SpamSieve AppleScripts

Copy Whitelist/Blocklist Addresses
Copies the addresses of enabled “Is Equal to” “From (address)” whitelist or blocklist rules to the clipboard.
Corpus Scripting Sample
Demonstrates how to control SpamSieve’s corpus using AppleScript.
Import Blocklist Regex Rules
Creates blocklist rules from a file containing regular expressions.
Import/Export Rules
Demonstrates how to import and export SpamSieve’s rules via AppleScript.
Open Window
Presents a dialog letting you choose a SpamSieve window to open.
Rules Scripting Sample
Demonstrates how to control SpamSieve’s rules using AppleScript.
Whitelist Rules to Address Book
Creates address book cards based on whitelist rules.
Apple Mail - Block Reply-To
Adds a rule to SpamSieve’s blocklist for the selected message’s Reply-To.
Apple Mail - Block Sender
Adds rules to SpamSieve’s blocklist for the selected message’s sender.
Apple Mail - Discard Spam
Completely deletes the messages in the Spam mailbox.
Apple Mail - List Mailboxes
Opens a TextEdit window showing the internal AppleScript names of all your mailboxes.
Apple Mail - Mark Server Spam Messages as Read
Marks all the messages in the server Spam/Junk mailboxes as read
Apple Mail - Move If Spam
Of the selected messages, moves the spam ones to the Junk mailbox.
Apple Mail - Remote Training
Training script for setting up a spam filtering drone with Apple Mail.
Apple Mail - Report Spam
Forwards selected spam messages to
Apple Mail - Rescue Good Messages
Automatically filter messages caught by server junk filters, moving the good messages to the inbox.
Apple Mail - SaneBox
Automatically applies SpamSieve to unread messages in the @SaneLater and other mailboxes.
Apple Mail - Save Spam
Saves messages to a Spam folder on the desktop.
Apple Mail - Server Junk Mailbox
Automatically applies SpamSieve to unread messages in server Junk mailboxes.
Entourage - Discard Read Spam
Completely deletes the messages in the Spam folder that have been read.
Entourage - Discard Spam
Completely deletes the messages in the Spam folder.
Entourage - Import Whitelist
Adds addresses in Entourage’s address book to SpamSieve’s whitelist.
Entourage - Load Addresses
Loads the addresses in Entourage’s address book into SpamSieve.
Entourage - Redirect Good Mail
Moves spam messages to the Spam folder and redirects good messages to another address.
Entourage - Remove Spam From Server
Removes the messages in the Spam folder from the mail server.
Entourage - Vacation Message
Moves spam messages to the Spam folder and replies to good messages with a canned message.
Entourage - Whitelist Sender Domains
Creates whitelist rules for the senders’ domains.
Entourage - Whitelist Recipients
Adds the recipients of the current message to SpamSieve’s whitelist.
Mailsmith - Label By Score
Labels spam messages according to their spamminess.
Mailsmith - Whitelist Recipients
Adds the recipients of the current message to SpamSieve’s whitelist.
Outlook - Filter Mailboxes
Periodically filter new messages in the inbox with SpamSieve.
Outlook - Remote Training
Training script for setting up a spam filtering drone with Outlook.
Outlook - Whitelist Recipients
Adds the recipients of the current message to SpamSieve’s whitelist.
PowerMail - Redirect Good Mail
Moves spam messages to the Spam folder and redirects good messages to another address.
PowerMail - Uncertain Spam Condition
Can be used as a mail filter condition to match messages that are barely considered spam.
PowerMail - Whitelist Recipients
Adds the recipients of the current message to SpamSieve’s whitelist.

There are also scripts for other applications.