BBAutoComplete Testimonials
This is a great application that adds a feature that should be built into all text editors. Not that it matters too much, since it’s free.
I use TextWrangler when coding PHP on my PowerBook, and I couldn’t live without BBAutoComplete.
This is an incredibly handy app, I wish I’d known about it earlier. Makes typing complex class names so much easier. Great stuff.
For the most part I’ve never bothered to pay attention to the Scripts menu in any application that has them. It’s been my experience that most of the included AppleScripts tend to simply mimick behaviour easier accomplished through keyboard shortcuts and plain ol’ typing. But sometimes, just sometimes, a script comes along that makes the Scripts menu absolutely worthwhile. BBAutoComplete is just that sort of script.
Very cool…It’s fast, convenient, addictive—and free.
What a plesant surprise. It is quick, accurate, transparant and most of all easy. It does exactly what it says it will do. I am looking forward to connecting it into everything that can connect to it.
Just want to tell you how much I love BBAutoComplete…especially now that it works with TextWrangler!
I really love this auto completion app. I’ve been bugging Bare Bones about something like this for quite a while now. This is perfect. Now I can stop bothering them.…Thanks a ton.
Like Intellisense, but less annoying.
I’ve been using BBAutoComplete for general text editing, in documents that contain numerous polysyllabic words with Greek and Latin roots. Easier than typing them in and later running spell checks, or trying to spell them correctly from memory. Works great!
It’s been my experience that most of the included AppleScripts tend to simply mimick behaviour easier accomplished through keyboard shortcuts and plain ol’ typing. But sometimes, just sometimes, a script comes along that makes the Scripts menu absolutely worthwhile. BBAutoComplete is just that sort of script.
BBAutoComplete is fast and works like a charm. It’s one of those utilities you have to use to realise just how handy it is.
A very useful accessory for BBEdit 6.5.
Great Product!
This thing rocks…. I'd give it 6 stars if I could for having a readme file written in LaTeX.
Very impressive.
I sure wish I’d known about BBAutoComplete a long time ago. It’s almost exactly dabbrev for scriptable Mac applications like TW and BBEdit, and it’s free.
Be sure to install BBAutoComplete, which adds rudimentary completion to BBEdit, TextWrangler, MailSmith and various other applications. Yes, this should be a standard feature, yes, it has been reported to Bare Bones' support department (multiple times), and no it's not in there yet. On the other hand: the extra tool is so good, that I hardly notice that it actually is a separate tool, which also shows how extensible BBEdit and TextWrangler can be.
BBEdit afficiandos will be pleased to hear that Michael Tsai’s BBAutoComplete is now at version 1.3—congratulations!
All testimonials were unsolicited.