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4.5.5   Only Filtering Certain Accounts

When Using the SpamSieve Mail Extension

SpamSieve normally filters all of the accounts set up in Apple Mail. To only filter certain accounts:

  1. Leave Enable spam filtering using Mail extension checked in SpamSieve’s Settings ‣ Apple Mail ‣ Setup.
  2. Uncheck Check inboxes for new messages not sent to Mail extension in Settings ‣ Apple Mail ‣ Setup.
  3. Uncheck SpamSieve in Mail’s Extensions settings.
  4. In Filter spam messages in other mailboxes, select the inboxes (and other mailboxes) of only those accounts that you want SpamSieve to filter.

When Using the SpamSieve Mail Plug-In

SpamSieve normally filters all of the accounts set up in Apple Mail. If you want to exclude certain accounts from filtering, you can edit the SpamSieve rule to list only the accounts that you do want filtered:

apple mail only certain accounts

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