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6.1.4   Use Outlook/Entourage contacts

With this option enabled, SpamSieve will never predict a message to be spam if its sender’s e-mail address is in the contacts list for Entourage or Outlook. When you install SpamSieve, you should click the Load Contacts button to make SpamSieve read in the addresses in the Outlook or Entourage address book. The addresses are loaded into SpamSieve’s memory and stored in its preferences file, but they are not displayed in the Allowlist window because they are not allowlist rules. When SpamSieve classifies a message, you can see in the Log window how many Outlook contacts SpamSieve had loaded at that time.

Re-loading Addresses

Whenever you add addresses to the Outlook or Entourage address book, you should go back to SpamSieve’s settings and click Load Contacts so that SpamSieve learns about the new addresses. (This is not necessary for addresses that have already sent you e-mails, as SpamSieve will automatically see those messages and add the addresses to its allowlist.)

If you remove addresses from the Outlook or Entourage address book, you should hold down the Option key when clicking Load Contacts; this tells SpamSieve to forget the old addresses before loading the new ones. Do not click Load Contacts while Outlook Entourage is downloading and filtering mail, as this may cause it to freeze.

Your Own Addresses

If you have Catch spam sent from my own addresses checked, addresses on the macOS Contacts app’s “Me” card will not be checked against Entourage or Outlook’s address book. This helps prevent forged spams from getting through.

Multiple Identities

If you have multiple Outlook orEntourage identities, you can load the addresses into SpamSieve in sequence. Click Load Contacts, then change to another identity and click Load Contacts again, etc.

     Contents  SpamSieve Manual  Translate  Technical Support