BBAutoComplete Press
This page lists some of the significant BBAutoComplete reviews and recommendations in the press. For information about new releases, please see the version history and the blog archive.
June 2007 - Matt Neuburg recommends BBAutoComplete in TidBITS:
When using BBEdit to write a TidBITS article, I actually find another utility even more useful than Typinator: it’s BBAutoComplete, by Michael Tsai (whose other invaluable applications include SpamSieve). BBAutoComplete is a one-trick pony, but that trick is a great one. When you summon it, usually by pressing some keyboard shortcut, it looks at the letters preceding the insertion point and then considers all the other words in your document, seeking one that starts with those same letters. If it finds one, it completes your letters, turning them into that word. If that’s the wrong word, press the keyboard shortcut again to get a different completion. Optionally, BBAutoComplete can look through other documents open in the same application, and can even resort to the built-in Mac OS X spell-checker’s word list. However, I use it only for the frontmost document, and generally only with peculiar, technical terms (such as “TidBITS,” “SpamSieve,” or “BBAutoComplete”—yes, I entered all three of those using BBAutoComplete). BBAutoComplete works in only a few applications, because serious scriptability is a prerequisite for it to do its magic; those applications include BBEdit and Microsoft Word. Best of all, it’s free!
February 2007 - The MacReviewCast mentions BBAutoComplete (audio starting at 6:49):
If you use any of the [supported applications], download and give BBAutoComplete a try. I think you’ll love it. It’s free and functional, and that’s what great Mac software developers do for us.
April 2004 - BBAutoComplete is chosen by
Macworld as being among the best freeware available on the Mac:
If you work in a field with complex jargon, take a look at this tool. It lets you create auto-completion shortcuts for any scriptable app.
- August 2003 - Daring Fireball
- March 2002 - Boing Boing
- VersionTracker Review
- MacUpdate Reviews