SpamSieve 1.3

February 11th, 2003 (SpamSieve)
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Version 1.3 of SpamSieve is now available.

This is a free update that includes the following changes:

  • More resilient to spammers’ tricks for obfuscating words.
  • Can use e-mail addresses in the system Address Book as a whitelist. Messages sent from those addresses will never be marked as spam.
  • Greatly reduced overall memory usage as well as launch and quit times.
  • Can save false negatives to disk for later reporting to SpamSieve’s developer.
  • You can edit the spam and good counts associated with a word, remove selected words from the corpus, and reset the corpus entirely.
  • Type-ahead navigation in the Corpus window. Type the first few letters of a word or number to select it (and scroll to it).
  • You can hide statistics from before a set date, to better see the current accuracy and spam reception rate.
  • Improvements to the Corpus window: Shows all words rather than only those considered statistically significant. Re-sorting by numeric columns is twice as fast. You can copy the selected rows to the clipboard or drag them to another application. The selection is preserved when you change the sort column, you can sort in descending order, and the sorted column is remembered between launches. The Home and End keys work.
  • The Prune Corpus command now tells you how many words it would remove and asks for confirmation.
  • The statistics tracking is smarter about handling duplicate messages.
  • The statistics have tooltips explaining what they mean, and you can copy all of the statistics to the clipboard at once.
  • Improved accuracy tracking of PowerMail and Emailer messages.
  • Eudora Integration: Can mark spam messages as read and/or mark them for removal from the server.
  • Expanded the AppleScript dictionary, to enable better integration with mail and news clients.
  • Entourage Integration: Creates Junk category if there isn’t one, and can mark spam messages as read.
  • Mailsmith Integration: The adding scripts now set the appropriate message properties.
  • Better parsing of messages with illegal characters in the headers.
  • SpamSieve’s Info.plist file contains an LSUIElement entry. Change the 0 to a 1 to hide the application’s Dock icon. (You’ll need to change it back to access the preferences.)
  • The message count display has moved from the Corpus window to the Statistics window.
  • Better error message when the corpus couldn’t be saved.
  • Added tooltips to preferences.
  • The registration window gives better feedback when you personalize.
  • Better recovery from errors in the corpus file.
  • The secondary parser is better at handling DOS linebreaks.

For more information, please see the SpamSieve Manual.