BBAutoComplete 1.5.4
April 25th, 2012 (BBAutoComplete)Version 1.5.4 of BBAutoComplete is now available. It includes the following enhancements:
- Added support for TextWrangler 4. Also, completion now works in TextWrangler search results browser windows.
- BBAutoComplete now has an automatic keyboard shortcut in Microsoft Word 2011. (Previous versions of Word need FastScripts to assign a shortcut.)
- BBAutoComplete now runs as 64-bit under Mac OS X 10.6 and later, which should make it launch faster.
- BBAutoComplete is now code-signed using a Developer ID certificate for Gatekeeper.
- Modernized the Software Update window and code.
- Made various improvements to the documentation.
- Updated the disk image and Apple Help layouts.
For information about previous releases of BBAutoComplete, please see the version history.