DropDMG 1.5

May 2nd, 2002 (DropDMG)
DropDMG Icon

Version 1.5 of DropDMG is now available.

This is a free update that includes the following changes:

  • Multi-threading—DropDMG can create more than one image at a time, and the interface remains responsive.
  • Can divide large images into multiple segments of fixed size.
  • Creates uncompressed read-only images, which often compress better with GZip than internally-compressed image files do.
  • Creates read-write images.
  • Encodes Mac OS 9 .img images with MacBinary so that they can be transferred on the Internet.
  • The status window displays a log that shows all the completed operations and errors.
  • The status window now shows all the format options that are in effect.
  • Faster copying of Mac metadata.
  • Worked around Apple bug that sometimes caused errors when creating large images. hdiutil crashed when expanding sparse images.
  • Fixed bug where DropDMG mistakenly resolved symlinks when copying Mac metadata. This had caused some metadata not to be copied, and also caused image creation to fail if the user didn’t have write access to the original file.
  • Fixed regression where DropDMG sometimes didn’t complain when the destination folder was inside the source folder.
  • Tries several times to eject images, rather than giving up immediately.
  • More detailed reporting of file copy errors.
  • More accurate reporting of what state the image creation process is in when errors occur.
  • Mailing list for version announcements has a Web interface.

For more information, please see the DropDMG Manual.