A proposal of an EAGLEacademy or a TSAIacademy

I guess we have all been on the DEVONtechnologies forums regarding DEVONthink/ DEVONthinkPro/ DEVONthinkPro Office. I take it we have all seen DEVONacademy. For those that have note seen DEVONacademy it is a webpage with example databases, online tutorials, video tutorials, and scripts for DT/ DTP/ DTPO. DEVONacademy can be found at http://www.devon-technologies.com/support/academy/index.html. I proposed to Michael that we do something similar to DEVONacademy for EagleFiler. Michael wrote that he would definitely like to do that, however, he has not gotten to it because it’s very time-consuming and a lot of other things have had higher priority.

Maybe all of us EagleFiler users could help Michael by start collecting, or rather, submitting sample libraries that we deem would be valuable to others.

Here’s a thread where you can upload screenshots and/or archives of your libraries.