If you’ve previously imported some messages from Mail and now want to do a
new import without creating additional copies of the old messages, there are
several options:
- The simplest solution is to make sure that each message is only stored in
one place: Mail or EagleFiler. If you import using the capture key, the
imported messages will be selected in Mail. After the import has
completed, you can press the Delete key to move them to the trash. Then you
won’t have to worry about importing them again the next time.
- You can use a smart mailbox in Mail to find all the messages newer than a
certain date, i.e. the last time you imported into EagleFiler. Each time you
do an import, update the smart mailbox to the latest date.
Importing New Messages Automatically
It’s most efficient to import messages in bulk from Apple Mail, as described
above. However, you can also set up a rule in Mail that uses the Import From
Apple Mail script to
automatically import each new message into EagleFiler as soon as Mail receives it.