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2.2   Installing SpamSieve

  1. If you have not already done so, go to the SpamSieve Web site and click the Download (Free Trial) button. (The trial and full version of SpamSieve are the same file.) After it finishes downloading, double-click the SpamSieve-3.0.5.dmg file.

  2. Drag the SpamSieve icon onto the Applications folder. (It is important that SpamSieve be installed directly in the Applications folder—not in another folder, or in a subfolder—because otherwise your mail program might not be able to find it.)

  3. Double-click the Applications folder to open it.

  4. Double-click the SpamSieve icon to launch it.

    applications folder

  5. Eject the SpamSieve-3.0.5 icon.

    eject disk image

Next, you must follow the instructions in the Using SpamSieve section in order to set up your mail program to use SpamSieve.

If macOS Won’t Launch the App

When you double-click the application file to launch it, macOS may erroneously report:

The app is unlikely to be damaged because the SpamSieve-3.0.5.dmg file opened and mounted without error. The SpamSieve application file is signed with a Developer ID certificate and notarized by Apple. If desired, you can manually verify this, which will also check that the app is not damaged. Instead, what seems to be happening is that macOS is getting confused by some metadata that was added to the SpamSieve-3.0.5.dmg file when your Web browser downloaded it. Either the metadata is incorrect, or macOS is encountering an error when verifying it (perhaps due to a temporary problem with Apple’s servers).

You can work around the problem by downloading the app in a different way (which avoids the metadata). First, open the Terminal app in the Utilities folder in your Applications folder. Then enter this command (all on line line) and press Return.

cd ~/Downloads/ && curl -LO ''
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