
David Pogue on SpamSieve

This article, titled “The Follow-Up Edition,” used to be available at:

In it, Pogue writes:

Spam Sieve is just incredibly, amazingly accurate; my In box is clean, baby, clean!

Once or twice a day, I take a look at my Junk Mail folder and literally grin with glee. There they are, all together, stewing in their own sleazy juices: all the ads for Viagra and Cialis; all the stupid phony phishing e-mails from eBay, PayPal and Chase Bank; all the foreign-language spam; all the messages that contain nothing but a big pasted graphic ad for pills; and on and on.

And in about 2,000 spam messages flagged so far, I’ve encountered not a single legitimate message flagged as spam. Now THAT is a great feature.

Unfortunately, the New York Times site now redirects this URL to:

which is an unrelated article about installing Windows XP on a Mac mini. The Times webmaster has been contacted and hopefully will correct this error. Until the article about spam is again available from the Times’ site, you can download this Web archive of it.