
7.10   Comment puis-je utiliser SpamSieve avec AOL ?
There are three ways:
• AOL has recently announced support for IMAP. This means that you can check your AOL mail—and use SpamSieve to filter it—using e-mail clients other than AOL’s own. I recommend using Apple Mail, since it has the best IMAP support among the mail clients that work with SpamSieve. You should configure Mail using your AOL screen name and password. Set the IMAP server to (port 143) and the SMTP server to (port 587).
• If you already have a copy of Claris
Emailer, you can configure it to access your AOL account and filter the mail using SpamSieve.
• You can use a utility such as
Mail Forward to forward your AOL mail to a POP account. Then you can download the messages using any of the e-mail clients that SpamSieve supports.
