SpamSieve 2.3

April 25th, 2005 (SpamSieve)
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Version 2.3 of SpamSieve is now available.

This is a free update that includes the following changes:

  • General
    • Works with Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger).
    • Made lots of improvements to SpamSieve’s parsers and tokenizer for better accuracy. To fully take advantage of this, you will need to reset SpamSieve’s corpus and re-train it (e.g. with 300 recent good messages and 600 recent spams). However, this is certainly not required, and I expect that most people will opt for the simpler upgrade of just installing the new SpamSieve application.
    • Auto-training works better. SpamSieve is smarter about selecting which incoming messages to train itself with, so that it reaches a high level of accuracy sooner, and it is better at adapting to new types of mail that you receive.
    • Improved the training tips and the training section of the manual so that it’s clearer what the best practices are.
    • When training the whitelist, SpamSieve will now create rules that match the addresses of the other recipients. This should reduce false positives from people who haven’t previously sent you mail, but who correspond with the same people you do.
    • Added Update Address Book “Me” Card command.
  • Scriptability
    • Added selection AppleScript property, which can be used to get the selected token infos in the corpus or the selected rules in the whitelist or blocklist window. One use of this is demonstrated in a script that adds the addresses of the selected whitelist rules to the Address Book.
    • Added AppleScript properties and commands to access SpamSieve’s windows and log. One use of this is demonstrated in a script that lets you open SpamSieve’s windows if its Dock icon is hidden (and thus the menu bar is inaccessible).
  • Notification
    • Added option to control whether Growl notifications contain excerpts of the message body.
    • The new message count in SpamSieve’s Dock icon is now auto-positioned.
    • Fixed regression where dragging the slider to adjust the size of the number in the Dock icon didn’t temporarily show the number so that you could preview the results.
  • Apple Mail Integration
    • Improved accuracy due to better decoding of Apple Mail messages.
    • The commands for training SpamSieve from Apple Mail are now in Mail’s Message menu, rather than in the Scripts menu. This lets you access those commands in the same way on 10.2 through 10.4, and you don’t have to worry about changing the scripts around if you boot into a different version of the OS.
    • The Apple Mail plug-in is faster at processing messages.
    • If the Apple Mail plug-in is installed but disabled for some reason (e.g. a location switch or OS re-install), SpamSieve will automatically re-enable it (takes effect when you relaunch Mail).
    • Worked around bug in Mail that could prevent Train Good or Train Spam from working properly when training multiple messages at once that were already in their final destination.
  • Eudora Integration
    • The installer no longer asks you to find Eudora except when absolutely necessary.
    • The Eudora plug-in is now installed in the Application Support folder rather than inside the Eudora application package. Thus, it’s no longer necessary to re-install the plug-in when updating Eudora, although you still may need to disable the SpamWatch and SpamHeaders plug-ins if updating Eudora re-enables them.
    • Added a Cancel button to the alert that you get if Eudora is already running when you ask SpamSieve to install the Eudora plug-in, in case you don’t want to quit Eudora at that time.
  • Fixes and Tweaks
    • The Apple Help is now multiple linked pages, rather than a single page, so you can now use Help Viewer’s search box.
    • Simplified the setup instructions in the manual, and added new sections on customization.
    • Improved duplicate message detection.
    • Fixed bug where e-mail addresses were not always correctly parsed out of mail headers.
    • Tweaked the format of Trained entries in the log.
    • Worked around OS bug that could cause SpamSieve to freeze when installing AppleScripts.
    • SpamSieve is better at following aliases and more tolerant of incorrect permissions when looking for its support files.
    • Updated to eSellerate Engine 3.6.1.
    • Improved serial number name entry.
    • Various localization fixes.
    • The ? buttons in the Preferences window now open the specific help sections on Jaguar.
    • Fixed longstanding unreported bug where you could launch multiple instances of SpamSieve if you were using Jaguar.

For more information, please see the SpamSieve Manual.