
SpamSieve Testimonials (Mailsmith)

SpamSieve is super and its integration into Mailsmith a god-send.

Adam Bridge
via the Mailsmith-Talk mailing list

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate SpamSieve. After just a few days demo-ing it with Mailsmith I was totally sold. I bought both Mailsmith and your SpamSieve and it’s truly been a knock out punch to spam. I’m running at around 99% accurate spam detection all the time now…until today. But then a few hours into the day you e-mail me to let me know how to fix it. I’m amazed.

If all software companies ran like yours the world would be SO much better! Keep up the excellent work.

via e-mail

I have never had a product work so well. I am using it with the also amazing Mailsmith program—with which it works and installs seamlessly. After two days it filters ALL of my spam, without any desired mail . This has never happened with any other product.

user review from VersionTracker

This is a great program. Coupled with Mailsmith, it’s the perfect combination.

MacUpdate user review

SpamSieve is great, remarkably accurate and easy to use. Integration with Mailsmith 2 is a match made in heaven.

user review from VersionTracker

SpamSieve rocks. 1.3 was one of the best pieces of shareware I’ve ever gotten (with the Mailsmith 2.0 bundle)…and 2.0 is now even better!

user review from VersionTracker

Since switching to Spamsieve 2.0 in combination with Mailsmith 2.0.1, using default prefs, I have had 100% success.

Thank you for the hard work it’s much appreciated.

To be honest I think you should have charged for the upgrade, but I see you have a method of paying extra anyway on your site, so I’ve done that.

John Chennells
via e-mail

I felt it was worth taking a moment to thank Michael Tsai for the great job he’s done with SpamSieve. Since upgrading to 2.0.1 fourteen days ago I have gotten 3,845 e-mails and have had no false positives and only 25 false negatives (out of 3,051 spam messages).

Richard Fairbanks
via the Mailsmith-Talk mailing list

SpamSieve seems to be doing a helluva job keeping almost all my spam in control too, which is impressing me.

Joe Chellman
via the Mailsmith-Talk mailing list

Hoping this isn’t too OT, may I also acknowledge the exceptionally helpful, quick and positive way in which Michael Tsai handles his technical support requests for SpamSieve? A++ !

Mark Sealey
via the Mailsmith-Talk mailing list

I’ve been using SpamSieve since it was introduced to the Mailsmith beta testers group. SpamSieve 1.3.1 was already a godsend but version 2.1 is really impressive!

Besides that it just works(!), I’m especially impressed about how much attention you payed to small interface/implementation details (e.g. keyboard shortcuts, dock menu integration, PCRE support) plus a very comprehensive manual! It feels like an application from Barebones Software—which I couldn’t say about almost any other application. ;-)

Matthias Steffens
via e-mail

Without SpamSieve I would have had to close down most of my e-mail addresses. Currently approx 98–99% of the e-mails that is addressed to me personally is spam and SpamSieve catches almost 100% (99.8) of them.

Jan Erik Moström
via the Mailsmith-Talk mailing list

Probably THE most essential program on my harddrive. I have never had one real message be sent off as spam, and since January 1st have had exactly two spam messages sneak through.

Spamsieve is completely invisible and pretty much idiot-proof too. I use it with Mailsmith, so it's got total integration, but I just can't see it being any less good with other programs.

My e-mail experience has totally changed—spam is no longer a part of my life. I sure wish I could say that about some other crap.

user review from MacUpdate

Keeping up with spam has been a battle for the past year. I bought SpamFire, which was an improvement over my own PowerMail filters, but still a lot of work. I read about SpamSieve when you released the version that supports PowerMail.

SpamSieve now exceeds 97% accuracy—since I’ve used SpamSieve I’ve received over 19,000 messages; over 10,000 of them spam. There have only been 7 False Positives and 602 False Negatives. Your program has never misbehaved, locked up or otherwise failed to stay running.

Bill Schjelderup
via e-mail

I have 1576 messages in my corpus, 754 of which are spam. Since it’s been doing accuracy tracking, it’s filtered 478 messages, 124 of which were spam, with zero false positives and 21 misses, which is 95.6% correct. I believe the technical term for that level of performance is “rockin”.

Mike Byrne
via the Mailsmith-talk mailing list

I’ve downloaded, installed and spent an hour with Michael’s SpamSieve now. Excellent job. I’ve trained it as he suggests on 600+ messages to start with. This initial training does not take as long as you might think, because the AppleScripts are executed remarkably quickly. I’ve now started to run the script that identifies spam. So far, no false positives, and its ability to catch spam is getting better the more I train it, which is the whole point. So far, this looks like a really nice complement to Mailsmith’s already extraordinary filtering capabilities.

William Porter, Ph.D.
via the Mailsmith-talk mailing list

I am really impressed by SpamSieve so far. It is working really well for me.

Fletcher Sandbeck
via the Mailsmith-talk mailing list

I’ve recently installed SpamSieve, for Mailsmith, and have been extremely happy with its accuracy.

Matt Henderson
via the Mailsmith-talk mailing list

Coming up on a day soon [of using SpamSieve], with 164 messages in my corpus, 71 of them spam. I have not dug through previous mail to find anything, just add them as they come in. Stats shows another 292 spams caught and done away with. I am absolutely astounded at the celerity and accuracy of its learning curve thus far and have to say it goes a long way toward my continuing use of mailsmith.

Michael Slavin
via the Mailsmith-talk mailing list

The performance hit’s not that bad. I’m using it with Mailsmith and it’s both faster and more accurate than my old filter. I’ve not used Entourage for email, so I can’t attest to it’s effectiveness, but SpamSieve’s just been amazing.

user review from VersionTracker

Mike has always been great in responding to suggestions and in assisting in technical support. And this application is absolutely fantastic. Unfortunately, recently my spam load has significantly increased…yet I’m seeing almost none of it, thanks to this program. It’s all being very intelligently filtered, with very few false negatives or false positives given the amount of spam I’m receiving.

Mike Harris
via the Mailsmith-talk mailing list

It does a fabulous job indeed, catching several to many hundreds of junk messages daily (as well as any Network Solutions change confirmations) with only a very few errors. Love it!!

Michael Slavin
via the Mailsmith-talk mailing list

SpamSieve is so good that it’s the first filter that sees my incoming messages. Since I’ve been using it, it has given me only 4 false positives out of almost 6,000 messages filtered, and only 81 false negatives, for an overall accuracy of 98.5%.

Christopher Bort
via the Mailsmith-talk mailing list

If you start using Mailsmith there is one essential program you need to get: SpamSieve. Without it I would drown in spam. In the year or year-and-a-half I’ve been using it I’ve had two false positives (that I know of 8-).

Jan Erik Moström
via the Mailsmith-talk mailing list

All testimonials were unsolicited.