DropDMG 2.7.3
October 25th, 2005 (DropDMG)Version 2.7.3 of DropDMG is now available.
This is a free update that includes the following changes:
- You can now view and set the current configuration from DropDMG’s Dock menu.
- Added “Expand Disk Image” Automator action, which replaces a disk image with a folder containing the image’s contents. You can create an “Expand Image” contextual menu item in the Finder by creating a single-step Automator workflow with this action and saving it as a Finder plug-in.
- Problems with the destination folder are now reported using the “choose destination” sheet instead of in a separate alert.
- The software update feature now shows a sheet instead of an alert when there’s a new version, so it won’t interfere with scripted operations.
- Fixed regression where DropDMG would complain at launch if one of the configurations’ destination folders didn’t exist.
- Fixed bug where DropDMG would waste CPU time animating an off-screen progress bar after finishing an operation.
- Added Technical Support & Feedback item to Help menu.
- Updated eSellerate engine and PCRE.