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4.6.4   Separate Spam Folders for Each Account (Outlook 2011)

Normally, SpamSieve puts the spam messages from all your Outlook 2011 accounts into a single folder called Junk E-mail.

If you want to have a separate spam folder for each account, first create the requisite empty folders.

Then, instead of the single SpamSieve - Move Messages rule described in the Setting Up Outlook 2011 section, create two rules per account. For example:

  1. SpamSieve - Move messages - Account 1 - Junk

    When a new message arrives: If all conditions are met:

    • Category Is Junk
    • Folder Is INBOX (Account 1)

    Do the following:

    • Move Message Junk E-mail (Account 1)
  2. SpamSieve - Move messages - Account 1 - Uncertain Junk

    When a new message arrives: If all conditions are met:

    • Category Is Uncertain Junk
    • Folder Is INBOX (Account 1)

    Do the following:

    • Move Message Junk E-mail (Account 1)

And similarly create two rules for Account 2, etc.

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