Tag Abbreviation Style

Summary: Switches among different sets of symbols for the built-in tags.
Requires: EagleFiler
Install Location: ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/EagleFiler/
Last Modified: 2020-08-27


This script changes the abbreviation symbols of the current library’s built-in tags. You can choose from the following styles:

For new libraries created in EagleFiler, the default style is Sierra (on macOS 10.12) or EagleFiler Classic (on previous OS versions).

Installation Instructions · Download in Compiled Format · Download in Text Format


tell application "EagleFiler"
    tell library document 1
        set _styles to {"ASCII", "EagleFiler Classic", "Emoji", "Sierra"}
        choose from list _styles with title "EagleFiler Tag Configuration" with prompt "Tag abbreviation style:" default items {"Sierra"} without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed
        set _style to item 1 of the result
        if _style is "ASCII" then
            set abbreviation of tag "unread" to "U"
            set abbreviation of tag "flagged" to "F"
            set abbreviation of tag "replied" to "R"
            set abbreviation of tag "forwarded" to "D"
            set abbreviation of tag "redirected" to "E"
            set abbreviation of tag "note" to "N"
            set abbreviation of tag "__deleted__" to "X"
        else if _style is "EagleFiler Classic" then
            set abbreviation of tag "unread" to "•"
            set abbreviation of tag "flagged" to "▸"
            set abbreviation of tag "replied" to "↩"
            set abbreviation of tag "forwarded" to "↪"
            set abbreviation of tag "redirected" to "↗"
            set abbreviation of tag "note" to "✍"
            set abbreviation of tag "__deleted__" to "⌫"
        else if _style is "Emoji" then
            set abbreviation of tag "unread" to "🔹" -- 🔵
            set abbreviation of tag "flagged" to "🚩" -- 🏳 🏴
            set abbreviation of tag "replied" to "↩️"
            set abbreviation of tag "forwarded" to "↪️"
            set abbreviation of tag "redirected" to "↗️"
            set abbreviation of tag "note" to "🗒" -- ✏️📝📄✍️🖋
            set abbreviation of tag "__deleted__" to "🗑"
        else if _style is "Sierra" then
            set abbreviation of tag "unread" to "⚫︎" -- ● (is larger) • (is smaller)
            set abbreviation of tag "flagged" to "⚑"
            set abbreviation of tag "replied" to "↵"
            set abbreviation of tag "forwarded" to "↳"
            set abbreviation of tag "redirected" to "↗"
            set abbreviation of tag "note" to "✎"
            set abbreviation of tag "__deleted__" to "🗑"
        end if
    end tell
end tell