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2.5   Uninstalling SpamSieve

Please Contact Us

If you are considering uninstalling SpamSieve because you’re having trouble using it or it doesn’t seem to meet your needs, please see this page or contact us at We’re happy to help get you up and running and always looking for suggestions for how to improve SpamSieve.

Temporarily Disabling SpamSieve

You can easily turn off SpamSieve if you don’t want your mail to be filtered for a while. For example, it can be helpful to disable spam filtering while you are troubleshooting your other mail rules.

Fully Uninstalling SpamSieve

Disabling spam filtering (as described above) will remove most of SpamSieve’s helper files.

If you are using the Apple Mail plug-in, you can additionally go to the Settings ‣ Apple Mail ‣ Setup window in SpamSieve and click the Uninstall Plug-In… button. This will offer to delete the SpamSieve rule(s) in Mail for you. (Note: If you are using multiple Macs and wish to continue using SpamSieve on one of the others, you wouldn’t want the deletion to propagate through iCloud, so you should instead uncheck the rule rather than deleting it.)

If you are using Outlook, any SpamSieve rules that you had created in Outlook’s Tools ‣ Rules window.

To completely uninstall SpamSieve, drag the SpamSieve application file in your Applications folder to the trash.

Other Mail Clients


Uncheck the Use SpamSieve checkbox in the Advanced section of the settings (described in Setting Up Airmail).


The scripts are located in the Entourage Script Menu Items folder inside Microsoft User Data (which is probably in your Documents folder). Go to Entourage’s Tools menu and choose Junk E-mail Protection… (or Junk Mail Filter in Entourage v.X) and re-enable Entourage’s junk mail filter.


Delete the SpamSieve rule (described in Setting Up GyazMail).


Uncheck SpamSieve (described in Setting Up MailMate).


Uncheck Use SpamSieve (described in Setting Up Mailsmith).

Outlook 2011

Delete the SpamSieve script files that are located in the Outlook Script Menu Items folder inside Microsoft User Data (which is probably in your Documents folder).

Additional scripts are located in the folder:

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/Outlook Script Menu Items/

See the How can I open the Library folder? section for how to get to this folder.


Choose Add-ons from Postbox’s Tools menu. Click the remove button next to SpamSieve Postbox Plug-in.


Go to the Spam filter assistant (described in Setting Up PowerMail).

Removing SpamSieve’s Data Files

You can optionally delete SpamSieve’s data files, which are stored at:

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/SpamSieve

See the How can I open the Library folder? section. If you delete these files, you will have to re-train SpamSieve if you reinstall it.

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