C-Command Download Fixer

When you double-click an application file to launch it, macOS may erroneously report something like “‘SpamSieve’ is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.” or “‘SpamSieve’ cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware.”

However, in most cases this error is caused by a macOS bug, and the application is not actually damaged. This can be seen through the verification of the disk image’s checksum and the app’s code signature and notarization ticket.
The C-Command Download Fixer tool can help verify that apps downloaded from C-Command Software (BBAutoComplete, DropDMG, EagleFiler, and SpamSieve) are not damaged and fix them so that macOS will be able to launch them without error. It is not for use with apps downloaded from the Mac App Store.
To use the tool, click the download button above and follow the instructions in the “Read Me” file.