un-erasable spam

Lately I have several spam messages in the SpamSieve folder that I can not erase. Most of the spam erases just fine, but the few that are un-erasable do not go away from session to session. Does anyone have a thought what I can do to resolve the problem?
Robert Herrick

The spam folder is managed by the mail program, not SpamSieve. Which mail program are you using? It might help to rebuild its database, or to delete the entire spam folder and make a new one.

Reply to Michael Tsai
Thanks for your response.

I am using Apple Mail. I had thought about deleting the spam folders and starting over, but I hoped there was an easier way. Every day or so I collect a couple of more un-erasable messages, and I was concerned that approach would be a short term solution.

If I do a rebuild on the Apple Mail data base, will I need to move all my saved mail to a separate folder to avoid loosing it?

It depends on the source of the problem.


I am having the same problem as Robert. In my case there is only one offending spam that won’t go away. I have made the mistake several times of doing a “select all” and delete. It pretty much freezes all of them and I have to undelete them and then select only the ones I know will go away. I am also using Apple Mail so was it determined which of the above two suggestions will work?

Sorry, but I don’t understand. What does “freezes” mean in this context? Why do you have to undelete?

Both might help, but I’d try deleting the mailbox first.

Sorry, I didn’t mean it to be confusing. Sometimes my phrasing gets ahead of my brain. By freezing I meant that because of the one bad spam, all of the spams I had selected greyed out and would not delete. They just stayed there. I couldn’t even drag them to the trash. I would then have to undelete them (there was that choice), then select all the ones except the offending one and delete them. The bad one just had to stay there.

I did finally do the rebuild on the Spam mailbox and it went away. Everything seems to be working now.
