ToothFairy 2.8.3

January 11th, 2023 (ToothFairy)
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Version 2.8.3 of ToothFairy is now available.

ToothFairy is a Mac menu bar utility that lets you connect AirPods to your Mac with a single click or keypress. It also works with other Bluetooth headphones and with input devices such as mice, keyboards, and game pad controllers. You can see at a glance which devices are connected, as well as their battery levels. ToothFairy can also make music and videos sound better by using a higher quality codec for audio output.

This is a free update that includes the following changes:

  • See multiple Bluetooth devices at once, including their battery levels.Made various improvements to the workaround for the macOS issue that could prevent the sound output from being set when connecting a device. The workaround is successful more often, avoids unnecessary disconnections when the sound output spontaneously fixes itself, and it better handles devices that have been put away or manually disconnected.
  • Device SettingsThe menu bar icon now shows when ToothFairy is fixing the sound output. An arrow in a solid circle indicates that the device is currently connected but in the process of disconnecting. An arrow with no circle indicates that the device is waiting to reconnect.
  • ToothFairy no longer reports that the sound output is not set when the device isn’t connected, anyway.
  • Advanced SettingsFixed a problem where the progress spinner could stay visible forever, even after the device disconnected.
  • Fixed a problem where ToothFairy could show a Bluetooth connection failure error message for connections that the user did not initiate.

ToothFairy 2.8.3 works with macOS 10.13 through macOS 13 and requires a Bluetooth device. In-depth information about ToothFairy is available in the manual.

If you enjoy using ToothFairy, please take a moment to review it on the Mac App Store, Product Hunt, or MacUpdate or to mention it on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or your own site. We’d really appreciate it.