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3.4.3   Importing Web Pages and URLs

Importing Whole Pages

The Web page format preference lets you choose whether EagleFiler saves URLs as Web archives, PDF files, bookmarks, etc.

Importing Only Part of a Page

Accessing the Source URL

When you’ve imported a Web page, you can see its URL:

The source URL can be edited via script.

Private Web Pages

Some Web pages, such as order confirmation pages or account information screens, can only be loaded when you’re logged into the site. EagleFiler cannot share the login session with your browser, so if you’re logged in via Safari you would need to save the page using Safari. There are three ways to do this:

Similar techniques work in other Web browsers.


EagleFiler is designed to import Web pages and other directly downloadable URLs. To import streaming video, we recommend these tools:

Processing Web Pages

Before saving from a Web browser into the To Import folder or the Files folder, you can reformat the page using a JavaScript bookmarklet such as Readability.

You can also set EagleFiler to automatically process every Web page that it downloads. For example, to process every page using the discontinued Instapaper text processor, you could have entered this command in Terminal:

defaults write com.c-command.EagleFiler WebToolURLProcessingPrefix ''

To turn off processing, enter this command in Terminal:

defaults delete com.c-command.EagleFiler WebToolURLProcessingPrefix

Importing Without JavaScript

EagleFiler normally enables JavaScript when importing Web pages so that it archives the page as it would be displayed in your browser. However, some sites use JavaScript in a way that makes the page content not fully load if there is no user interaction. Others use it to display advertisements that can make your archived pages much larger than their actual content. And sometimes JavaScript triggers an OS bug that makes the import hang.

EagleFiler has an advanced setting that lets you disable JavaScript for certain domains where you find it to be a problem. To set the non-JavaScript domains, enter a command like this in Terminal:

defaults write com.c-command.EagleFiler WebToolNonJavaScriptDomains -array

Note that disabling JavaScript will also prevent some non-advertisement content from loading, such as comments from Disqus. You may or may not find this desirable.

To re-enable JavaScript for all domains, enter this command in Terminal:

defaults delete com.c-command.EagleFiler WebToolNonJavaScriptDomains

To disable JavaScript for all domains, see EnableJavaScriptForWebTool in the esoteric preferences.

Always Importing as RTF

macOS does not save some Web sites, such as Twitter, to PDF as expected. It may only save the first page. This happens both in Safari and in EagleFiler. To work around this issue, EagleFiler lets you override the Web page format to always use RTF format for certain sites. To use this feature, enter a command like this in Terminal:

defaults write com.c-command.EagleFiler WebToolRTFDomains -array
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