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5.4   How can I turn off Automatic Device Switching?

When using a recent model of Apple or Beats earphones with macOS 11 (or later) or iOS 14 (or later), there is a feature called Automatic Device Switching. In some cases, this works well and you automatically hear the sound from the desired Mac or iPhone without having to connect the Bluetooth device. In other cases, it can cause problems. For some customers, the AirPods seem to randomly switch back and forth between devices, even in the middle of playing audio. For others, they keep reconnecting to the same wrong Mac or iPhone, rather than staying with the one that you chose. In such cases, you may want to turn off Automatic Device Switching:

iOS 14–iOS 16

  1. Go to Settings ‣ Bluetooth.
  2. Tap the i button next to your device.
  3. Set Connect to This iPhone to When Last Connected to This iPhone.
  4. When you want your iPhone to connect to the device, use the audio output button, Siri, or an automatic Shortcut.

macOS 13–14

  1. Go to System Settings ‣ Bluetooth.
  2. Click the Options button next to your device.
  3. Set Connect to This Mac to When Last Connected to This Mac.
  4. When you want your Mac to connect to the device, press ToothFairy’s hotkey or click the icon in the menu bar.

macOS 11–12

  1. Go to System Preferences ‣ Bluetooth.
  2. Click the Options button next to your device.
  3. Set Connect to This Mac to When Last Connected to This Mac.
  4. When you want your Mac to connect to the device, press ToothFairy’s hotkey or click the icon in the menu bar.
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