To test that the setup works:
The setup is correct if there’s a log entry (near the bottom) that says Predicted: Good or Predicted: Spam and shows the subject for the new message.
If you don’t see the expected log entries for new messages, please contact technical support and explain what happened when you followed these instructions.
MailMate Debug Logging
It may also help to enable MailMate debug logging by entering this command in Terminal:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate DebugSpamDetection -bool YES
Then launch MailMate from a Terminal window like this:
Now, you can review whether or not MailMate detected an incoming message and how it acted on it.
Resetting MailMate Messages
If you think the issue is related to a specific message, you can “emulate” the message arriving in your Inbox using Message ‣ Reset…. This makes MailMate forget it saw the message, and it will then re-discover it when synchronizing (which should happen automatically). This should include triggering the SpamSieve integration.
Some messages will have the IMAP keyword $NotJunk set. This should only happen if the user explicitly moved or marked a message as not being junk. Resetting such a message will not work since it’s ignored by MailMate.
You can view the IMAP keywords of a message by enabling the Raw Flags column in the message list.