ToothFairy 2.4.6
July 11th, 2018 (ToothFairy)Version 2.4.6 of ToothFairy is now available. This is a free update that includes the following changes:
- The shell script text views now use a monospaced font for better readability of punctuation characters.
- The shell script text views now disable automatic quote and dash substitution so that you don’t accidentally get smart punctuation in your scripts.
- Fixed a bug where opening the Preferences window didn’t always bring it to the front.
- Fixed a bug where the disconnection script was not run.
- Fixed a bug where there was extra space at the end of the tooltip when hovering over the menu bar icon.
- Fixed a bug where some of the menu bar icons were not centered when the battery indicator was visible.
- Updated the German localization.
ToothFairy 2.4.6 works with macOS 10.11 through 10.13 and requires a Bluetooth device.