EagleFiler 1.9.5
July 13th, 2021 (EagleFiler)Version 1.9.5 of EagleFiler is now available.
EagleFiler makes organizing and managing your information easy. It lets you archive and search mail, Web pages, PDF files, word processing documents, images, and more. Use it to collect information from a variety of sources. Browse different types of files using a familiar three-pane interface. Organize them into folders and annotate them with tags and notes, or leave everything in one folder and pin-point the information you need using the live search. Since EagleFiler stores its library in Finder format, you can use it in concert with the other tools in your Mac ecosystem.
EagleFiler is a digital filing cabinet, a research assistant, snippet collector, and document organizer. You can use it to write a journal, track all the files for a project or job, manage your bookmarks, save your favorite Web articles, store financial statements and receipts, run a paperless office, plan a trip, collect your course notes, archive your e-mail correspondence, search mailing list archives, research a purchase, remember recipes to cook or books to read, store scientific papers, sort photos, gather legal case notes, or assemble a scrapbook. It’s the most flexible tool on your Mac.
This is a free update that includes the following enhancements:
- Worked around a change in the macOS 12 Beta that caused EagleFiler to crash at launch.
- The capture key now works with the Iron and Orion Web browsers and with beta and developer versions of Microsoft Edge.
Improved the speed of the records list on macOS 11 when lots of e-mail messages are selected.
- The Copy Source URL command now puts the record title on the pasteboard, in addition to the URL, e.g. so that the title is preserved if you paste into Safari’s Bookmarks window.
- The Evernote importer is better at recognizing files that should be extracted as separate files rather than imported as text attachments.
Improved the speed of extracting message files from mailboxes by reducing Spotlight overhead.
- The Copy command is much faster when lots of e-mail messages are selected.
- Worked around a macOS 11 issue where sometimes a custom folder icon or emoji tag abbreviation in the source list would be drawn as if the window were in the background, when it wasn’t. Also, they no longer dim when the window is only behind an inspector or another application’s floating window, such as OmniFocus’s Quick Entry.
- Made a change to prevent macOS from allowing the volume containing an open library to be ejected.
- Fixed a regression where built-in items in the source list could be incorrectly shown as editable.
- Fixed some regressions when renaming in the source list. Pressing Esc now discards the edit in progress. Changes are saved when you click away or close the window, not just when you press Return or Tab. In-progress changes are no longer lost when a background change occurs.
- Fixed a bug where PDF attachments in RTFD files could become invisible when using the RespectImageDPI esoteric preference.
- Fixed a bug where an internal error could occur when resizing images in an RTFD file for display.
- Fixed a bug where merging mailboxes or message files could import the new mailbox as the wrong type of file if one of the source files had an extension in its filename.
- Fixed an internal error validating the records list for deletion.
EagleFiler 1.9.5 works with macOS 10.12 through 12.0. Older EagleFiler versions are available for older versions of macOS. In-depth information about EagleFiler is available in the manual.
If you enjoy using EagleFiler, please take a moment to review it on the Mac App Store, Product Hunt, or MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.
Update (2021-07-13): EagleFiler 1.9.5 has been submitted to the Mac App Store and is awaiting approval from Apple.
Update (2021-07-13): EagleFiler 1.9.5 is now available from the Mac App Store.