After running "Apply Rules" SpamSieve Moves ALL Mail to Spam Folder


I am fairly new to Spam Sieve.

I extensively use rules to filter mail to different business projects. Every once in a while I find I have to run “apply rules” to get stuff to move to the proper boxes (perhaps a mac mail bug?). This morning, when I did this, SpamSieve moved ALL of my inbox messages to the Spam folder. Is this a bug?

I selected all of my messages (thousand or so) and marked them as good, and of course it’s moving them back to the inbox but this is taking well over an hour.

Did I do something wrong here? After running “Apply Rules” I instantly saw that my inboxes were completely empty and it had moved EVERYTHING over to the spam folder.


Yes, there do seem to be some Apple Mail bugs like that, possible related to when the Mac is waking from sleep.

It sounds like maybe your rule isn’t set up properly. Please see the Why is every message going to the Spam mailbox? page.