capturing Journler entries w/ PDFs

I have many Journler entries that a) contain only a pdf icon that links to a pdf and b) others that contain text in addition to the pdf icon.

For both of these, I see that “capture” brings in two files: an rtfd file (containing a pdf icon and text, if any) with the same name and creation date as the Journler entry and a pdf file with the pdf’s filename and creation date.

Is there already available a way to apply the rtfd entry name to the corresponding entry for the pdf file when capturing from Journler?

Or, even better, is there already available a way to do the above and take the text from the rtfd, put it in the note field for the pdf, and delete the rtfd?


What you’re asking for is theoretically possible if you want to write some AppleScript, but there’s no option to do it this way out of the box. EagleFiler tries to capture as much information as possible from Journler. It imports both the RTFD and the attached files, and preserves their names, on the assumption that each may contain valuable content.

thx – will look at that.
Presumably this would be helpful for importing entries (from other appns? as well as Journler) that contain media in the files.

Journler is the only application I’ve seen that works like this. Usually there’s a 1:1 correspondence between “items” in the application and files.

Is there a way to interrupt Capture?
When capturing Journler rtf or rtfd entries, I see that Capture creates separate items for each URL in the rtf. I’d like to interrupt that or stop the process after the rtf is captured.


I don’t understand: are you saying that you only want to capture the RTFs and skip the attached files?

The files (in this case URLs in the body of the rtf) are attached only in the Journler sense of being listed as Websites in the resources pane. They were never downloaded. They exist as only as links.

So, yes, I would prefer to Capture only the body of the rtf.


To do that, put the attached .scpt file in the folder:

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/EagleFiler/Capture Scripts/

Thanks – that’s perfect.

And thanks for the quick response.

Next q: Is there a quick fix also available for converting Journler inter-entry links to EF record links? Iiuc, after capture, the links point back to the Journler database.

No, there’s currently no way to do that. Part of the issue is that there’s no way to know what the EagleFiler record link would be until after the file has been imported into EagleFiler.

Suspected as much.
