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6.4.3   Settings ‣ Outlook ‣ Training

settings outlook training

When you train a message as spam:

Move it to the Junk Email folder
This lets you control whether SpamSieve leaves it in its current location or moves to the Junk Email folder.
Mark it as read
SpamSieve will mark the message as read so that you aren’t distracted by the unread count in Outlook’s sidebar.

When you train a message in Junk Email as good:

Move it back to the inbox
If the messages is in the Junk Email folder, SpamSieve will move it back to the inbox.
Mark it as read
SpamSieve will mark the message as unread, so that it’s now treated as a new message.

If you don’t see the training commands in SpamSieve’s menu bar icon, please see the Show menu bar icon section.

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