
8.2   Acheter
SpamSieve has a free trial period that lasts for 30 days or 7 launches, whichever is longer. To use SpamSieve beyond the demo period, you must purchase it. This entitles you to free updates and support.
purchase, choose Purchase… from the SpamSieve menu. You can use the Instant Purchase… button to enter your billing information from within SpamSieve or use the Web Purchase… button to enter it from your Web browser.
Soon after paying, you’ll receive an e-mail with your serial number. If you used Instant Purchase…, you’re done. If you used Web Purchase…, enter the name and serial number from the e-mail into the
Purchase window and click Personalize. If you need to re-install SpamSieve, you can simply re-enter your name and serial number and click Personalize; there’s no need to purchase again.
If you purchased
SpamSieve but cannot find your serial number, click the Lost Your Serial Number? button. This will open a form where you can enter your e-mail address and look up your order information.
A license for
SpamSieve is good for one person or one computer. You can install it on one Mac, and everyone sharing that Mac can use it (on that Mac). Alternatively, you can install it on your desktop Mac and your PowerBook; you can then use it on either machine, provided that no one is using it on the other machine.
