BBAutoComplete 1.5.5
November 19th, 2014 (BBAutoComplete)Version 1.5.5 of BBAutoComplete is now available. It includes the following enhancements:
- Revised the instructions for Microsoft Word to recommend running the script using FastScripts because that seems to work around a bug in Word 2011.
- Clarified the locations of script folders.
- Modernized lots of code and removed old code that’s no longer needed for compatibility with legacy OS versions.
- BBAutoComplete is better at repairing folder ownership and permissions.
- Updated the Gatekeeper signature format.
- The Software Update… feature is better at explaining what you can do if installation fails.
- Improved error reporting when BBAutoComplete can’t connect to the update server.
- Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.10 that could cause BBAutoComplete to freeze at launch.
- Improved the error reporting.
- Updated the disk image icon for Mac OS X 10.10.
- The disk image is now optimized for Retina displays.
- Adjusted the font sizes in the PDF manual.
- Fixed a bug where the release notes in the Software Update… window were shown in the wrong font.
- Fixed a bug were BBAutoComplete could crash if Microsoft Word returned invalid information about the selection.
- BBAutoComplete now requires Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later. Versions of BBAutoComplete for Mac OS X 10.5 and earlier are available.
BBAutoComplete 1.5.5 works with Mac OS X 10.6.8 through 10.10. Older versions are available for older operating systems. For information about previous releases of BBAutoComplete, please see the version history.