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4.3.1   Setting Up an Apple Mail Drone

This section is a continuation of the Setting Up a Spam Filtering Drone instructions for people using Apple Mail.

  1. If you are using the Mail extension or the Mail plug-in with the standard rule, you can skip to Step 2. Otherwise, if you are longtime SpamSieve user, we recommend following the Setting the Junk Mailbox in Apple Mail instructions.

  2. Download the Apple Mail - Remote Training script file and put it in the folder:

    /Users/<username>/Library/Application Scripts/

    If you need help finding the right Library folder, see this page.

  3. Go to Mail’s Settings window and create a new rule at the top of the list (above the SpamSieve rule, if present) called Remote Training. (The rule’s name must not start with SpamSieve.) The conditions should say:

    Every Message

    The actions should say:

    Run AppleScript […]Apple Mail - Remote Training.scpt

    After choosing Run AppleScript from the pop-up menu, select the file that you created in Step 2 (using either the pop-up menu or the Choose… button).

    Mail may ask if you want to apply the rule; click Don’t Apply.

  4. If you are using iCloud to sync your Mail rules between multiple Macs, make sure that both the SpamSieve and Remote Training rules are unchecked on all the Macs except for the drone.

  5. If desired, you can set up keyboard shortcuts on any non-drone Macs for moving messages into the Train mailboxes. In Mail’s View menu, choose Show Favorites Bar. Then drag the TrainGood and TrainSpam mailboxes to the favorites bar. There will then be keyboard shortcuts for these messages in the Mailbox ‣ Move to Favorite Mailbox submenu.

Note: You can test that the script works by running it in Script Editor; it should move any messages in the TrainGood mailbox to the inbox and any messages in the TrainSpam mailbox to the Junk mailbox. Errors will be reported in the All Messages section of the Console application.

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