DropDMG 2.6

April 29th, 2005 (DropDMG)
DropDMG Icon

Version 2.6 of DropDMG is now available.

This is a free update that includes the following changes:

  • Works with Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger).
  • DropDMG now has an Automator action.
  • Can now create Mac OS X 10.4 Tar archives (.tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2) that support Mac resource forks.
  • Added Append Current Date and Sanitize for Servers name processing options.
  • Can now create uncompressed read-only and read-write NDIF .img disk images.
  • DropDMG is smarter about picking which file to use to create a custom icon.
  • Added configuration name AppleScript parameter.
  • Fixed bug where images sometimes weren’t created large enough to hold all the files.
  • Fixed bug where script errors were only reported in abbreviated form.
  • Added Edit Configurations to the DropDMG menu.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for opening the Edit Configurations window and for saving the current configuration.
  • Worked around the OS to prevent DropDMG from sometimes being dropped from the Services menu.
  • Window order of the Preferences window is preserved when closing the Configurations window.
  • Updated to eSellerate Engine 3.6.1.
  • Improved serial number name entry.
  • The Apple Help is now multiple linked pages, rather than a single page, so you can now use Help Viewer’s search box.

For more information, please see the DropDMG Manual.