EagleFiler 1.7.4
February 27th, 2017 (EagleFiler)Version 1.7.4 of EagleFiler is now available. This is a free update that includes the following enhancements:
- You can now capture entire mailbox hierarchies from within Apple Mail. To do this, select the topmost mailbox (or mailboxes), make sure that no messages are selected, and press the capture key. For more information, see the Importing Mail From Apple Mail section of the manual.
- EagleFiler now works with newer AudioNote files that are packages.
- Message display and indexing are faster, particularly for large .eml files.
- The Save Diagnostic Report… command in the Help menu now works with all versions of macOS that EagleFiler supports.
- Added the Replace in Titles script.
- The How can I access my library from multiple Macs? section of the manual has more information about Resilio Sync.
- Added the Share Extension section of the manual.
- EagleFiler no longer imports .sync or .ts folders, as they only contain metadata.
- EagleFiler now logs to Console when a message attachment is particularly slow to index, to help identify problem files or Spotlight importers.
- Added the IndexMessageAttachments esoteric preference so that you can skip indexing message attachments if Spotlight issues are causing indexing to get stuck.
- Added the UnindexedAttachmentExtensions user default, as described in the How does indexing in EagleFiler work? section of the manual.
- Fixed an issue where the EagleFiler Import command was not available in Preview’s Share menu.
- Fixed a problem where EagleFiler could lose track of a file if the library was stored in Dropbox and Dropbox renamed the file in accordance with its filename limitations.
- Worked around a WebKit error when importing certain Web pages.
- Worked around an OS bug that prevented table column state from being saved.
- Worked around an OS bug that could cause a crash when using the Touch Bar.
- Worked around an OS bug that could cause a crash when creating a diagnostic report.
- Worked around an OS bug that prevented importing Mail messages via drag and drop if the subject contained a # character.
- Worked around an OS bug that could cause an error when displaying a PDF file.
- Improved the workaround to prevent crashing due to a PDFView contextual menu bug on macOS 10.12.
- Made the task code more robust.
- Fixed a regression where some message attachments were not indexed.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an internal error when reporting an error.
EagleFiler 1.7.4 works with Mac OS X 10.6.8 through macOS 10.12. Older versions are available for older operating systems. For information about previous releases of EagleFiler, please see the version history.
Update (2017-02-27): EagleFiler 1.7.4 has been submitted to the Mac App Store.
Update (2017-03-01): EagleFiler 1.7.4 is now available from the Mac App Store.