of emails from my Inbox every day!!! Thanks so much. And also thanks for the constant and consistent updates. This was one of the best softwares deals I have ever purchased.

Charles Jones
via e-mail

Just a quick note from a happy customer. I have been trying SpamSieve (on recommendation from macworld.com) for only 2 days and it is not only good, it is perfect! Congratulations on a spectacular piece of software. I will be buying it of course.

Buck Lawrimore
via e-mail

Your software is above and beyond any consumer expectation. SpamSieve works so incredibly well that you’re getting this e-mail.

I never got spam until I changed over my Web hosting service—imagine that 5 years of no SPAM never, never any and it was great, until I got 50 spams a day which your software has finally restored my inbox’s sanity.

Thanks a lot—with out saying so a million times—which is what I would do if I had no sense of self control.

via e-mail

Awesome application. Can’t imagine handling e-mail without it. I’ve been a registered owner since the first day of downloading it. Kudos! :-)

via e-mail

I’m really pleased with its performance: it’s the only spam filter I’ve found which catches some particularly horrible obscene e-mails which I am unfortunate enough to receive. I train it assidiously. I even talk to it! We’re getting along just fine. :)

So thank you very much for developing such a helpful product. It’s encouraging to see intelligence and creativity rising above greed and destructiveness for once. Good luck with your future.

via e-mail

I’m impressed with this product—I tried it, and it rapidly proved its worth—my inbox is a much less noxious place now—after a few days I registered it—well worth it! In addition, the developer responded quickly to e-mailed questions—very courteous and quite responsive. Highly recommended!

user review from VersionTracker

I’ve used SpamSieve for years. I consider it to be one of the best values for the money in my long list of applications. It absolutely works. Updates are free. Tech support is fast and effective. You cannot find better value.

user review from MacUpdate

Worth every penny!

user review from MacUpdate

Admittedly, I’m biased, as Michael Tsai, the man behind C-Command, is a personal friend. I was on the original beta test team for SpamSieve, and have used every iteration since 1.0 hit the ether. If you’re a Mac user, this is the first app you should buy.

This upgrade [2.0.1] is such a performance improvement over the last version that it boggles my mind. The accuracy has improved to the point where SpamSieve accuracy is now over 99%. The accuracy is actually improving.

The overall operation of the program has improved and I am almost to the point where I feel that I don’t have to check my spam box for incorrectly identified spam anymore.

This is a fantastic program and well worth its price.

user review from VersionTracker

After just training SpamSieve with what I had already around, it was over 95% accurate and the only false positives it ever had were legitimate commercial/ad email. In the last few weeks I have had zero false positives of any kind and only seven false negatives, for over 99% accuracy. Wonderful!

user review from VersionTracker

Excellent spam filtering, well done application, excellent support.

user review from VersionTracker

6 Stars

I wish I could give this product another star. it is the most important piece on my computer right behind LaunchBar. This is the best program and this 2.x version is much faster than the 1.x version. it’s quite nice. I love it.

I like the new ratios in the statistics now I can proudly proclaim that I have a spam to e-mail ratio of 1.7 to 1. Oh, I guess that’s not really a thing to be proud of.

I wrote the author regarding a problem I was having and he gave me some excellent advice regarding spam, including try to keep a 2:1 ratio of spam:good mail in the corpus. that really helped me make the thing much more accurate

user review from VersionTracker

I’ve been using SpamSieve for over a year. It is the best and just keeps getting better.

user review from VersionTracker

I am really enjoying your product. It is catching 99% of my spam. It makes reading email a breeze. In fact, it breathes new life the almost choked world of email. Thanks.

Steve Loosley
via e-mail

At this point I want to tell you how great this program is—it has brought sanity to my life—since I got a new computer I have been deluged with spam and I used to dread opening the mail and wasting time sorting it—now I just love watching the mail come in and then disappear.

Mary Grey
via e-mail

[SpamSieve] is absolutely the best piece of software I have purchased in a long time.

David Bernstein
via e-mail

Your manual is one of the most readable things I’ve encountered in a long time, including fiction. I know skill with writing is a gift, but it takes a lot of work to apply it well; thank you for writing this so lucidly. I’m sitting here reading it, and I’m actually enjoying myself as I learn, instead of suffering.

Michael Young
via e-mail

Thanks for the new update. I purchased your excellent program a few weeks ago and find it absolutely brilliant.

Mikkel Togsverd
via e-mail

I’ve known of SpamSieve for a while. Yesterday I installed it and set it up. Frankly I am staggered at how effective it is. It’s 99% accurate in a day of training. Like Edwin Sneller, I’m now wondering if I’ll just delete spam without even a cursory check.

user review from VersionTracker

God I absolutely love SpamSieve! It’s the future. It just makes spam irrelevant. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Bruce Hartzler
via e-mail

So far I’ve been very impressed with how accurate it is, and the author and I have had a good e-mail exchange of ideas for future versions. I’m really looking forward to seeing how much better this gets in the future. My filtering has actually become faster since I started using SpamSieve, since I was able to turn off about a dozen anti-spam rules I had manually developed.

Jerry Kindall
user review from VersionTracker

[I’m a] four-day user/owner and teaching it is very easy. Actually, I find myself wanting to get a bunch of spam just to be able to teach it quicker. Good app, very helpful manual, good developer. One of three shareware apps that’s earned a place in my Dock permanently.

user review from MacCentral

Thank God for spam filtering programs. If you use a Mac, the one to have—by far—is SpamSieve. It works like a charm because it learns what kind of spam, you receive. Only rarely does any spam get by it. And I get a lot of it, like a hundred or more a day.

Takes a while to train up, but once trained, SpamSieve does a far better job of canning Spam than any manual filter. A great utility.

user review from VersionTracker

I write you on this auspicious occasion when SpamSieve has now saved me from over 1000 spam messages!!! Thank you for creating such a great product. You have relieved a great stress in my life and allowed my email to become functional once again.

via e-mail

I have had 0—that’s zero—false positives for a good three months or more. Version 2.0 only makes a great product better.

This handles spam that no fixed text filter can (I got on some Korean spam list for some reason and couldn’t filter it out until SpamSieve). It’s fast, solid and very accurate once it’s gets trained. Well worth the money, IMO (though one could wish that the email application developers would license and include this with their apps—hint, hint to Qualcomm, CTM Dev, Bare Bones, et. al!). A big THANK YOU, Michael!

user review from VersionTracker

After just a few days of training, SpamSieve has exceeded the accuracy of my mailfilter setup (about 95%) and is still climbing—even messages that it correctly identifies as spam are used to improve its accuracy.

Paul Bissex

I just purchased SpamSieve and I must say it is BIG relief and BIG fun. I had been creating lots of rules in Entourage the last months when I decided to find a list of most common words used in spam (I had been reading all my spam to find out about typical wording in spam). So I found SpamSieve and I’m really impressed.

Kai Vermehr
via e-mail

Very, very good, and highly effective.

user review from VersionTracker

I wanted to put in a good word for SpamSieve. The statistical approach to identifying spam has been extremely effective for me.

Robert Ward

It’s nothing short of amazing.

This rules, Seriously. Nominate the author as patron saint of e-mail.

user review from VersionTracker

The simple truth is, I don’t have a spam problem anymore. I use SpamSieve, a very nice statistical filter for Mac OS X. Very large numbers of spams get routed every day to my spam folder. Only a very few per day get through to my in-box, and they are not enough to be construed as a problem.

This is without a doubt one of the easiest filters I have seen—after just a couple of hours last night and an hour or so today, it is literally catching 100 percent of all spam messages.

Jim Dalrymple
via e-mail

I’ve trained the filter with just over three thousand messages, and it has a 97% accuracy.

Raena Armitage
via the Mac-Users-Talk mailing list



Best money I ever spent! Regular upgrades to stop villains. Fantastic speedy support. Free updates. Emails you whenever there is an upgrade.

When you have it, you will wonder how you ever survived doing e-mail without it!

Steve Frawley
user review from VersionTracker

I just wanted to tell you that your tool is one of the best in the Mac world. I was ready to give up on e-mail after all the spam, and you helped me sort it out.

It was one of the best investments I ever made, and a reasonable one at that!

I have worked as a Mac consultant for video and sound production here in Sweden and am a professional recording musician.

Mac user since 1987 and Apple user since 1984.

Bert Deivert
via e-mail

I just came back from vacation and had 7300 emails, 99.9% of it was spam. SpamSieve caught almost all of it (about 10 remained) with no false positives. Nuff said.

user review from MacUpdate

[I] was getting inundated with spam, mostly on just one of my accounts, but can’t afford to get rid of that account. Mail host has spam filtering, but not really cutting it, maintaining the mail filters was taking more time than deleting the spam. Then I came across SpamSieve in an article from TidBITS - the rest is history - so is the spam. Thank you very much for giving me my mail life back.

David Ferrington
post in the SpamSieve forum

SpamSieve is one of the best software investments I’ve made the entire year. It just works. I get about 500 spam emails a day. I was trying to filter them in Apple Mail, but they kept coming and coming. Almost resorted to disabling my email address and going with a new one until I found SpamSieve. It just works great. No more problems and the tiny number of spam messages that slip through are easily learned and squashed. You guys have really made the whole email process bearable.

Richard Shaw, Pinlight LLC
via e-mail

I just got the trial offer 3 days ago and I have to hand it to you sir, you have the best, most intuitive spam filtering software on earth. I’ve been online selling since 1994, my email is in a billion places, needless to say spam is an issue for me. Or was an issue I should say. I really like how it interfaces with mail rules and other components as I have become very good with rules but the spammers stay a bit ahead of me. No more! Another thing you should know, from spending time on your blog reading your support comments, you are smart and you care about others. After running SpamSieve for a few days to become proficient I will be installing it on every computer in my system.

Update (2014-01-05): I thought you would appreciate an update now that I have used your software for most of the last year.

Spam Sieve has been the best software I have ever used on my MacBook Pro. In fact the best software I have ever used period. You are a lifesaver sir. Being an online seller of capital assets for 20 years spam has plagued me for that long. Having used your Spam Sieve now for a year spam is no longer an issue. In fact I have almost nothing to do with it any longer thanks to your software.

Because Spam Sieve integrates so well with rules I have been able to delete, prior to Spam Sieve filtering, much of the common trickery used by spammers, allowing me freedom to do my work with little time spent on spam. Spam Sieve has “given me back” more than an hour every day in productivity. It has removed from my inbox exactly 99.4% of every spam received from my server.

I recently changed hosting companies and the change was seamless regarding your software and spam control, with literally nothing to do on my part. If every company that sells software was as good as yours it would be a vastly better world and filthy spammers would be out of business.

Another big THANK YOU for what you have done to improve my happiness, inner peace and productivity. Credit where credit is due. God bless you! Please post my comment on your testimonial section that others who need spam filtering can understand the quality and value you provide.

Gary Sorrells
via e-mail

I’ve been using this software for years and it is working in the background, doing a great job. It catches 99.9% of spam messages, and rarely sends a valid one to the spam box. Stability is great and so is the ease of use.

Upgrades have been coming when needed, and the developer is not charging for them unless a major one is released. Great policy, thanks!

user review from MacUpdate

I just use SpamSieve to deal with spam. You can designate e-mails from any vendor that you aren’t interested in as spam. SpamSieve works like magic to cull out spam e-mails. Right now its built-in statistics tell me that it is getting 99.8% correct and that I receive an average of 65 spam messages a day.

Randy B. Singer, Attorney at Law
post to the “Macs In Law Offices (MILO)” mailing list

Greatest spam filter on earth!

SpamSieve is a plug-in for a lot of different desktop mail clients. Most of them already have a spam filter, so what’s the point? SpamSieve is simply the best and most effective solution out there. I use this application with the built-in Mail.application since a couple of years and I have no more spam in my several inboxes.

I’m a heavy mail user and it’s astonishing how much time you can [save] with this seemlesly smart and functional piece of software. And this for just a couple of bucks.

user review from MacUpdate

Just a note to thank you for SpamSieve. I recently noticed a ton of fake LinkedIn e-mails that look just like the real deal. Once I trained SpamSieve on a couple it quickly started marking them as spam. But that’s not the cool part… the thing is today I received a real LinkedIn Invite from someone I maybe didn’t know closely but still had done business with, and that one was NOT marked as spam. Awesome!

When I noticed the good LinkedIn invite made it through, I checked the spam folder to find 10 fake ones. I nearly wept tears of joy knowing SpamSieve had once again thwarted those evil, mustachio-twisting spammers once again!

John Barrick
via e-mail

Brilliant Software; Makes E-Mail Spam an Insignificant Issue

I had long ago tried other Spam-filtering options—but never wanting to abdicate that to ISP-offered, server-based, solutions where I couldn’t locally see just what was going on—but once I found SpamSieve, I was “hooked.” After the simple training process—which is clearly described—it just worked!

Bottom Line: A far better than 99% accuracy in handling Spam for me and an absolute bargain at the price.

For what it’s worth, some statistics for me for this year to date are that I received 7,772 messages of which 46% were identified by SpamSieve as Junk. (I’m sure others have been besieged by a far higher percentage.) Of those identified as Junk, there were only 13 messages that were false positives—and once I identified them to SpamSieve is “Not Junk,” following examples of them were put directly into my Inbox. On the other side of the matter, only 50 messages that I considered Junk weren’t, initially, so identified by SpamSieve—and once I told SpamSieve they were “Junk,” their successor e-mails went directly to my Junk. As this posting’s title says: Brilliant!

user review from VersionTracker

I did a quick search and found SpamSieve, which had good reviews and looked good. I’ve now installed it, tweaked it (to get the icon off the dock), and started training it. Wow! It’s good. $30 (with 30-day free trial) and well worth it IMO. (I was getting a ton of spam a day—more Russian spam sites need to be closed down, but they pay off government officials and so are protected. Indeed, government officials may own the sites, for all I know.) But SpamSieve has delivered me from their clutches.

Michael Ham

If you use a Mac in your work and want to get rid of spam, with very intelligent software…this software is the absolute best. We use it for our company because it WORKS and stops annoying spam…Michael Tsai knows most of the answers of how, what and why, which can be very useful.

Roger Thomas

Thank you, thank you, thank you for SpamSieve!!!!!

I had been spending many minutes every day clearing out spam. I went from approximately 250 spams a day to zero. There has not been a single error in either direction, which I consider amazing.

Timothy Smith
via e-mail

Simply the best spam filter ever (and I’ve tried a few). Been using it for years, the accuracy is amazing! For example, stats since 2008: (178,480 Good Messages), accuracy is 99.7%. Better still, it’s a seamless, out of your way approach to dealing with spam. Developer is constantly updating the product, making it better. Worth every penny! Hate spam? This is the product for you. An indispensable utility.

user review from MacUpdate

So I have this e-mail account associated with a small business that I run that I cannot change. This e-mail address is absolutely inundated with spam—we are talking 1000’s of messages a day some days. I’ve worked with the service provider to no avail—their spam filtering is pretty much useless and snags so many important messages that I had given up.

Then I discovered SpamSieve. You have singlehandedly saved this e-mail account. Sure—I still get 1000’s of spams, but now I don’t have to filter through all of them to find the legitimate mails. The training took about a week but it was worth the time and effort. SpamSieve is intelligently removing crap from all of my accounts, the aforementioned plus a gmail, yahoo and hotmail account.

This is a fantastic product and well worth the investment. Keep up the great work.

Bill Daunch
via e-mail

After years of drowning in junk mail, I decided to try the 30-day trial of SpamSieve. After the trial was over, I tried going without for just a couple of days, which was like my own personal hell. I quickly dropped the cash for SpamSieve (20 percent off with the TidBITS member discount!), and it’s one of the best purchases I’ve made this year. I now consider email unusable without SpamSieve.

Josh Centers
via e-mail

You provide the best service I know of on the internet. There are corporations that pay millions to their top execs, who have a marketing team, who have a public relations department - and yet they come nowhere near you for responsiveness, innovation, clarity of documentation and ability to see things from a user’s perspective. What’s more, it’s a delight to deal with you.

Keith Thomas
via e-mail

The two filters working together (Google or iCloud, plus SpamSieve) keep my inbox neat and tidy. Junk is eliminated by Mail as to it’s settings quite nicely. […] I would have to give SpamSieve a 5+ rating (out of 5) for getting around all the myriad issues. Adding the appropriate filters WITHOUT giving out addresses to the various service providers is the key reason for my using SpamSieve. Congrats on a continuing great app.

Henry Seiden
via e-mail

I know you have a lot of positive testimonials, but I’ll add another by saying: What a great program. My email was “snatched” by the spammers a while back after staying off their radar, and the subsequent torrent of spam that suddenly started arriving was overwhelming. Of course my Apple Mail filter was utterly useless. But since SpamSieve I can say that 99% - literally - heads straight to the trash. It just does not show up in my Inbox. It’s really amazing. Thanks.

Bill Stone
via e-mail

I’ve had the same email address for over 20 years and now receive nearly 1,000 spam messages every day. SpamAssassin on the server side was catching some. I tried MailRoute, but that still let dozens through every day (and costs $30/year). After just a week of training SpamSieve, I barely notice any spam -- and legitimate mail isn’t being flagged.

Dave Friedman
via e-mail

Used this app for long (up to year) and totally satisfied with it. Appreciate its spam statistics, the accuracy is very high (99,5 - 99,8%). I like the way it marks spam not deleting it, though, so you can check any mail anytime. The price is justified, plus the developers regularly give free updates. Needed and helpful app if you get tons of spam every day.

user review from MacUpdate

Got the trial version, convinced on day 1. Huge relief, and training works!

Stein Tronstad
via e-mail

I’ve been using this for 10 years at least. It solved and keeps solving having to deal with the seemingly never ending spam flood on multiple accounts. Still I have 99.4% accuracy, from the beginning in PowerMail and since quite a few years in Apple Mail.

I’ve never had a serious problem as it has mostly just kept working and that includes the betas. For the odd issue support has been stellar. I’m still impressed with the great service this app and its maker give me still after a decade. There are not a lot of apps in any category I can say that about.

How would my messages look without this pearl?

user review from MacUpdate

I’ve been a customer of SpamSieve since I don’t know when, but it’s been a long time.

Just wanted to say a big thank you to you for having a fine product and continuing the support that you do on it.

I have no idea of how much time (and the associated money) that you have saved me but it has to be HUGE! There are literally thousands of SPAM emails that I receive each week that my good friend SpamSieve keeps me from having to look at.

I’ve spent thousands of dollars on different apps over the years, but the biggest return on investment that I have ever gotten has been from your product.

Stephen Gebler, Systems Research Group
via e-mail

Awesome product. Effective, easy to use, install, and update. Frequent updates and bug fixes are a bonus.

The developer stays at least one step ahead of OS updates, unlike some other developers.

user review from MacUpdate

Amazing. I have not run into an exceptional company like SpamSieve for a long, long time. I just set up SpamSieve on my Mac for Mail and for Outlook 2016. And I did so with the capable and generous assistance of owner, Michael Tsal.

SpamSieve promises to be the cavalry for my dilemma with ever increasing spam and phishing emails. As my eyes open more and more to how creative and how effective this product is, I feel very grateful to have found it.

We are all exhausted from dealing with greedy companies whose owners put a moat around themselves, and who then put mostly untrained people on the customer service/tech support telephone lines.

Michael Tsai should be doing seminars for all companies doing business on and off the internet. I feel very well held in an experience of trust, regard and competence. An experience that will secure my long-term loyalty.

I am so glad you are out there Michael. Thank you.

Dr. Jim Manganiello
via e-mail

Changed email providers to one that doesn’t silently filter spam. Upside: No longer getting legit email blocked. Downside: Hundreds more spam messages per day.

Finally gave me a chance to try @mjstai’s SpamSieve, and it’s been fantastic. Highly recommend

Dan Frakes

Because I have about a half dozen Web sites, which get harvested for my e-mail address by bots, I receive as many as 100 spam messages a day. I found the built-in anti-spam capabilities of Apple’s Mail to be insufficient to deal with this. So I purchased and installed SpamSieve.

If you want to deal with spam effectively, without any risk of losing legitimate e-mails, I can’t recommend SpamSieve enough[…]

Set up is extremely easy. To start off, you choose a bunch of spam e-mails in your e-mail program and mark them as spam. Then you choose a bunch of your typical non-spam e-mails and mark them as non-spam. SpamSieve automatically analyzes both samples and looks for things common to the spam that you receive, and things common to the non-spam that you receive, and it creates a series of filters to form a blacklist and a whitelist. From then on when you get a spam message in your in-box you mark it as spam, and SpamSieve adjusts it’s filters. You do the same for non-spam that shows up in your Spam folder. In just a few weeks SpamSieve becomes amazingly accurate. All of my spam messages get filtered into my Spam folder like magic for me to review and trash.

Randy B. Singer

Excellent software

works perfectly

support is incredibly fast and accurate

user review from MacUpdate

How could we live without it? ;-)

user review from MacUpdate

All testimonials were unsolicited.