Why does EagleFiler in Safari require a port to the Internet?


It appears that to add a page to my local EagleFiler Library from Safari, I need to allow EagleFiler to connect to the Internet.

Why is this the case? To add a page from Safari.app to an EagleFiler library, who does EagleFiler send information to / receive information from? And for what purpose?

Is it actually just doing a localhost loopback between Safari and EagleFiler ? Or is it really going to a remote server? There’s obviously a privacy/security issue involved in routing information from Safari.



Safari sends EagleFiler the URL, and EagleFiler connects to the Web server and downloads the entire page.

(If you don’t want it to do this, you can use the File > Save command in Safari to save the page into EagleFiler’s library folder.)

Thank you.
That’s quite reasonable.

